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Command used: |
Java class: | org.dspace.discovery.IndexClient |
Arguments (short and long forms): | Description |
called without any options, will update/clean an existing index | |
| (re)build index, wiping out current one if it exists |
| clean existing index removing any documents that no longer exist in the db |
| if updating existing index, force each handle to be reindexed even if uptodate |
| print this help message |
-i <object handle> | Reindex an individual object (and any child objects). When run on an Item, it just reindexes that single Item. When run on a Collection, it reindexes the Collection itself and all Items in that Collection. When run on a Community, it reindexes the Community itself and all sub-Communities, contained Collections and contained Items. |
| remove an Item, Collection or Community from index based on its handle |
-s | Rebuild the spellchecker, can be combined with -b and -f. |
-t <object type> | Only index objects of a specific type (e.g. Collection, Community, Item, ClaimedTask, PoolTask, XmlWorkflowItem, WorkspaceItem). May be combined with other options. For example when combined with "-f" you can force reindex only Items ("-f -t Item"). |
It is recommended to run maintenance on the Discovery Solr index occasionally (from crontab or your system's scheduler), to prevent your servlet container from running out of memory: