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The ORCID Synchronization features depend on other features that must be enabled: DSpace User Profile, Configurable Entities at least Person, Publication, Project & OrgUnit.

The synchronization features are classified as experimental at the time of 7.3 and it MUST be enabled manually. Due to the strict validation rules applied on the ORCID side and the absence of friendly edit UI  for the archived items in DSpace (see issues#2876), it is hard at this time to achieve an optimal UX.

A few special configurations exist for ORCID Disconnection settings:

Code Block
# Configuration with which it is established which user can disconnect a profile from orcid (none, only the admin, only the owner or both). 
# Allowed values are disabled, only_admin, only_owner or admin_and_owner
orcid.disconnection.allowed-users = admin_and_owner

# Configuration if the orcid sync settings should be remain on the profile when it is disconnected from orcid or not
# (true = retain sync settings, false = delete old sync settings)
orcid.disconnection.remain-sync = true

Configure the push of information from DSpace to ORCID
