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Upgrade Steps
Fortunately the changes in 1.1.1 are only code changes so the update is fairly simple.
- Take down Tomcat.
- It would be a good idea to update any of the third-party tools used by DSpace at this point (e.g. PostgreSQL), following the instructions provided with the relevant tools.
- In [dspace-1.1.1-source] run:
Code Block ant -Dconfig= [dspace]/config/dspace.cfg update
- If you have locally modified JSPs of the following JSPs in your [dspace]/jsp/local directory, you might like to merge the changes in the new 1.1.1 versions into your locally modified ones. You can use the diff command to compare the 1.1 and 1.1.1 versions to do this. The changes are quite minor.
Code Block collection-home.jsp admin/authorize-collection-edit.jsp admin/authorize-community-edit.jsp admin/authorize-item-edit.jsp admin/eperson-edit.jsp
- Restart Tomcat.
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