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Comment: Added docs for video thumbnails


ImageMagick Media Filters

Table of Contents


As of DSpace 7.6, the ImageMagick media filter also supports creating thumbnails of video (MP4) files, provided that "ffmpeg" is installed locally.  See instructions below.


The ImageMagick Media Filters provide consistent, high quality thumbnails for image bitstreams and PDF , PDF bitstreams and video (MP4) bitstreams.

These filters require a separate software installation of the conversion utilities (ImageMagick and Ghostscript: ImageMagick, Ghostscript (to support PDF thumbnails) and/or ffmpeg (to support MP4 thumbnails).  

The media filters use the library im4java to invoke the conversion utilities.  This library constructs a conversion command launches a sub-process to perform the generation of media files.


  1. Install ImageMagick on your server.  The installation process differs based on your operating system.  For example, on Debian/Ubuntu, it's similar to this:

    Code Block
    apt-get install imagemagick

  2. If you wish to generate PDF thumbnails, install Ghostscript on your server. The installation process differs based on your operating system.  For example, on Debian/Ubuntu, it's similar to this:

    Code Block
    apt-get install ghostscript

  3. (New in 7.6) If you wish to generate MP4 (video) thumbnails, install FFmpeg on your server. The installation process differs based on your operating system.  For example, on Debian/Ubuntu, it's similar to this:

    Code Block
    apt-get install ffmpeg

  4. The ImageMagick, Ghostscript, and Ghostscript FFmpeg executables should be accessible from the same directory (e.g. /usr/bin)
    1. This directory MUST be defined in the configuration as describe below.


In the filter.plugins section of your dspace.cfg file, uncomment (or local.cfg) file, specify the ImageMagick media filter definitionfilters you wish to use.

Code Block
# NOTE: When "ImageMagick Image Thumbnail" is enabled, the default "JPEG Thumbnail" should NOT be enabled
filter.plugins = ImageMagick Image Thumbnail

# NOTE: When "ImageMagick PDF Thumbnail" is enabled, the default "PDFBox JPEG Thumbnail" should NOT be enabled
# Requires Ghostscript to also be installed
filter.plugins = ImageMagick PDF Thumbnail, \

# New in 7.6, this will generate thumbnails from video files.
# Requires ffmpeg to also be installed
filter.plugins = ImageMagick Video Thumbnail   

This will activate the following settings which are already present in dspace.cfg :(these do NOT need to be added, as they already exist)

Code Block = = ImageMagick Image Thumbnail, \ = = ImageMagick PDF Thumbnail = = ImageMagick PDFVideo Thumbnail

These media filters contain the several properties which can be configured.


The following property provides a path to the ImageMagick (convert) and , GhostScript (ghostscript), and ffmpeg utilities.

Code Block = /usr/bin

Supported file formats

Each of these ImageMagick filters has its own list of configurable file formats.  The defaults are usually best, but may be updated if you have custom bitstream formats.  These settings already exist in your dspace.cfg.

Code Block = BMP, GIF, PNG, JPG, TIFF, JPEG, JPEG 2000 = Adobe PDF = Video MP4

Overwriting Existing Thumbnails
