Versions Compared


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  • We experimented with a few different designs for incorporating Wikidata information into the catalog prototype.  Our initial design included an info button next to the title.  We realized that having a button for more information about the work that is already represented in the catalog page was potentially confusing.  We then integrated the information directly into the page.  For the final prototype, we added the Wikidata fields to the bottom of the page, but future work could review where the fields should be placed on the page.  
  • For pages where the main title had included works, we used the work info buttons to show more information about the included works and also to lead the user to the author title browse page corresponding to that work.  We used a similar layout for the knowledge panel and for the author title browse page as currently exists for the author knowledge panel and author or subject browse pages in production.
  • Usability testing revealed that, in general, users were able to understand and  use the work info buttons listed next to the included works on the page.  Clicking on these buttons display knowledge panels for included works and allow navigating to author title browse pages.  When integrating information from Wikidata directly into the page, we should update the wording of the Wikidata acknowledgment (e.g. changing the asterisk explanation from "some of the information on this page comes from Wikidata" to "this information comes from Wikidata") and/or consider how design options for displaying the Wikidata acknowledgment interact with the Discogs acknowledgment on a catalog item page. For the Wikidata properties we integrated into the catalog prototype, users found thematic catalog numbers, such as Kochel codes, to be useful.  These catalog numbers help distinguish between musical resources.  It may be useful to include both titles in other languages for the same musical resource and catalog numbers nearer the main title of the resource.  Additional research could shed light on where best to place this information from Wikidata as well as which properties are most relevant for different groups of users.

Development and technology lessons
