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Part One: The AIMS Project Approach and Model

A.   Simon Wilson (Hull University Archives)

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\* After *William Kilbride's (DPC)* brief introduction, *SW* spoke about the structure of the day and gave a brief outline of the [AIMS Project|] (An Inter-Institutional Model for Stewardship of born-digital archives). The event's structure was inspired by the structure of the [Unconference|AIMS:Home] which AIMS organised in Charlottesville in May.  \[This 2 day event was heavily shaped by the delegates themselves with considerable sharing of experience etc.\]


* Involvement in AIMS gave us the courage to ask other depositors if they have any born-digital content – as a result a further 18GB of material has been deposited. Also - experience of working with one depositor keen to be involved in project but then reluctant to transfer digital material to the archives.


B.    Judy Burg (Hull University Archives)

* Processes for born-digital archives in comparison to paper material – comparison of accessioning a floppy disk to accessioning a box without opening it.


Part Two: Collection Development and accessioning

A.   Chris Hilton (Wellcome Library)

* Starting point is to take existing principles and apply them to digital. Eventual aim is one interface for paper and digital.


* Consideration of ISAD(G) fields that may need adjustment: Physical Description (a description of the media the object originally resided on rather than content), Extent (needs to indicate what the user is up against - number of files rather than GB), Date (date created/last modified? i.e. the Photocopy problem).


B.    Elinor Robinson (LSE Archives)

* As well as substantial amounts of digitised material LSE have 38 collections containing born-digital material; approx. 2% of the total. Accessioning digital material in CALM since 2009 though also had backlog of digital material discovered in existing collections. Main work has been on policy and technical infrastructure (Fedora).


Part Three: Lunchtime Open Floor

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*A.  * *Grant Young: brief discussion of Plato and the Evaluating Plato in Cambridge \[EPIC\] project* is exploring the feasibility of using Plato for Cambridge University's Digital Repository. The project worked on a set of word-processed research documents to test migration paths and identify vulnerable formats. In order to identify key objectives they asked their depositors and users for input on what the significant properties of the documents were.

*  Findings will be shared in a paper to be published after the conclusion of the project in July 2011.

B.   Neil Grindley: brief discussion of Curators Workbench's Workbench is a pre-ingest workflow tool developed at the University of North Carolina. Its development was prompted by need for more usable digital preservation tools. The software enables the description of items in MODS and METS as well as creating unique identifiers and checksums. The most novel feature of the tool is its crosswalking ability, which allows automatic matching of MODS records with certain files.


Part Four: Arrangement and Description:

A.  Susan Thomas (Bodleian Library)

* All cataloguing is done in EAD using Oxygen XML editor. Collections are prepared and then passed to dedicated cataloguers and all medium-to-large collections are catalogued on a project basis.


* Tools need development to be more user-friendly. Scale issues already - only have a one-desk licence for FTK.



   Jeremy John (British Library)

* Personal Digital Manuscripts Project (3 years). eMss lab combines curatorial examination with digital forensics*.*


Part Five: Discovery and Access:

A.  Catherine Hardman (Archaeology Data Service)

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\* ADS is a purely digital archive which is embedded in a profession already comfortable with sharing its research and donating to archives. ADS makes \[almost\] all of its holdings available online for free download, and hopes that by selling itself to its users they will eventually become depositors themselves.


* Will be attaching DOIs and making material citable (previously only at collection level). Also considering use of Natural Language Processing.


B.  Tim Gollins

* TG started by demonstrating TNA's new search facility (currently in beta) -- currently for paper, the work has applications for digital archives - will be easier to integrate paper and digital in one interface.
