Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


The params element identifies extra parameters used to build a form field. There are several attributes that may be available for this element depending on the field type.


  • field


  • none


  • cols: optionalThe (optional) The default number of columns that the text area should span. This applies only to textarea field types.
  • maxlength: optionalThe (optional) The maximum length that the theme should accept for form input. This applies to text and password field types.
  • multiple: optionalyes(optional) yes/no value. Determine if the field can accept multiple values for the field. This applies only to select lists.
  • operations: (optional) The possible operations that may be preformed on this field. The possible values are "add" and/or "delete". If both operations are possible then they should be provided as a space separated list.The "add" operations indicates that there may be multiple values for this field and the user may add to the set one at a time. The front-end should render a button that enables the user to add more fields to the set. The button must be named the field name appended with the string "_add", thus if the field√≠s field's name is "firstName" the button must be called "firstName_add".The "delete" operation indicates that there may be multiple values for this field each of which may be removed from the set. The front-end should render a checkbox by each field value, except for the first, The checkbox must be named the field name appended with the string "_selected", thus if the field√≠s field's name is "firstName" the checkbox must be called "firstName_selected" and the value of each successive checkbox should be the field name. The front-end must also render a delete button. The delete button name must be the field√≠s name appended with the string "_delete".
  • rows: optionalThe (optional) The default number of rows that the text area should span. This applies only to textarea field types.
  • size: optionalThe (optional) The default size for a field. This applies to text, password, and select field types.
Code Block


    <field id="" n="name" type="text"

         <params size="16"

        <help>Some help text with <i18n>localized

        <default>Default value goes here</default>




Metadata Reference Element


reference elements can be both contained by includeSet elements and contain includeSets themselves, making the structure recursive.


  • referenceSet


  • referenceSet


  • (zero or more)


  • url: requiredA (required) A url to the external metadata file.
  • repositoryIdentifier: requiredA (required) A reference to the repositoryIdentifier of the repository.
  • type: optionalDescription (optional) Description of the reference object's type.
Code Block

            <includeSet n="browse-list"
             <reference url="/metadata/handle/123/4/mets.xml"
	repositoryID="123" type="DSpace
	Item"/> <reference url="/metadata/handle/123/5/mets.xml"
	repositoryID="123" />


Metadata Reference Element

The referenceSet element is a container of artifact or repository references.


  • div
  • reference


  • head


  • (zero or one)
  • reference


  • (any)


  • id: requiredA (required) A unique identifier of the element
  • n: requiredLocal (required) Local identifier used to differentiate the element from its siblings
  • orderBy: optionalA (optional) A reference to the metadata field that determines the ordering of artifacts or repository objects within the set. When the Dublin Core metadata scheme is used this attribute should be the element.qualifier value that the set is sorted by. As an example, for a browse by title list, the value should be sortedBy=title, while for browse by date list it should be sortedBy=date.created
  • rend: optionalA (optional) A rendering hint used to override the default display of the element.
  • type: requiredDetermines (required) Determines the level of detail for the given metadata. Accepted values are:
    • summaryList: Indicates that the metadata from referenced artifacts or repository objects should be used to build a list representation that is suitable for quick scanning.
    • summaryView: Indicates that the metadata from referenced artifacts or repository objects should be used to build a partial view of the referenced object or objects.
    • detailList: Indicates that the metadata from referenced artifacts or repository objects should be used to build a list representation that provides a complete, or near complete, view of the referenced objects. Whether such a view is possible or different from summaryView depends largely on the repository at hand and the implementing theme.
    • detailView: Indicates that the metadata from referenced artifacts or repository objects should be used to display complete information about the referenced object. Rendering of several references included under this type is up to the theme.
Code Block

            <div ...>
            <head> Example Division </head>
            <p> ... </p>
            <table> ... </table>
             <referenceSet n="browse-list"
	id="XMLTest.referenceSet.browse-list" type="summaryView"
            <head>A header for the includeset</head>


Metadata Element
