Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


The label element is associated with an item and annotates that item with a number, a textual description of some sort, or a simple bullet.


  • item


  • none


  • id: optionalA (optional) A unique identifier of the element
  • n: optionalA (optional) A local identifier used to differentiate the element from its siblings
  • rend: optionalAn (optional) An optional rend attribute provides a hint on how the label should be rendered, independent of its type.
Code Block

<list n="list-example"
  <head>Example List</head>
  <item> This is the first item  </item>
  <item> This is the second item with <hi ...>highlighted text</hi>,
	<xref ...> a link</xref> and an <figure
  <list n="list-example2"
    <head>Example Sublist</head>
    <item> This is the first item  </item>
    <item> This is the second item with <hi ...>highlighted
	text</hi>, <xref ...> a link</xref> and an <figure
    <item> This is the third item with a <field ...> ... </field>
  <item> This is the third item in the list </item>


Structural Element

The list element is used to display sets of sequential data. It contains an optional head element, as well as any number of item and list elements. Items contain textual information, while sublists contain other item or list elements. An item can also be associated with a label element that annotates an item with a number, a textual description of some sort, or a simple bullet. The list type (ordered, bulleted, gloss, etc.) is then determined either by the content of labels on items or by an explicit value of the type attribute. Note that if labels are used in conjunction with any items in a list, all of the items in that list must have a label. It is also recommended to avoid mixing label styles unless an explicit type is specified.


  • div
  • list


  • head


  • (zero or one)
  • label


  • (any)
  • item


  • (any)
  • list


  • (any)


  • id: requiredA (required) A unique identifier of the element
  • n: requiredA (required) A local identifier used to differentiate the element from its siblings
  • rend: optionalAn (optional) An optional rend attribute provides a hint on how the list should be rendered, independent of its type. Common values are but not limited to:
    • alphabet: The list should be rendered as an alphabetical index
    • columns: The list should be rendered in equal length columns as determined by the theme.
    • columns2: The list should be rendered in two equal columns.
    • columns3: The list should be rendered in three equal columns.
    • horizontal: The list should be rendered horizontally.
    • numeric: The list should be rendered as a numeric index.
    • vertical: The list should be rendered vertically.
  • type: optionalAn (optional) An optional attribute to explicitly specify the type of list. In the absence of this attribute, the type of a list will be inferred from the presence and content of labels on its items. Accepted values are:
    • form: Used for form lists that consist of a series of fields.
    • bulleted: Used for lists with bullet-marked items.
    • gloss: Used for lists consisting of a set of technical terms, each marked with a label element and accompanied by the definition marked as an item element.
    • ordered: Used for lists with numbered or lettered items.
    • progress: Used for lists consisting of a set of steps currently being performed to accomplish a task. For this type to apply, each item in the list should represent a step and be accompanied by a label that contains the displayable name for the step. The item contains an xref that references the step. Also the rend attribute on the item element should be: √¨available√Æ "available" (meaning the user may jump to the step using the provided xref), √¨unavailable√Æ "unavailable" (the user has not meet the requirements to jump to the step), or √¨current√Æ "current" (the user is currently on the step)
    • simple: Used for lists with items not marked with numbers or bullets.
Code Block

<div ...>
   <list n="list-example"
    <head>Example List</head>
    <item> ... </item>
    <item> ... </item>
     <list n="list-example2"
      <head>Example Sublist</head>
      <label> ... </label>
      <item> ... </item>
      <label> ... </label>
      <item> ... </item>
      <label> ... </label>
      <item> ... </item>
    <label> ... </label>
    <item> ... </item>


Top-Level Container

The meta element is a top level element and exists directly inside the document element. It serves as a container element for all metadata associated with a document broken up into categories according to the type of metadata they carry.


  • document


  • userMeta


  • (one)
  • pageMeta


  • (one)
  • repositoryMeta


  • (one)


  • None
Code Block
<document version=1.0>
    <userMeta> ... </userMeta>
    <pageMeta> ... </pageMeta>
    <repositoryMeta> ... </repositoryMeta>
  <body> ... </body>
  <options> ... </options>
