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Wiki Markup
h1. DSpace Statistics


DSpace uses the Apache Solr application underlaying the statistics. There is no need to download any separate software. All the necessary software is included.


h2. Usage Event Logging and Usage Statistics Gathering


The DSpace Statistics Implementation is a Client/Server architecture based on Solr for collecting usage events in the JSPUI and XMLUI user interface applications of DSpace.


  Solr runs as a separate webapplication and an instance of Apache Http Client is utilized to allow parallel requests to log statistics events into this Solr instance.


  The Usage Event framework has a couple EventListeners installed which assist in


h2. Configuration settings for Statistics


In the dspace.cfg file review the following fields to make sure they are uncommented:


|| Property


Default Value





 Name \\ || Default Value \\ || Type \\ || Description \\ ||
| solr.log.server


 | ${dspace.baseUrl}/solr/statistics




Is used by the SolrLogger Client class to connect tot the Solr server over http and perform updates and queries. Access to this








Spiders file is utilized by the SolrLogger, this will be populated by running the following command:

Code Block

dsrun org.dspace.statistics.util.SpiderDetector -i <httpd log file>


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 | String \\ | Is used by the SolrLogger Client class to connect tot the Solr server over http and perform updates and queries. In most cases, this can (and should) be set to localhost. |
| solr.spiderips.urls |, \
&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;, \
&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;, \
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&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;, \
&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px Helvetica}, \\\, \\\, \\\, \\\, \\\, \\\, \\\ | String \\ | List of URLs to download spiders files into \[dspace\]/config/spiders. These files contain lists of known spider IPs and are utilized by the SolrLogger to flag usage events with an "isBot" field, or ignore them entirely.\\
The "stats-util" command can be used to force an update of spider files, regenerate "isBot" fields on indexed events, and delete spiders from the index. For usage, run:\\
dspace stats-util -h
from your&nbsp;\[dspace\]/bin directory |
| solr.dbfile \\ | ${dspace.dir}/config/GeoLiteCity.dat




 | String \\ | The following referes to the GeoLiteCity database file utilized by the LocationUtils to calculate the location of client requests based on IP address. During the Ant build process (both fresh_install and update) this file will be downloaded from [] if a new version has been published or it is absent from your \[dspace\]/config




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Will cause Statistics loging to look for X-Forward URI to detect clients IP that have accessed it through a Proxy service.  Allows detection of client IP when accessing DSpace. [Note: This setting is found in the DSpace Logging sesction of dspace.cfg]



 directory. \\ |
| useProxies \\ | true \\ | boolean \\ | Will cause Statistics loging to look for X-Forward URI to detect clients IP that have accessed it through a Proxy service.&nbsp; Allows detection of client IP when accessing DSpace. \[Note: This setting is found in the DSpace Logging sesction of dspace.cfg\] |
| statistics.item.authorization.admin






Enables access control restriction on DSpace  Statistics pages, Restrictions are based on access rights to Community, Collection and Item Pages. This will require the user to sign on to see that statistics. Setting the statistics to "false" will make them publicly available.

Upgrade Process for Statistics.

Example of rebuild and redeploy DSpace (only if you have configured your distribution in this manner)

First approach the traditional DSpace build process for updating

Code Block
 | true \\ | boolean \\ | Enables access control restriction on DSpace&nbsp; Statistics pages, Restrictions are based on access rights to Community, Collection and Item Pages. This will require the user to sign on to see that statistics. Setting the statistics to "false" will make them publicly available. |


h3. Upgrade Process for Statistics.

Example of rebuild and redeploy DSpace (only if you have configured your distribution in this manner)

First approach the traditional DSpace build process for updating

 cd [dspace-source]/dspace
 mvn package
 cd [dspace-source]/dspace/target/dspace-<version>-build.dir
 ant -Dconfig=[dspace]/config/dspace.cfg update
 cp -R [dspace]/webapps/* [TOMCAT]/webapps



The last step is only used if you are not mounting _\[~mdiggory:dspace\]/webapps_ directly into your Tomcat, Resin or Jetty host (the recommended practice)If you only need to build the statistics, and don't make any changes to other web applications, you can replace the copy step above with:


 cp -R dspace/webapps/solr TOMCAT/webapps


_Again, only if you are not mounting \[~mdiggory:dspace\]/webapps directly into your Tomcat, Resin or Jetty host (the recommended practice)_


Restart your webapps (Tomcat/Jetty/Resin)


h2. Older setting that are no currently utilized in the reports


Are the following Dspace.cfg fields still used by the new 1.6 Statistics?   If not, we need to either document this well or remove them altogether:


 ###### Statistical Report Configuration Settings ######

 # should the stats be publicly available?  should be set to false if you only
 # want administrators to access the stats, or you do not intend to generate
 # any
 report.public = false

 # directory where live reports are stored
 report.dir = ${dspace.dir}/reports/

These fields are not used by the new 1.6 Statistics, but are only related to the Statistics from previous DSpace releases