Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Enable the Discovery Aspects in the XMLUI by changing the following settings in xmlui.xconf
    Code Block
            <aspect name="Artifact Browser" path="resource://aspects/ArtifactBrowser/" />
            <aspect name="Administration" path="resource://aspects/Administrative/" />
            <aspect name="E-Person" path="resource://aspects/EPerson/" />
            <aspect name="Submission and Workflow" path="resource://aspects/Submission/" />
    	<aspect name="Statistics" path="resource://aspects/Statistics/" />
                To enable Discovery, uncomment this Aspect that will enable it
                within your existing XMLUI
                <aspect name="Discovery" path="resource://aspects/Discovery/" />
                This aspect tests the various possible DRI features,
                it helps a theme developer create themes
            <!-- <aspect name="XML Tests" path="resource://aspects/XMLTest/"/> -->
  2. Enable the Discovery Indexing Consumer that will update Discovery Indexes on changes to content in XMLUI, JSPUI, SWORD, and LNI.
  3. Code Block
    #### Event System Configuration ####
    # default synchronous dispatcher (same behavior as traditional DSpace)
    event.dispatcher.default.class = org.dspace.event.BasicDispatcher
    event.dispatcher.default.consumers = search, browse, eperson, harvester
    # comment out above and uncomment below to enable discovery indexing
    # event.dispatcher.default.consumers = search, browse, discovery, eperson, harvester
  4. Reindex you DSpace instance into Discovery by executing the commandline reindex using the discovery IndexClient class
    Code Block
    ./dspace dsrun org.dspace.discovery.IndexClient

Instructions for Configuring Discovery

Discovery can be configured at multiple levels of the application. Outlined below will be where in Discovery changes can be made that will alter the presentation. The primary place that the user experience is altered in XMLUi is through the dspace-solr-search.cfg file

Configuring Facets that are Exposed for Search Results

Code Block

##### Search Indexing ##### = http://localhost:8080/solr/search

# Should no solr facet be configured for a certain page, this one will be used as default
#Every solr facet field which ends with :date will be handled as a date
#Handeling as date implies that {}.year will be used for faceting,dc.subject_lc,dateissued:date,dc.subject_lc,dateissued:date


# Makes sure that we have a gap from 6 years for our date fields (past 5 & the current) = true

# Put any default search filters here, these filters will be applied to any search in discovery
# You can specify multiple filters by separating them using ;
# You can also specify (additional) filter(s)
## for homepage recent submissions
## for community recent submissions
## for collection recent submissions
## for searches
## for browsing

# The filters which can be selected in the search form

Advanced Configuration in Solr

Solr itself now runs two cores.  One for collection DSpace Solr based "statistics", the other for Discovery Solr based "search"

Code Block

├── search
│   ├── conf
│   │   ├── admin-extra.html
│   │   ├── elevate.xml
│   │   ├── protwords.txt
│   │   ├── schema.xml
│   │   ├── scripts.conf
│   │   ├── solrconfig.xml
│   │   ├── spellings.txt
│   │   ├── stopwords.txt
│   │   ├── synonyms.txt
│   │   └── xslt
│   │       ├── DRI.xsl
│   │       ├── example.xsl
│   │       ├── example_atom.xsl
│   │       ├── example_rss.xsl
│   │       └── luke.xsl
│   └── conf2
├── solr.xml
└── statistics
    └── conf
        ├── admin-extra.html
        ├── elevate.xml
        ├── protwords.txt
        ├── schema.xml
        ├── scripts.conf
        ├── solrconfig.xml
        ├── spellings.txt
        ├── stopwords.txt
        ├── synonyms.txt
        └── xslt
            ├── example.xsl
            ├── example_atom.xsl
            ├── example_rss.xsl
            └── luke.xsl

Design Premis for Discovery
