Versions Compared


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  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: formatting cleanup


<ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="6e8c3166389a7b88-408b1d32-437c48d1-bfb09a66-fd66b7512a253048920e688f"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[

Command used:

[dspace]/bin/dspace structure-builder


Java class:


Argument: short and long (if available) forms:

Description of the argument


Source xml file.


Output xml file.


Email of DSpace Administrator.


<ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="cefa21b855f941df-efb3a64b-44a344d6-8512a6ed-ebd4643cabb14086c23c01e8"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[

Command used:

[dspace]/bin/dspace import


Java class:

Arguments short and (long) forms:


-a or --add

Add items to DSpace ‡

-r or --replace

Replace items listed in mapfile ‡

-d or --delete

Delete items listed in mapfile ‡

-s or --source

Source of the items (directory)

-c or --collection

Destination Collection by their Handle or database ID

-m or --mapfile

Where the mapfile for items can be found (name and directory)

-e or --eperson

Email of eperson doing the importing

-w or --workflow

Send submission through collection's workflow

-n or --notify

Kicks off the email alerting of the item(s) has(have) been imported

-t or --test

Test run‚ do not actually import items

-p or --template

Apply the collection template

-R or --resume

Resume a failed import (Used on Add only)

-h or --help

Command help


<ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="3b2ffeace88c250e-be8d1375-4e444579-a8659a83-e79135af3002428d812b1ed8"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[

Command used:

[dspace]/bin/dspace export


Java class:

Arguments short and (long) forms:


-t or --type

Type of export. COLLECTION will inform the program you want the whole collection. ITEM will be only the specific item. (You will actually key in the keywords in all caps. See examples below.)

-i or --id

The ID or Handle of the Collection or Item to export.

-d or --dest

The destination of where you want the file of items to be placed. You place the path if necessary.

-n or --number

Sequence number to begin export the items with. Whatever number you give, this will be the name of the first directory created for your export. The layout of the export is the same as you would set your layout for an Import.

-m or --migrate

Export the item/collection for migration. This will remove the handle and metadata that will be re-created in the new instance of DSpace.

-h or --help

Brief Help.


<ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="1c7c5604f1c6f395-ab6735fd-48914301-89eb9e10-4c71290025926f8e57580bf6"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[

Command used:

[dspace]/bin/dspace itemupdate


Java class:

Arguments short and (long) forms:


<ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="e34d4646ded3f859-6813a8fe-4c204254-bd17b8f3-7db683348716a73f5a17b7f9"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[

-a or --addmetadata [metadata element]

Repeatable for multiple elements. The metadata element should be in the form dc.x or dc.x.y. The mandatory argument indicates the metadata fields in the dublin_core.xml file to be added unless already present. However, duplicate fields will not be added to the item metadata without warning or error.


<ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="23b79cf01946053e-cfbad2e2-45354850-b9a894ed-352d5659a8d48c7e2e07c7b4"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[

-d or --deletemetadata [metadata element]

Repeatable for multiple elements. All metadata fields matching the element will be deleted.


-A or --addbitstream

Adds bitstreams listed in the contents file with the bistream metadata cited there.

<ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="e051f32f3654fc3a-ac0a824b-45c7429a-8ef8bedb-a9e820e3fe5135b57b32c9ec"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[

-D or --deletebitstream [filter plug classname or alias]

Not repeatable. With no argument, this operation deletes bistreams listed in the deletes_contents file. Only bitstream ids are recognized identifiers for this operatiotn. The optional filter argument is the classname of an implementation of class to identify files for deletion or one of the aliases (ORIGINAL, ORIGINAL_AND_DERIVATIVES, TEXT, THUMBNAIL) which reference existing filters based on membership in a bundle of that name. IN this case, the delete_contents file is not required for any item. The filter properties file will contains properties pertinent to the particular filer used. Multiple filters are not allowed.


-h or --help

Displays brief command line help.

-e or --eperson

Email address of the person or the user's database ID (Required)

-s or --source

Directory archive to process (Required)

-i or --itemidentifier

Specifies an alternate metadata field (not a handle) used to hold an identifier used to match the DSpace item with that in the archive. If omitted, the item handle is expected to be located in the dc.identifier.uri field. (Optional)

-t or --test

Runs the process in test mode with logging but no changes applied to the DSpace instance. (Optional)

-P or --alterprovenance

Prevents any changes to the provenance field to represent changes in the bitstream content resulting from an Add or Delete. No provenance statements are written for thumbnails or text derivative bitstreams, un keepin with the practice of MediaFilterManager. (Optional)

-F or --filterproperties

The filter properties files to be used by the delete bitstreams action (Optional)


<ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="f7487a97aeeb9417-68b4d8a6-4f1c4d0b-a6018a04-587b2f0615f800ac068eb9f1"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[

Command used:

[dspace]/bin/dspace community-filiator


Java class:


Arguments short and (long) forms:


-s or --set

Set a parent/child relationship

-r or --remove

Remove a parent/child relationship

-c or --child

Child community (Handle or database ID)

-p or --parent

Parent community (Handle or database ID

-h or --help

Online help.


<ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="2903a0df2ac33018-642af4d9-41df4d41-b05ab57d-f8eeb7ea5b5081ab3f672581"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[

Command used:

[dspace]/bin/dspace metadata-export


Java class:

Arguments short and (long) forms):


-f or --file

Required. The filename of the resulting CSV.

-i or --id

The Item, Collection, or Community handle or Database ID to export. If not specified, all items will be exported.

-a or --all

Include all the metadata fields that are not normally changed (e.g. provenance) or those fields you configured in the dspace.cfg to be ignored on export.

-h or --help

Display the help page.


<ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="2d4d3e2eecd869e4-6e48d321-480946b5-9b9bb2f5-699161f10f6f5fe816de93a0"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[

Command used:

[dspace]/bin/dspace metadata-import


Java class:

Arguments short and (long) forms:


-f or --file

Required. The filename of the CSV file to load.

-s or --silent

Silent mode. The import function does not prompt you to make sure you wish to make the changes.

-e or --email

The email address of the user. This is only required when adding new items.

-w or --workflow

When adding new items, the program will queue the items up to use the Collection Workflow processes.

-n or --notify

when adding new items using a workflow, send notification emails.

-t or --template

When adding new items, use the Collection template, if it exists.

-h or --help

Display the brief help page.


<ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="45e4da91e376f5dc-2905df54-40664071-bdbab9d4-707819a4195dd76de5895883"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[

Command used:

_[dspace]_/bin/dspace checker


Java class:

Arguments short and (long) forms):


-L or --continuous

Loop continuously through the bitstreams

-a or --handle

Specify a handle to check

-b <bitstream-ids>

Space separated list of bitstream IDs

-c or --count

Check count

-d or --duration

Checking duration

-h or --help

Calls online help

-l or --looping

Loop once through bitstreams

-p <prune>

Prune old results (optionally using specified properties file for configuration

-v or --verbose

Report all processing

There are three aspects of the Checksum Checker's operation that can be configured:


Available command line options

  • Wiki Markup
    \*Limited-count mode:* *_{{\[dspace\]/bin/dspace checker \-c_}} To check a specific number of bitstreams. The \_-c_ option if followed by an integer, the number of bitstreams to check. Example: _{{\[dspace/bin/dspace checker \-c 10_}} This is particularly useful for checking that the checker is executing properly. The Checksum Checker's default execution mode is to check a single bitstream, as if the option was \_-c 1_
  • Wiki Markup
    *Duration mode:*_ {{\[dspace\]/bin/dspace checker \-d_}} To run the Check for a specific period of time with a time argument. You may use any of the time arguments below: Example: \_{{\[dspace/bin/dspace checker \-d 2h_}} (Checker will run for 2 hours)\|















    The checker will keep starting new bitstream checks for the specific durations, so actual execution duration will be slightly longer than the specified duration. Bear this in mind when scheduling checks.
  • Wiki Markup
    *Specific Bistream mode:*_ {{\[dspace\]/bin/dspace checker \-b_}} Checker will only look at the internal bitsteam IDs. Example: \_{{\[dspace\]/bin/dspace checker \-b 112 113 4567_}} Checker will only check bitstream IDs 112, 113 and 4567.
  • Wiki Markup
    *Specific Handle mode:*_ {{\[dspace\]/bin/dspace checker \-a_Checkr}} Checker will only check bistreams within the Community, Community or the item itself. Example: \_{{\[dspace\]/bin/dspace checker \-a 123456/999_}} Checker will only check this handle. If it is a Collection or Community, it will run through the entire Collection or Community.The Check
  • Wiki Markup
    *Looping mode:*_ {{\[dspace\]/bin/dspace checker \-l_}} or \_{{\[dspace\]/bin/dspace checker \-L_}} There are two modes. The lowercase 'el' (-l) specifies to check every bitstream in the repository once. This is recommended for smaller repositories who are able to loop through all their content in just a few hours maximum. An uppercase 'L' (-L) specifies to continuously loops through the repository. This is not recommended for most repository systems. *Cron Jobs*. For large repositories that cannot be completely checked in a couple of hours, we recommend the \-d option in cron.
  • Wiki Markup
    *Pruning mode:*\_ {{\[dspace\]/bin/dspace checker \-p_}} The Checksum Checker will store the result of every check in the checksum_histroyhistory table. By default, successful checksum matches that are eight weeks old or older will be deleted when the \-p option is used. (Unsuccessful ones will be retained indefinitel). Without this option, the retention settings are ignored and the database table may grow rather large\!

Checker Results Pruning

As stated above in "Pruning mode", the checksum_history table can get rather large, and that running the checker with the -p assists in the size of the checksum_history being kept manageable. The amount of time for which results are retained in the checksum_history table can be modified by one of two methods:

  1. Wiki Markup
    Editing the retention policies in _{{\[dspace\]/config/dspace.cfg_}} See Chapter 5 Configuration for the property keys. OR
  2. Pass in a properties file containting retention policies when using the -p option.To do this, create a file with the following two property keys:
    Code Block
    checker.retention.default = 10y
    checker.retention.CHECKSUM_MATCH = 8w
    Wiki Markup
    You can use the table above for your time units. At the command line:
    Code Block
     {{\[dspace\]/bin/dspace checker -p retention_file_name <ENTER>}}

Checker Reporting

Wiki Markup
Checksum Checker uses log4j to report its results. By default it will report to a log called _{{\[dspace\]/log/checker.log_}}, and it will report only on bitstreams for which the newly calculated checksum does not match the stored checksum. To report on all bitstreams checked regardless of outcome, use the _\-v_ (verbose) command line option:

Wiki Markup
_{{\[dspace\]/bin/dspace checker \-l \-v_}} (This will loop through the repository once and report in detail about every bitstream checked.

Wiki Markup
To change the location of the log, or to modify the prefix used on each line of output, edit the _{{\[dspace\]/config/templates/log4j.properties_}} file and run _{{\[dspace\]/bin/install_configs_}}.

Cron or Automatic Execution of Checksum Checker

You should schedule the Checksum Checker to run automatically, based on how frequently you backup your DSpace instance (and how long you keep those backups). The size of your repository is also a factor. For very large repositories, you may need to schedule it to run for an hour (e.g. -d 1h option) each evening to ensure it makes it through your entire repository within a week or so. Smaller repositories can likely get by with just running it weekly.

Unix, Linux, or MAC OS. You can schedule it by adding a cron entry similar to the following to the crontab for the user who installed DSpace:unmigrated-wiki-markup

Code Block


0 4 




 * 0 




]/bin/dspace checker 






The above cron entry would schedule the checker to run the checker every Sunday at 400 (4:00 a.m.) for 2 hours. It also specifies to 'prune' the database based on the retention settings in dspace.cfg.

Windows OS. You will be unable to use the checker shell script. Instead, you should use Windows Schedule Tasks to schedule the following command to run at the appropriate times: Wiki Markup_''\

Code Block






dspace checker -d2h 



_ (This command should appear on a single line).

Automated Checksum Checkers' Results


<ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="438d8904f9196501-92f95178-46814370-b52abb4d-685670ab61e7b015f3ca979a"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[

Command used:

_[dspace]_/bin/dspace checker-emailer


Java class:


Arguments short and (long) forms):


-a or --All

Send all the results (everything specified below)

-d or --Deleted

Send E-mail report for all bitstreams set as deleted for today.

-m or --Missing

Send E-mail report for all bitstreams not found in assetstore for today.

-c or --Changed

Send E-mail report for all bitstrems where checksum has been changed for today.

-u or --Unchanged

Send the Unchecked bitstream report.

-n or --Not Processed

Send E-mail report for all bitstreams set to longer be processed for today.

-h or --help


You can also combine options (e.g. -m -c) for combined reports.

Cron. Follow the same steps above as you would running checker in cron. Change the time but match the regularity. Remember to schedule this *after* Checksum Checker has run..


If you have implemented the Embargo feature, you will need to run it periodically to check for Items with expired embargoes and lift them.

<ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="774082de47b2aeaa-0d57fc12-44b04f8a-a251a335-c33e3be1791d9bd9b7783666"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[

Command used:

_[dspace]_/bin/dspace embargo-lifter


Java class:


Arguments short and (long) forms):


c or -check

ONLY check the state of embargoed Items, do NOT lift any embargoes

i or -identifier

Process ONLY this handle identifier(s), which must be an Item. Can be repeated.

l or -lift

Only lift embargoes, do NOT check the state of any embargoed items.

n or -dryrun

Do no change anything in the data model, print message instead.

v or -verbose

Print a line describing the action taken for each embargoed item found.

q or -quiet

No output except upon error.

h or -help

Display brief help screen.


Wiki Markup
_\[dspace\]/bin/dspace embargo-lifter \-l_

Browse Index Creation

To create all the various browse indexes that you define in the Configuration Section (Chapter 5) there are a variety of options available to you. You can see these options below in the command table.

<ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="76c2631c90378aef-0b669526-4eb44027-afa791c4-d06a98648b9f9f9886844a30"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[

Command used:

_[dspace]_/bin/dspace index-init


Java class:


Arguments short and long forms):


r or -rebuild

Should we rebuild all the indexes, which removes old tables and creates new ones. For use with -f. Mutually exclusive with -d

<ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="7b954445c4cf74ab-a8c44887-437d40b3-92e7b043-db0ac938b6e310c32b3f5b56"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[

s or -start

[-s <int>] _start from this index number and work upwards (mostly only useful for debugging). For use with _-t and -f


x or -execute

Execute all the remove and create SQL against the database. For use with -t _and _-f

i or -index

Actually do the indexing. Mutually exclusive with -t and -f.

<ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="bf5f281afd1ad3a3-41d8570f-45d4441a-bab598dd-cea723749c91c6621c3f15c2"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[

o or -out

[-o<filename>] write the remove and create SQL to the given file. For use with -t and -f


p or -print

Write the remove and create SQL to the stdout. For use with -t and -f.

t or -tables

Create the tables only, do no attempt to index. Mutually exclusive with -f and -i

f or -full

Make the tables, and do the indexing. This forces -x. Mutually exclusive with -f and -i.

v or -verbose

Print extra information to the stdout. If used in conjunction with -p, you cannot use the stdout to generate your database structure.

d or -delete

Delete all the indexes, but do not create new ones. For use with -f. This is mutually exclusive with -r.

h or -help

Show this help documentation. Overrides all other arguments.


Running the Indexing Programs

Wiki Markup
*Complete Index Regeneration*. By running _\[dspace\]/bin/dspace index-init_ you will completely regenerate your indexes, tearing down all old tables and reconstructing with the new cofiguration. Running this is the same as:


Wiki Markup
_\[dspace\]/bin/dsrun org.dspace.browse.IndexBrowse \-r \-t \-p \-v \-x \-o myfile.sql_

Indexing Customization

DSpace provides robust browse indexing. It is possible to expand upon the default indexes delivered at the time of the installation. The System Administrator should review "Defining the Indexes" from the Chapter 5. Configuration to become familiar with the property keys and the definitions used therein before attempting heavy customizations.


<ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="0a84566a347300c4-400e5a47-422d4ec8-86b69b79-1e44a5d22f0a3257d32dbcc7"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[

Command used:

_[dspace]_/bin/dspace stats-log-converter


Java class:


Arguments short and long forms):


i or -in

Input file

o or -out

Output file

m or -multiple

Adds a wildcard at the end of input and output, so it would mean dspace.log* would be converted. (For example, the following files would be included because of this argument: dspace.log, dspace.log.1, dspace.log.2, dspace.log.3, etc.)

n or -newformat

If the log files have been created with DSpace 1.6

v or -verbose

Display verbose ouput (helpful for debugging)

h or -help



<ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="ffe3a6633c3b9af9-f8b48e9f-403d4d07-ab1587be-1d055ee7e24fc29619142c56"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[

Command used:

_[dspace]_/bin/dspace stats-log-importer


Java class:


Arguments (short and long forms):


i or -

input file

m or -

Adds a wildcard at the end of the input, so it would mean dspace.log* would be imported

s or -

To skip the reverse DNS lookups that work out where a user is from. (The DNS lookup finds the inforamtion about the host from its IP addess, such as geographical location, etc. This can be slow, and wouldn't work on a server not connected to the internet.)

v or -

Display verbose ouput (helpful for debugging)

l or -

For developers: allows you to import a log file from another system, so because the handles won't exist, it looks up random items in your local system to add hits to instead.

h or -



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Command used:

_[dspace]_/bin/dspace stats-util


Java class:


Arguments (short and long forms):


u or -update-spider-files

Update Spider IP Files from internet into /dspace/config/spiders. Downloads Spider files identified in dspace.cfg under property

f or -delete-spiders-by-flag

Delete Spiders in Solr By isBot Flag. Will prune out all records that have isBot:true

i or -delete-spiders-by-ip

Delete Spiders in Solr By IP Address. Will prune out all records that have IP's that match spider IPs.

m or -mark-spiders

Update isBog Flag in Solr. Marks any records currently stored in statistics that have IP addresses matched in spiders files

h or -help

Calls up this brief help table at CLI.


<ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="9934d820f044dc97-1bb3e364-43b1454d-b97980e5-66b7083e815a7cf792730f03"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[

Command used:

_[dspace]_/bin/dspace test-database


Java class:

Arguments (short and long forms):


or -

There are no arguments used at this time.