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This section describes the parameters used in configuring the OAI-ORE / OAI-ORE harvester (for XMLUI only). This harvester can be used to harvest content (bitstreams and metadata) into DSpace from an external OAI-PMH or OAI-ORE server.


If you are harvesting content (bitstreams and metadata) from an external DSpace installation via OAI-PMH & OAI-ORE, you first should verify that the external DSpace installation allows for OAI-ORE harvesting.

First, that If the external DSpace is running v6.x or below, it must be running both the OAI-PMH interface and either the new U the XMLUI interface to support harvesting content from it via OAI-ORE.

If the external DSpace is running v7.x or above, it just needs to be running the OAI-PMH interface.

You can verify that OAI-ORE harvesting option is enabled by following these steps:

  1. First, check to see if the external DSpace reports that it will support harvesting ORE via the OAI-PMH interface. Send the following request to the DSpace's OAI-PMH interface: http://[full-URL-to-OAI-PMH]/request?verb=ListRecords&metadataPrefix=ore
  2. NextFor 6.x or below, you can verify that the XMLUI interface supports OAI-ORE (it should, as long as it's a current version of DSpace). First, find a valid Item Handle. Then, send the following request to the DSpace's XMLUI interface: http://[full-URL-to-XMLUI]/metadata/handle/[item-handle]/ore.xml


Configuration File:




Example Value:

oai.harvester.eperson =

Informational Note:

The EPerson under whose authorization automatic harvesting will be performed. This field does not have a default value and must be specified in order to use the harvest scheduling system. This will most likely be the DSpace admin account created during installation.



Example Value:

oai.url = ${dspace.server.url}/${oai.path}

Informational Note:

The base url of the OAI-PMH disseminator webapp (i.e. do not include the /request on the end). This is necessary in order to mint URIs for ORE Resource Maps. The default value of ${dspace.baseUrl}/oai will work for a typical installation, but should be changed if appropriate. Please note that dspace.baseUrl is defined in your dspace.cfg configuration file.



Example Value:

oai.ore.authoritative.source = oai

Informational Note:

The webapp responsible for minting the URIs for ORE Resource Maps. If using oai, the oai.url config value must be set.

  • When set to 'oai', all URIs in ORE Resource Maps will be relative to the OAI-PMH URL (configured by oai.url above)

  • The URIs generated for ORE ReMs follow the following convention for either setting: http://\[base-URL\]/metadata/handle/\[item-handle\]/ore.xml



Example Value:

oai.harvester.autoStart = false

Informational Note:

Determines whether the harvest scheduler process starts up automatically when the XMLUI webapp DSpace webapp is redeployed.



Example Value:

Code Block
oai.harvester.metadataformats.PluginName = \, Simple Dublin Core

Informational Note:

This field can be repeated and serves as a link between the metadata formats supported by the local repository and those supported by the remote OAI-PMH provider. It follows the form oai.harvester.metadataformats.PluginName = NamespaceURI,Optional Display Name . The pluginName designates the metadata schemas that the harvester "knows" the local DSpace repository can support. Consequently, the PluginName must correspond to a previously declared ingestion crosswalk. The namespace value is used during negotiation with the remote OAI-PMH provider, matching it against a list returned by the ListMetadataFormats request, and resolving it to whatever metadataPrefix the remote provider has assigned to that namespace. Finally, the optional display name is the string that will be displayed to the user when setting up a collection for harvesting. If omitted, the PluginName:NamespaceURI combo will be displayed instead.



Example Value:

Code Block
oai.harvester.oreSerializationFormat.OREPrefix = \

Informational Note:

This field works in much the same way as oai.harvester.metadataformats.PluginName . The OREPrefix must correspond to a declared ingestion crosswalk, while the Namespace must be supported by the target OAI-PMH provider when harvesting content.



Example Value:

oai.harvester.timePadding = 120

Informational Note:

Amount of time subtracted from the from argument of the PMH request to account for the time taken to negotiate a connection. Measured in seconds. Default value is 120.



Example Value:

oai.harvester.harvestFrequency = 720

Informational Note:

How frequently the harvest scheduler checks the remote provider for updates. Should always be longer than timePadding . Measured in minutes. Default value is 720.



Example Value:

oai.harvester.minHeartbeat = 30

Informational Note:

The heartbeat is the frequency at which the harvest scheduler queries the local database to determine if any collections are due for a harvest cycle (based on the harvestFrequency) value. The scheduler is optimized to then sleep until the next collection is actually ready to be harvested. The minHeartbeat and maxHeartbeat are the lower and upper bounds on this timeframe. Measured in seconds. Default value is 30.



Example Value:

oai.harvester.maxHeartbeat = 3600

Informational Note:

The heartbeat is the frequency at which the harvest scheduler queries the local database to determine if any collections are due for a harvest cycle (based on the harvestFrequency) value. The scheduler is optimized to then sleep until the next collection is actually ready to be harvested. The minHeartbeat and maxHeartbeat are the lower and upper bounds on this timeframe. Measured in seconds. Default value is 3600 (1 hour).



Example Value:

oai.harvester.maxThreads = 3

Informational Note:

How many harvest process threads the scheduler can spool up at once. Default value is 3.



Example Value:

oai.harvester.threadTimeout = 24

Informational Note:

How much time passes before a harvest thread is terminated. The termination process waits for the current item to complete ingest and saves progress made up to that point. Measured in hours. Default value is 24.



Example Value:

oai.harvester.unkownField = fail | add | ignore

Informational Note:

You have three (3) choices. When a harvest process completes for a single item and it has been passed through ingestion crosswalks for ORE and its chosen descriptive metadata format, it might end up with DIM values that have not been defined in the local repository. This setting determines what should be done in the case where those DIM values belong to an already declared schema. Fail will terminate the harvesting task and generate an error. Ignore will quietly omit the unknown fields. Add will add the missing field to the local repository's metadata registry. Default value: fail.



Example Value:

oai.harvester.unknownSchema = fail | add | ignore

Informational Note:

When a harvest process completes for a single item and it has been passed through ingestion crosswalks for ORE and its chosen descriptive metadata format, it might end up with DIM values that have not been defined in the local repository. This setting determines what should be done in the case where those DIM values belong to an unknown schema. Fail will terminate the harvesting task and generate an error. Ignore will quietly omit the unknown fields. Add will add the missing schema to the local repository's metadata registry, using the schema name as the prefix and "unknown" as the namespace. Default value: fail.



Example Value:

Code Block
oai.harvester.acceptedHandleServer = \,

Informational Note:

A harvest process will attempt to scan the metadata of the incoming items (identifier.uri field, to be exact) to see if it looks like a handle. If so, it matches the pattern against the values of this parameter. If there is a match the new item is assigned the handle from the metadata value instead of minting a new one. Default value: .



Example Value:

oai.harvester.rejectedHandlePrefix = 123456789, myeduHandle

Informational Note:

Pattern to reject as an invalid handle prefix (known test string, for example) when attempting to find the handle of harvested items. If there is a match with this config parameter, a new handle will be minted instead. Default value: 123456789 .
