Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


titleIn DSpace 7.2 and abovelater, the UI Configuration format changed to support runtime configuration loading

As of DSpace 7.2, the UI configuration format has changed to YAML in order to support runtime configuration.  This means that reloading configurations now simply requires restarting the UI (which generally takes a few seconds).

In DSpace 7.1 and below, you had to rebuild the UI anytime you modified a configuration setting.  The UI configuration format was Typescript which required recompiling each time a setting changed.


Code Block
titleFormat for 7.2 or above later (config.*.yml)
  ssl: false
  host: localhost
  port: 4000
  # NOTE: Space is capitalized because 'namespace' is a reserved string in TypeScript
  nameSpace: /
  # The rateLimiter settings limit each IP to a 'max' of 500 requests per 'windowMs' (1 minute).
    windowMs: 60000 # 1 minute
    max: 500 # limit each IP to 500 requests per windowMs


Code Block
titleFormat for 7.2 or above later (config.*.yml)
  ssl: true
  port: 443
  # NOTE: Space is capitalized because 'namespace' is a reserved string in TypeScript
  nameSpace: /server


Code Block
titleFormat for 7.2 or above later (config.*.yml)
  # NOTE: how long should objects be cached for by default
    default: 900000 # 15 minutes
  control: max-age=60 # revalidate browser
    defaultTime: 0
    maxBufferSize: 100
      PATCH: 3 # time in seconds


Code Block
titleFormat for 7.2 or above later (config.*.yml)
  # Authentication UI settings
    # the amount of time before the idle warning is shown
    timeUntilIdle: 900000 # 15 minutes
    # the amount of time the user has to react after the idle warning is shown before they are logged out.
    idleGracePeriod: 300000 # 5 minutes
  # Authentication REST settings
    # If the rest token expires in less than this amount of time, it will be refreshed automatically.
    # This is independent from the idle warning.
    timeLeftBeforeTokenRefresh: 120000 # 2 minutes


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titleFormat for 7.2 or above later (config.*.yml)
  # NOTE: Map server-side validators to comparative Angular form validators
    required: required
    regex: pattern


Code Block
titleFormat for 7.2 or above later (config.*.yml)
  rtl: false
    - top
    - right
  maxStack: 8
  # NOTE: after how many seconds notification is closed automatically. If set to zero notifications are not closed automatically
  timeOut: 5000 # 5 second
  clickToClose: true
  # NOTE: 'fade' | 'fromTop' | 'fromRight' | 'fromBottom' | 'fromLeft' | 'rotate' | 'scale'
  animate: scale


Code Block
titleFormat for 7.2 or above later (config.*.yml)
    # NOTE: which metadata trigger an autosave
    metadata: []
    # NOTE: after how many time (milliseconds) submission is saved automatically
    # eg. timer: 300000 # 5 minutes
    timer: 0
      # NOTE: example of configuration
      #   # NOTE: metadata name
      # - name:
      #   # NOTE: fontawesome (v5.x) icon classes and bootstrap utility classes can be used
      #   style: fas fa-user
      - name:
        style: fas fa-user
      # default configuration
      - name: default
        style: ''
        # NOTE: example of configuration
        #   # NOTE: confidence value
        # - name:
        #   # NOTE: fontawesome (v5.x) icon classes and bootstrap utility classes can be used
        #   style: fa-user
        - value: 600
          style: text-success
        - value: 500
          style: text-info
        - value: 400
          style: text-warning
        # default configuration
        - value: default
          style: text-muted


Code Block
titleFormat for 7.2 or above later (config.*.yml)
# NOTE: will log all redux actions and transfers in console
debug: false


Code Block
titleFormat for 7.2 or above later (config.*.yml)
#  Default Language in which the UI will be rendered if the user's browser language is not an active language
defaultLanguage: en

# Languages. DSpace Angular holds a message catalog for each of the following languages.
# When set to active, users will be able to switch to the use of this language in the user interface.
# All out of the box language packs may be found in the ./src/assets/i18n/ directory
  - code: en
    label: English
    active: true
  - code: cs
    label: Čeština
    active: true
  - code: de
    label: Deutsch
    active: true
  - ...


Code Block
titleFormat for 7.2 or above later (config.*.yml)
  # Amount of years to display using jumps of one year (current year - oneYearLimit)
  oneYearLimit: 10
  # Limit for years to display using jumps of five years (current year - fiveYearLimit)
  fiveYearLimit: 30
  # The absolute lowest year to display in the dropdown (only used when no lowest date can be found for all items)
  defaultLowerLimit: 1900

# NOTE: The "types" section no longer exists, as it is determined dynamically via the REST API


Code Block
titleFormat for 7.2 or above later (config.*.yml)
    undoTimeout: 10000 # 10 seconds

    undoTimeout: 10000 # 10 seconds


Code Block
titleFormat for 7.2 or above later (config.*.yml)
  # Add additional themes here. In the case where multiple themes match a route, the first one
  # in this list will get priority. It is advisable to always have a theme that matches
  # every route as the last one
  # # A theme with a handle property will match the community, collection or item with the given
  # # handle, and all collections and/or items within it
  # - name: 'custom',
  #   handle: '10673/1233'
  # # A theme with a regex property will match the route using a regular expression. If it
  # # matches the route for a community or collection it will also apply to all collections
  # # and/or items within it
  # - name: 'custom',
  #   regex: 'collections\/e8043bc2.*'
  # # A theme with a uuid property will match the community, collection or item with the given
  # # ID, and all collections and/or items within it
  # - name: 'custom',
  #   uuid: '0958c910-2037-42a9-81c7-dca80e3892b4'
  # # The extends property specifies an ancestor theme (by name). Whenever a themed component is not found
  # # in the current theme, its ancestor theme(s) will be checked recursively before falling back to default.
  # - name: 'custom-A',
  #   extends: 'custom-B',
  #   # Any of the matching properties above can be used
  #   handle: '10673/34'
  # - name: 'custom-B',
  #   extends: 'custom',
  #   handle: '10673/12'
  # # A theme with only a name will match every route
  # name: 'custom'
  # # This theme will use the default bootstrap styling for DSpace components
  # - name: BASE_THEME_NAME
  - name: dspace
    # Whenever this theme is active, the following tags will be injected into the <head> of the page.
    # Example use case: set the favicon based on the active theme. 
    - tagName: link
        rel: icon
        href: assets/dspace/images/favicons/favicon.ico
        sizes: any
    - tagName: link
        rel: icon
        href: assets/dspace/images/favicons/favicon.svg
        type: image/svg+xml
    - tagName: link
        rel: apple-touch-icon
        href: assets/dspace/images/favicons/apple-touch-icon.png
    - tagName: link
        rel: manifest
        href: assets/dspace/images/favicons/manifest.webmanifest


Code Block
titleFormat for 7.2 or above later (config.*.yml)
# Whether to enable media viewer for image and/or video Bitstreams (i.e. Bitstreams whose MIME type starts with 'image' or 'video').
# For images, this enables a gallery viewer where you can zoom or page through images.
# For videos, this enables embedded video streaming
  image: false
  video: false


Code Block
titleFormat for 7.1 or 7.0 (environment.*.ts)
// Whether to enable media viewer for image and/or video Bitstreams (i.e. Bitstreams whose MIME type starts with "image" or "video").
// For images, this enables a gallery viewer where you can zoom or page through images.
// For videos, this enables embedded video streaming
mediaViewer: {
  image: false,
  video: false,

Item access labels 


Available in 7.3 or later

Item access labels allow to display for each item in search results if it is Open Access, under embargo, restricted or metadata only (does not contain any file/bitstream). This feature is disabled by default, but can be activated in dspace-angular/config/config.exampleenabled in your config.*.yml.

Code Block
titleFormat for 7.1 or 7.0 (config.*.yml)
# Item Config
  # Show the item access status label in items lists (default=false)
  showAccessStatuses: falsetrue