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h1. DSpace REST API - Bojan Suzic

{excerpt}Integration, testing, documentation and further development of DSpace REST services for 1.x and 2.0 versions. - Bojan Suzic{excerpt}
{info:title=Not completed!}
This page is not completed. The work on specifications is ongoing. Everyone is welcome to comment or contribute\!

h1. Details

| Project Title: | DSpace REST API |
| Student: | Bojan Suzic, University of Technology Graz |
| Mentors: | Aaron Zeckoski, Mark Diggory |
| Contacting author: | _bojan_ AT _student_ . _tugraz_ DOT _at_ \- using subject line _DSpace_ |
| SCM Location for Project: | [] |

h3. Project description

The REST approach promotes simplification and decoupling of software architecture, enabling further scalability, portability, granularity and simplified interaction of software systems and components.
The aim of this project is to provide DSpace with REST capable API and underlying component, which will enable developers and end-users to exploit the advantages of such approach.

Some of uses this module is intended to provide could be, for instance:

* interaction between DSpace systems and/or other repositories
* automation of different activities, e.g. submission of packages
* integrating repositories in process workflows of other applications or systems
* interaction with many kinds of systems or web applications, such as CMS, LMS, LCMS, VLS, AMS etc
* providing of other approaches to UI, such as client based/run UI
* crawling of repositories, exposing information in structural way

This project is continuation of last year's activities, supported by Google as part of [GSoC 2009|]. In the first stage the basic support for REST for DSpace is provided, exposing many parts of DSpace functionality to the clients. 

In this year's GSoC the following activities should be primarily addressed:

* integration of existing code in the system
* alignment of REST API with currently available DSpace features/functionality, e.g. adding of new features
* extending of existing code, in order to provide better handling of management and injection functions
* providing more detailed documentation and examples for end users
* testing activities, e.g. cooperation/coordination with other GSoC 10 project [Unit testing|]
* promotion of DSpace REST interaction (by taking part in integration with other systems)

h1. Detailed activities

In the following sections main activities are elaborated in detail.

h3. REST API Methods

Changes in comparison to existing support are marked with red color. Please note that changes may appear as:
* introduction of new method
* extending of existing method, by implementing new functionality (e.g. GET/PUT/DELETE)
* extending of existing method, by changing its parameters, output etc
{note:title=Naming convention for endpoints}
DSpace 1.x and 2.x are treating the resources on different way. 2.x is more generalized, suggesting the use of RDF-like interrelation notations. The necessity to follow this approach for 1.x is to be discussed in the list or on the following [page].

h4. Repository browsing

|| Name and description || Value and notes ||
| Base URI: | /communities?topLevelOnly=true&idOnly=false |
| Description: | Returns a list of all communities on the system or return just top level communities. |
| HTTP method: | {{GET}} |
| Optional parameters: | topLevelOnly=true: returns only top level communities\\
 idOnly=false: if true return only the identifiers for the record, by default\\
 return the full record |
| Sorting fields supported: | {{id, name, countitems}}: sorting by id, community name and item count |
| Response formats: | {{json}}, {{xml}} |
| Status codes | 200: OK \\
204: no content \\
400: bad request \\
500: internal server error |
| Response details | By default contains item count, identifier, handle and name and other\\
 referencing data, or 204 if none. Additionaly, based on parameter\\
 idOnly=true the method returns only identifiers. |

|| Name and description || Value and notes ||
| Base URI: | /communities/\{id\}/parents?idOnly=false&immediateOnly=true |
| Description: | Returns a list of all parent communities of the {{id}} community. |
| HTTP method: | {{GET}} |
| Optional parameters: | idOnly=false: if true return only the identifiers for the record, by default\\
 return the full record\\
 immediateOnly=true: if false then return all parents for this community,\\
 by default return only the immediate parents |
| Sorting fields supported: | {{id, name, countitems}}: sorting by id, community name and item count |
| Response formats: | {{json}}, {{xml}} |
| Status codes | 200: OK \\
204: no content \\
400: bad request \\
500: internal server error |
| Response details | Contains item count, identifiers, handle and name or 204 if id is already\\
 top-level. Additionaly, based on parameter idOnly=true the method\\
 returns only identifiers. |

|| Name and description || Value and notes ||
| Base URI: | /communities/{{id}}/children?idOnly=false |
| Description: | Returns a list of immediate sub-communities (children) of the {{id}} community. |
| HTTP method: | {{GET}} |
| Optional parameters: | idOnly=false: if true return only the identifiers for the record, by default\\
 return the full record |
| Sorting fields supported: | {{id, name, countitems}}: sorting by id, community name and item count |
| Response formats: | {{json}}, {{xml}} |
| Status codes | 200: OK \\
204: no content \\
400: bad request \\
500: internal server error |
| Response details | Contains item count, identifiers, handle and name or 204 if none.\\
 Additionaly, based on parameter idOnly=true the method returns only\\
 identifiers. |

|| Name and description || Value and notes ||
| Base URI: | /communities/{{id}}/collections?idOnly=false |
| Description: | Returns a list of collections in the {{id}} community |
| HTTP method: | {{GET}} |
| Optional parameters: | idOnly=false: if true return only the identifiers for the record, by default\\
 return the full record |
| Sorting fields supported: | {{id, name, countitems}}: sorting by id, collection name and item count |
| Response formats: | {{json}}, {{xml}} |
| Status codes | 200: OK \\
204: no content \\
400: bad request \\
500: internal server error |
| Response details | Contains item count, identifiers, name, archival status, last modification and\\
 handle of collections, or 204 if there are none of them. Additionaly with\\
 idOnly=true only identifiers are returned. |

|| Name and description || Value and notes ||
| Base URI: | /communities/{{id}}/recent?idOnly=false |
| Description: | Returns a list of recent submissions to a community |
| HTTP method: | {{GET}} |
| Optional parameters: | idOnly=false: if true return only the identifiers for the record, by default\\
 return the full record |
| Sorting fields supported: | {{id, name, lastmodified, submitter}}: sorting by id, name(title), last modified date and submitter(name) of item |
| Response formats: | {{json}}, {{xml}} |
| Status codes | 200: OK \\
204: no content \\
400: bad request \\
500: internal server error |
| Response details | Contains complete items from recent submissions in community.\\
 Additionaly, contains only identifiers when idOnly=true is used. |

|| Name and description || Value and notes ||
| Base URI: | /collections?idOnly=false |
| Description: | Returns a list of all collections in the system |
| HTTP method: | {{GET}} |
| Optional parameters: | idOnly=false: if true return only the identifiers for the record, by\\
 default return the full record |
| Sorting fields supported: | {{id, name, countitems}}: sorting by id, collection name and item count |
| Response formats: | {{json}}, {{xml}} |
| Status codes | 200: OK \\
204: no content \\
400: bad request \\
500: internal server error |
| Response details | Contains item count, identifiers, name and handle of collections, or 204 if\\
 there are none of them. In the case idOnly=true is used, returns only\\
 identifiers of collections. |

|| Name and description || Value and notes ||
| Base URI: | /collections/{{id}}/communities?idOnly=false |
| Description: | Returns a list of all communities a collection with {{id}} belongs to |
| HTTP method: | {{GET}} |
| Optional parameters: | idOnly=false: if true return only the identifiers for the record, by\\
 default return the full record |
| Sorting fields supported: | {{id, name, countitems}}: sorting by id, community name and item count |
| Response formats: | {{json}}, {{xml}} |
| Status codes | 200: OK \\
204: no content \\
400: bad request \\
500: internal server error |
| Response details | Contains item count, identifier, name and handle of collections, or 204 if\\
 there are none of them. Additionaly, when idOnly=true is used, return\\
 only identifiers. |
|| Name and description || Value and notes ||
| Base URI: | /collections/{{id}}/items?idOnly=false&in_archive=false |
| Description: | Returns a list of all items from the collection {{id}} |
| HTTP method: | {{GET}} |
| Optional parameters: | idOnly=false: if true, return only identifiers of result records\\
 in_archive=false: defines should it return in_archive items only or all\\
 items if true |
| Sorting fields supported: | {{id, name, lastmodified, submitter}}: sorting by id, name, lastmodified date and submitter of item |
| Response formats: | {{json}}, {{xml}} |
| Status codes | 200: OK \\
204: no content \\
400: bad request \\
500: internal server error |
| Response details | Contains full information info including name, submitter, collections related\\
 or 204 if there are none of them\\
 In the case idOnly=true is used, return only identifiers of results. |

h4. Content searching

|| Name and description || Value and notes ||
| Base URI: | /search?query={{query}}&(community={{id}}\!collection={{id}})&idOnly=false |
| Description: | Returns a list of all objects found by searching criteria |
| HTTP method: | {{GET}} |
| Optional parameters: | {{query}}: string query for searching, without query method behaves like\\
 browsing with additional sorting/ordering capabilities\\
 community={{id}}: the id of community limiting search to\\
 collection={{id}}: the id of collection limiting search to\\
 Notice: community and collection are mutually exclusive options\\
 idOnly=false: using true returns only identifiers of the results |
| Sorting fields supported: | {{id, name, lastmodified, submitter}}: sorting by id, name, last modifed date or submitter of item |
| Sorting/ordering modifiers: | {{title, issueDate, author, subject, submitter}} |
| Response formats: | {{json}}, {{xml}} |
| Status codes | 200: OK \\
204: no content \\
400: bad request \\
500: internal server error |
| Response details | Item info with basic metadata for the search results. Additionally return only\\
 identifiers when idOnly=true is used. |

|| Name and description || Value and notes ||
| Base URI: | /harvest?startdate={{startdate}}&enddate={{enddate}}?(community={{id}}\!collection={{id}})&idOnly=false&withdrawn=false |
| Description: | Returns a list of all objects that have been created, modified or withdrawn within specified time range |
| HTTP method: | {{GET}} | 
| Optional parameters: | {startdate}: start date
{enddate}: end date\\
 date is defined with ISO 8601 format, e.g. YYYY-MM-DD or 2009-08\-\\
 20T21:15Z; if the date parameters are ommited, then\\
 from_beginning/to_current_time are assumed\\
 community={{id}}: the id of community limiting search to\\
 collection={{id}}: the id of collection limiting search to\\
 Notice: community and collection are mutually exclusive options\\
 idOnly=false: using true returns only identifiers of the results\\
 withdrawn=false: with true includes withdrawn items too |
| Sorting/ordering modifiers: | {{id, name, lastmodified, submitter}}: information on item returned |
| Response formats: | {{json}}, {{xml}} |
| Status codes | 200: OK \\
204: no content \\
400: bad request \\
500: internal server error |
| Response details | Contains item info including id, name, handle, metadata, bitstreams according to\\
 the defined requirements. Additionally when idOnly=true only identifiers of\\
 results are returned. If the date is in incompatible format, error 400 is returned. |


h4. Item status and retrieval

|| Name and description || Value and notes ||
| Base URI: | {{/items/\{id\}}} |
| Description: | Returns detailed information about an item |
| HTTP method: | {{GET}} |
| Required parameters: | {{\{id\}}}: item id |
| Sorting fields supported: | {{id, name, lastmodified, submitter}}: sorting by id, name, last modifed date or submitter of item |
| Response formats: | {{json}}, {{xml}} |
| Status codes | 200: OK \\
204: no content \\
400: bad request \\
500: internal server error |
| Response details | Contains an information about an item including resource name, metadata, owning collection, collections stored in, communities stored in, bundle ids, last modified date, archival/withdrawn status and submitter of an item |

|| Name and description || Value and notes ||
| Base URI: | {{/items/\{id\}/permissions}} |
| Description: | Returns status of user permissions on this item |
| HTTP method: | {{GET}} |
| Required parameters: | {{\{id\}}}: item id |
| Response formats: | {{json}}, {{xml}} |
| Status codes | 200: OK \\
400: bad request \\
500: internal server error |
| Response details | Boolean variable, stating can user edit the listed item |

|| Name and description || Value and notes ||
| Base URI: | /items/{{id}}/communities?idOnly=false&immediateOnly=true |
| Description: | Returns communities this item is part of |
| HTTP method: | {{GET}} |
| Required parameters: |
| Sorting fields supported: | {{id, name, countitems}}: community properties used for sorting |
| Response formats: | {{json}}, {{xml}} |
| Status codes | 200: OK \\
400: bad request \\
500: internal server error |
| Response details | Communities listed |

|| Name and description || Value and notes ||
| Base URI: | /items/{{id}}/collections?idOnly=false |
| Description: | Returns collections this item is part of |
| HTTP method: | {{GET}} |
| Required parameters: |
| Sorting fields supported: | {{id, name, countitems}}: collection parameters |
| Response formats: | {{json}}, {{xml}} |
| Status codes | 200: OK \\
400: bad request \\
500: internal server error |
| Response details | Collections listed |

|| Name and description || Value and notes ||
| Base URI: | {{/bitstream/\{id\}}} |
| Description: | Returns bitstream object - usually the library item file |
| HTTP method: | {{GET}} |
| Required parameters: | {{\{id\}}}: bitstream item id |
| Response formats: | {{json}}, {{xml}} (not yet complete) |
| Status codes | 200: OK \\
404: Not found \\
400: bad request \\
401: Unauthorized \\
403: Forbidden \\
500: internal server error |
| Response details | Includes all information about referenced bitstream, including file name, licence, corresponding ittem etc. It is possible only to get information for particular bitstreams. When the request is made without parameters/references, the blank list is presented (there is no list of all bitstreams in the system available). |

|| Name and description || Value and notes ||
| Base URI: | {{/bitstream/\{id\}/receive}} |
| Description: | Returns checksum of bitstream |
| HTTP method: | {{GET}} |
| Required parameters: | {{\{id\}}}: bitstreamitem id |
| Response formats: | {{binary}} |
| Status codes | 200: OK \\
400: bad request \\
401: Unauthorized \\
403: Forbidden \\
500: internal server error |
| Response details | Receive full bitstream |


h4. User oriented functions

|| Name and description || Value and notes ||
| Base URI: | /users?query={{query}}&idOnly=false |
| Description: | Returns list containing id, name and email of persons (optionally matching a query) |
| HTTP method: | {{GET}} |
| Optional parameters: |
| Sorting fields supported: | {{id, name, lastname, fullname, language}}: sorting properties of user(submitter) supported |
| Response formats: | {{json}}, {{xml}} |
| Status codes | 200: OK \\
204: no content \\
400: bad request \\
500: internal server error |
| Response details | List with information on particular user. Additionaly only identifiers are sent if idOnly is true. |


h4. Statistical info


|| Name and description || Value and notes ||
| Base URI: | {{/stats}} |
| Description: | Returns general statistics |
| HTTP method: | {{GET}} |
| Response formats: | {{json}}, {{xml}} |
| Status codes | 200: OK \\
400: bad request (if there is no stats package available) \\
500: internal server error |
| Response details | Returns cummulative list of statistics data for the system currently available |


h4. Items ingestion



h4. Administrative tasks



h4. Workflow related tasks


h4. Visitors' suggestions or wishes

Here the visitors and stakeholders can insert their suggestions or describe the needs for their applications in detail.

h3. Integration in the system

It is planned to consult two external subjects for cooperation and the assistance during integration process (LMS and national library internal automation process). More information coming soon - awaiting approval of other parties.

h3. Documentation tasks

Although provided software module exposes basic documentation automatically to the end user, in order to make it easier for other developers and users the documentation in the following forms is additionaly to be provided:

* Confluence pages, current location
* integrated documentation in PDF form (manual)
* short slides containing technology overview, advocacy/facts, configuration and usage guideliens and examples
* code will be additionally commented
* [tourism essays|]


h3. Example of usage

At the end of the current stage of this project as a bonus task (if time constraints allow) the examples of usage will be provided for several languages, the use-cases will be presented (example of integration in other software, e.g. LMS) and optionally simple client system demonstrating UI customization will be demonstrated (e.g. Flex or JavaFX like).