Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


In `DRM/DRM.swift` the new brand and scheme for Adobe DRM (added code is bold):

Code Block
public struct DRM {
    public let brand: Brand
    public let scheme: Scheme
    /// The license will be filled when passed back to the DRM module.
    public var license: DRMLicense?
    public enum Brand: String {
        case lcp
        case adobe

    public enum Scheme: String {
        case lcp = ""
        case adobe = ""

    public init(brand: Brand) {
        self.brand = brand
        switch brand {
        case .lcp:
            scheme = .lcp
        case .adobe:
            scheme = .adobe


In `Parser/EPUB/EPUBParser.swift` return Adobe DRM (added code is bold):

Code Block
 private static func scanForDRM(in container: Container) -> DRM? {  
  /// LCP.
  // Check if a LCP license file is present in the container.
  if ((try? EPUBConstant.lcplFilePath)) != nil) {
     return DRM(brand: .lcp)
   return DRM(brand: .adobe)
   // return nil


In `Parser/EPUB/EPUBEncryptionParser.swift` added Adobe encryption scheme (added code in bold):

Code Block
 func parseEncryptions() -> [String: Encryption] {
        guard let document = document else {
            return [:]
        var encryptions: [String: Encryption] = [:]

        // Loop through <EncryptedData> elements..

        for encryptedDataElement in document.xpath("./enc:EncryptedData") {
            guard let algorithm = encryptedDataElement.firstChild(xpath: "enc:EncryptionMethod")?.attr("Algorithm
                var resourceURI = encryptedDataElement.firstChild(xpath:"enc:CipherData/enc:CipherReference")?.attr("URI")?.removingPercentEncoding else
            resourceURI = normalize(base: "/", href: resourceURI)
            var encryption = Encryption(algorithm: algorithm)

            // LCP. Tag LCP protected resources.

            let keyInfoURI = encryptedDataElement.firstChild(xpath: "ds:KeyInfo/ds:RetrievalMethod")?.attr("URI")
            if keyInfoURI == "license.lcpl#/encryption/content_key",
                drm?.brand == DRM.Brand.lcp
                 encryption.scheme = drm?.scheme.rawValue
             // LCP END.
             if drm?.brand == .adobe {
                 encryption.scheme = drm?.scheme.rawValue
. . .

    func parseEncryptions() -> [String: Encryption] {
