Versions Compared


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Release candidate branches CANNOT have the same version property as the branch you are branching from (ie master or main or n.x-maintenance branch, depending on whether this is a major, minor, or patch release)  in the pom.xml file. The versions on the original branch will need to be incremented at the same time you create the release branches. You will need to pull in another community member to create a pull request with the version change, or another committer if you are going to create the pull requests yourself.


Then we must merge the pull requests to increment the version numbers to the master main branch. 

Example: During the 4.5.1 release our branches should have the version 4.5.1-SNAPSHOT, this will be incremented on the master main branch to 4.5.2-SNAPSHOT

Optional - Deploy Snapshot Artifacts

If the release candidate is coming off of a "maintenance" branch instead of mastermain, it is possible that snapshot artifacts have not been deployed to the Sonatype snapshot repository. If this is the case, Travis will fail to build.


Push Release Branch to Maintenance

The release branch has changes made since code freeze. It also contains the update to the version numbers for future development.


Ensure that your commit history matches the release branch's commit history, except for the two additional commits.

  1. Changing from SNAPSHOT version to release version. Something like [maven-release-plugin] prepare release $REPO-$CURR
  2. Changing from release version to next development version. Something like [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration


fcrepo-vagrant is an exception to the above rule. The master main branch of fcrepo4-exts/fcrepo-vagrant is tied to the last full release version. So you don't update the Fedora version to the new SNAPSHOT version but instead leave it at the just released (${CURR}) version.


If this appears correct, you can push your release branch on to the maintenance branch.



Because there are no changes to master main after code freeze and all bug fixes are on the ${CURR}-RC branch, this will operate as a fast-forward merge.


  1. Assuming a fcrepo4 release: Download and run the fcrepo-webapp-$CURR-jetty-console.jar
  2. Make sure that the checksums of the artifacts published in the github release page match those in sonatype.
  3. If we're talking about a maintenance release,  make sure that all commits that went into the maintenance release are also on master main (where appropriate) 

Announce release
