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Wiki Markup\[11:08\] <cwilper> [|] \
[11:08\] * eddie31415 (i=52e0627a@gateway/web/freenode/x-zyewrfvtirlvbwvx) has joined #duraspace \
[11:12\] \ -christel\- \ [Global Notice\] Hi all, as you might remember we informed you a few days ago that we would be restarting some of our ircds due to a memleak issue \ -\- I'm about to do round two of this and it will be slightly noisy as they restart. Apologies for the inconvenience and thank you for using freenode. \
[11:19\] * bbranan (i=46799f09@gateway/web/freenode/x-ntyujkcczdwibrtp) has joined #duraspace \
[11:41\] <cwilper> special topics: prefer 3.3 discussion next week if release manager if identified, then paul-led semweb capabilities discussion. chris to followup with paul, kai, and steve. \
[11:41\] <cwilper> dan: libs are now all coming from repos (central, and the one at \
[11:58\] <bbranan> [] \
[11:59\] <cwilper> [] \
[12:00\] <eddie31415> otherwise, point to the junit test for examples: [|] \
[12:17\] * mdiggory ( has joined #duraspace \
[12:29\] <barmintor> How much is Fedora-Create supposed to emulate Apache incubator projects? \
[12:53\] * Dan_Davis (i=43f11873@gateway/web/freenode/x-hhzzxyjixrhouddp) Quit ("Page closed") \
[12:55\] * grahamtriggs (n=trig01@ has left #duraspace \
[13:02\] * eddie31415 (i=52e0627a@gateway/web/freenode/x-zyewrfvtirlvbwvx) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds) \
[13:07\] * bbranan (i=46799f09@gateway/web/freenode/x-ntyujkcczdwibrtp) Quit ("Page closed") \
[13:09\] <cwilper> barmintor: didn't see your ? during the call re:incubator. we haven't talked about emulating apache incubator projects within fedora-create; it's mostly designed as a place to start bringing these kinds of based-on-fedora efforts together. but it could evolve into something bigger than that depending on what people want.