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  • Chris Awre 
  • Robert Cartolano
  • Aaron Choate
  • Sayeed Choudhury
  • Stefano Cossu
  • Tom Cramer
  • Joanna DiPasquale 
  • Jon Dunn
  • Karen Estlund
  • Declan Fleming
  • Maude Francis
  • Neil Jefferies
  • Debra Kurtz
  • Susan Lafferty 
  • Steve Marks
  • Rosalyn Metz
  • Tom Murphy
  • Este Pope 
  • Nick Ruest
  • Robin Ruggaber 
  • Tim Shearer
  • Jon Stroop (star)
  • Jennifer Vinopal
  • Carolyn Caizzi
  • Ben Wallberg
  • Jared Whiklo
  • David Wilcox
  • Andrew Woods
  • Maurice York


Advanced Tables - Table Plus



Vision and Strategy spreadsheet review

  • Is column A correct and complete?
  • What about column G?

Proposal: Islandora and Samvera technical liaisons

  • Non-voting representatives similar to Ambassadors
  • Facilitating close alignment with Islandora and Samvera from a technical perspective

Fostering greater adoption of Fedora 4+

Project priorities for the coming year

  1. Fedora API Specification
  2. Aligning Fedora Modeshape implementation with the specification
  3. Fedora API Specification test suite
  4. Increased preservation sensibilities: Oxford Common Filesystem Layout?
  5. Design recommendations/tools for migration?
    1. Adopters guide (

Next Leaders/Committers meeting on March 19

Drafting a 2017 Fedora annual report




Fostering greater adoption of Fedora 4+. How can we realize potential of large group of Islandora/Fedora users? Jared summary of CLAW project at JHU:


CLAW presents an opporunity to get devs, testers, early adopters. Is this something we want to prioritize this year? Should we contribute resources to CLAW. Can we get map of technology that identifies areas in most need of development? JHU Islandora CLAW is a Drupal shop because most of their devs know Drupal-based: PHP, Drupal, PHP and Java middle ware, on APIx something called Alpaca, Apache Camel handles fault tolerance well. Fedora on the backend, used as-is. Have so much work on front-end, not ready to investigate doing more with Fedora. ? RDF metadata module currently only works with, limiting, want to takeover existing module to expand to take on ontologies of choice. All objects going into Fedora go in with Drupal identifiers, would like Fedora objects to use their Fedora IDs when referencing each other. The Git queue used to document issues. What can Fedora do help CLAW dev at JHU? Have a large community of devs who sometimes do their own thing. Need to get more people involved, might be more interest in things like Oxford Common File System. Right now, might not be much with which the Fedora community can help. Sayeed is interested in contributing some of Aaron B's time. We can/should think about directing some of our institutional resources towards the CLAW effort. David has asked Danny Lamb where the Fedora might get the most bang for our buck if we direct resources to the CLAW efforts. 

THANKS to Jared for the review. Whole other world going on with Islandora, the point at which orgs move over to CLAW difficult to tell - no clear path. Important to think about how we can help chip away at the path to CLAW. How much are things aligned with CLAW efforts will benefit Fedora users? Migration path - University of Manitoba has millions of newspapers that will require migration to another system. Lots of concern about migrating resources. 
