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How to get VIVO up and running on your computer, for testing or experimentation, or just to gain familiarity with the processlearn how to do it.

If you want to install VIVO on a production server, or if you want to develop VIVO code, you should also read the section on Installation options.


In the previous step, you defined the location of the VIVO home directory, by specifying vitro.home in the file. If that directory does not exist, create it now.


At the command line, from the top level of the VIVO distribution directory, type:


The output of the build may include warning messages. The Java compiler may warn of code that is outdated. Unit tests may produce warning messages, and some tests may be ignored if they do not produce consistent results. If the output ends with a success message, these warnings may be ignoredcompiler may warn of code that is outdated. Unit tests may produce warning messages, and some tests may be ignored if they do not produce consistent results. If the output ends with a success message, these warnings may be ignored.


What user account owns the VIVO directories?

In many operating systems, the issue of file permissions is important. Who owns the files? Who is authorized to read them, or to write new files?

When running the VIVO build script, it must have permission to read and write to:

  • the VIVO distribution directory
  • the Tomcat webapps directory
  • the VIVO home directory

When VIVO is started under Tomcat, Tomcat must have permission to read and write to:

  • the Tomcat webapps directory
  • the VIVO home directory

There are several ways to make this work. People who are experimenting with VIVO often use their own account to create the VIVO distribution directory, to run the build script, and to run Tomcat.

In more formal environments, it may be necessary to run Tomcat as a service, under its own account. In that case, some people choose to run the build script with root privilege, and then assign the resulting files to Tomcat:

Code Block
sudo ant all
sudo chown -R tomcat /usr/local/vivo/home
sudo chown -R tomcat /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/vivo*

When installing on Microsoft Windows, this is not usually a problem.

Running VIVO

Configure Tomcat


Property name


Description Specify the JDBC URL of your database. Change the end of the URL to reflect your database name (if it is not "vivovitrodb").
Default valueNONE
Example valuejdbc:mysql://localhost/vivo


  • Point your browser to the home page of your website, and click the "Log in" link near the upper right corner. Log in with the rootUser.emailAddress you set up in Step IVin If this is your first time logging in, you will be prompted to change the password.
  • After you have successfully logged in, click "site admin" in the upper right corner. In the drop down under "Data Input" select "Faculty Member(core)" and click the "Add individual of this class" button.
  • Enter the name "test individual" under the field "Individual Name," scroll to the bottom, and click "Create New Record." You will be taken to the "Individual Control Panel." Make note of the value of the field "URI" - it will be used in the next step.
  • Open a new web browser or browser tab to the page In the pink box on that page enter the URI of the individual you created in the previous step and click "open."
  • In the resulting page search for the URI of the "test individual." You should find it towards the bottom of the page next to a red dot followed by "redirect (303)." This indicates that you are successfully serving linked RDF data. If the URI of the "test individual" is followed by "failed (400)" you are not successfully serving linked data.
