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  1. JIRA Workflow Changes (Eddie)
  2. Git Workflow (Chris)
  3. Fedora 3.6.0 Release Availability
  4. (Add topics here)

Individual Status

If you have status items to report, please enter them below at least 1 hour before the meeting starts.


  • Closed FCREPO-989: Support for JDK7, and attempted to close FCREPO-1011: OpenJDK support. But ultimately re-opened FCREPO-1011 due to a small number of graphics-related tests failing in OS X and Ubuntu with OpenJDK 7. This needs more investigation.
  • Merged Graham Triggs' contrib, FCREPO-971: Changes to Maven projects to better support IntelliJ IDEA. This was submitted as a pull request on GitHub. I want to talk for a few minutes in the meeting about our "Pull Workflow".
  • Merged Frank's contrib, FCREPO-238: APIM.ingest() creates objects with wrong last modification. Also submitted as a pull request on GitHub.
  • Wrapping up development on CloudSync 1.0.0. Shooting for release next week.



  • Ben
  • Chris
  • Dan
  • Ed
  • Eddie
  • Frank
  • Steve


Ben took notes on IRC. Pasted below for your searching convenience:

[15:01] * cwilper (4a2e4456@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #duraspace
[15:05] * penthes (bcde58ad@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #duraspace
[15:07] * barmintor ( has joined #duraspace
[15:07] <barmintor> Let my note-taking reign of terror begin!
[15:08] <eddies>
[15:08] <kompewter> [ 2011-10-18 - Fedora Committer Meeting - Fedora Repository Development - DuraSpace Wiki ] -
[15:08] * elschlomo (4e2a62d3@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #duraspace
[15:08] <barmintor> Last week's action items:
[15:08] <barmintor> 1. Eddie's survey of committer availability for 3.6- Answer it!
[15:08] <barmintor> 2. Fedora landing page fixed (thanks, Chris)
[15:09] <barmintor> 3. Steve did a thing that he will hopefully describe here: (Something about consistency in documentation?)
[15:11] <barmintor> 4. Making a general effort to have committers update their individual status items on the meeting agenda
[15:14] <barmintor> JDK7 Support: Are we ready to make it official? Frank recommends waiting for first raft of bugfixes. Chris is satisfied with running tests against JDK7 (openJDK).
[15:15] * mhwood (~mhwood@2001:18e8:3:10ab:7a2b:cbff:feb4:89a9) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[15:17] <barmintor> JDK7 support is reported in FCREPO-989
[15:17] <kompewter> [ [#FCREPO-989] Support for JDK 7 - DuraSpace JIRA ] -
[15:18] <barmintor> Moving on to newly submitted items:
[15:18] <kompewter> [ Issue Navigator - DuraSpace JIRA ] -
[15:22] <barmintor> FCREPO-1013: Selecting a profiler- Yourkit? JProfiler?
[15:22] <barmintor> Dan: IntelliJ's built-in profiler?
[15:22] <barmintor> Frank: NetBeans's built-in profiler?
[15:25] <barmintor> Chris: Do any of these do call timing?
[15:25] <barmintor> Frank: Yourkit does this, works from heap snapshots
[15:27] <barmintor> Eddie: We need to build an acknowledgment page for businesses giving us free licenses
[15:29] <barmintor> Eddie: Closing issue with Yourkit selected
[15:29] * bradmc ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[15:30] * bradmc ( has joined #duraspace
[15:34] <barmintor> Eddie & JIRA Workflow:
[15:35] <barmintor> Eddie proposes a workflow change for 3.6 based on Hydra experience with Greenhopper
[15:35] <barmintor> includes sprints, epics, etc.
[15:36] <eddies>
[15:36] <kompewter> [ Fedora Repository Project - DuraSpace JIRA ] -
[15:36] <barmintor> Dan: Also using the Greenhopper scheme in Data Conservancy
[15:38] <barmintor> Eddie: Trying to scope tickets such that they're completable in a week, and organizing weekly sprints
[15:39] <barmintor> << Eddie briefly explains some agile development terminology >>
[15:42] <barmintor> Ben: We also use Greenhopper at Columbia. There's a lot of it about!
[15:46] * mhwood ( has joined #duraspace
[15:52] <barmintor> << Eddies does a quick poll to see how people feel about the workflow change >>
[15:54] <barmintor> Chris: Last 5 minutes to talk about Git issues (quickly)
[15:58] <barmintor> Chris: Pulling intoa development branch, using squash and rebase to merge into master as a single commit
[15:59] <barmintor> Chris: Think about this branching model -
[15:59] <kompewter> [ A successful Git branching model » ] -
[16:00] <barmintor> Good meeting! Adios!

Action Items


  • Migrate FCREPO JIRA tracker to use Greenhopper-style issues, etc.


  • Contact YourKit folks about OSS license for us.
