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  • AJAX for hypatia needed?   A:  only if we have time
    • will autosave when you make edit changes, e.g.  add an author, upload a file ...
    • because Hypatia is rails 2, and Joe will be writing AJAX for the rails 3 hydra-head, this will require a little bit of work (either AJAX for hypatia, or upgrade hypatia to rails 3)
  • How should multiple values for the same field display?
    • MO: We've usually handled this by having it display on a separate line directly below the first value.
  • How should personal names display?
    • MO: Lastname, Firstname
  • What if there is more than one Creator?  Does it display correctly?
  • Is the metadata about the person who is the object of the collection in the right place?  The person(s) who is the creator of the collection?  Where should a biography statement go?
  • Should the HTML derivatives of FTK objects be for download, or a link to display them?
    • MO: I can't think of why someone would want to download the HTML display images.  As long as they are ledgible that should be good enough.  If they are not ledgible because they are too small then we should allow download.
  • Should there be real thumbnail images for the disk photos? A way to look at a larger image?
    • MO: Ideally we'd like to have a thumbnail image as the default display that is clickable to allow the end user to see and read the larger image.  Do you need help from Peter or I to generate separate thumbnails and more high res display images?

Data Model (Data in application)

  • When should a non-collection object be a direct child of a collection object?
    • Should/can the model be different from what the UI will display?
      • items will not always belong to sets
        • MO: Yes, I imagine that model will need to support items that have not yet been assigned to a set.
      • items could be children of more than one set
        • MO: Yes, I image a use case where an item can belong to more than one set, not sure we need to support this right now though.
      • sets can be children of other sets
      • example: :  MO: Yes, the model will at some point need to support this, but not sure we need it for demo**** collection A  has:
          • set B
            • item 1
            • item 3 (also in set C)
          • set C
            • item 4
            • item 3  (also in set B)
          • set D
            • set E
              • item 5
          • item 2  (not in a set)
    • Is there a reduced case of the tree for the Hypatia Oct 31 deadline that can simplify our discussion?
  • Can an object be a direct child of more than one Collection?  (assuming no at the present)
    • MO: Correct, assume no for now although in the future we will probably want to revisit this in our data models
  • Should we be dealing with any permissions issues?
    • edit permissions for objects?  (if so, time for some fixture users ...)
      • MO: ideally, meaning time permitting it would be useful to have some examples of how the application would support multiple levels of permissions (archivists, superuser, etc.)  I am not sure what Jessie's current edit workflows support so we should discuss.  We should talk to UVA as it would be nice to have a place holder on the home page called something like Administration where one would go to edit permissions.
    • editing of edit permissions in the UI?


  • what is the correct EAD for Gallagher?  (there is one on sul-brick in the SHA directories)
    • MO: Filename is U DGA.xml.  In directory hull/Stephen Galagher
  • leave out elements with no value (collection foxml, ead, ...)?
    • MO: if there is no value in an element I would call that out rather than leave blank.  [data not supplied for this field].  This will at least highlight that we are not stupid and make the point that EAD fields are not used in the same way in all institutions.

Data Loading:

  • ok to skip loading disk image files themselves (for user download) except for xanadu? I'm told they aren't for the public ...
    • MO: For the time being yes.  Ideally, if time permits it would be nice to load the Gould disk images too as I believe all of these can be made public but this isn't critical due to time limitations.
  • leave out elements with no value?
    • MO: I believe so, yes.

Hypatia Home Screen

MO: Here is a stab at explanatory text for the application at the very bottom left of the home page.

Hypatia is demonstration Hydra application (Fedora, Hydra, Solr, Blacklight) that will support the acessioning, arrangement / description, delivery and long term preservation of born digital collections. Hypatia is being developed as part of the AIMS Project ("Born-Digital Collections: An Inter-Institutional Model for Stewardship"), funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.  Arrangement and description functionality is not fully supported in the current demonstration application.For more information on the Hydra Project please see

MO: At the bottom of the Hypatia home page please make the University name URLs link to the following:

Stanford University should point to

Yale should point to

UVa should point to

Hull should point to

MO: Featured Collections

Collection # 1 should be Gould.  Accompanying text should be the Abstract.  " Stephen Jay Gould was a renowned evolutionary biologist, paleontologist, historian of science, educator, popular science author, polymath, and an enthusiastic collector. His papers include, but are not limited to: subject files; coursework and research from his graduate studies at Columbia University; his teaching and administrative files from Harvard University and New York University; organizational and committee files; conference, lecture, and symposia files; research files and data; photographs; artifacts and memorabilia (including specimens); clippings and scrapbooks; photographs; audiovisual materials; biographical materials; files related to Gould’s passion for baseball and music; and various reprints and manuscripts by others.

Collection #2 should be Cheuse.  Similarly please populate the explanatory text from the abstract.