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Wednesday,  February 23 at 11:00 EDT

LG members:

Ann Beynon,   Robert CartolanoTom Cramer, (star) Doug Hahn, Christian Hauschke ,    Bruce Herbert , hannah sommers , Julia Trimmer , Terrie R. Wheeler ,Federico Ferrario, Anna GuillaumetNora DimmockDamaris Murry


Laurie Gemmill Arp, Robert Miller, Michele Mennielli


Tom Cramer, Robert CartolanoChristian Hauschke, Terrie R. WheelerFederico Ferrario, Nora DimmockDamaris Murry  

(star) = Secretary

Connection Information


Meeting Minutes

Announcements (0 mins)
Robert Miller moving onto newer things after 7 years.

Integrating VIVO and DSpace

We are excited to announce that we are embarking on Phase 1 of our project to further a VIVO DSpace integration!
You can see the initial call for proposals and phase 1 and 2 details at:


Team members include:

  • José Ortiz, Software Developer, from Ecuador
  • Michel Héon, Enterprise Architect, University du Quebec a Montreal
  • Abhishek Raval and Narendra Kumar from DSquare Technologies will also be participating 

Work is underway and we will be sharing the results of phase 1 over the summer and then determine the viability and timing of phase 2.

Bruce expresses Kudos to this DSpace project!
Anna:  She did a presentation in workshop related to VIVO.  Positive response.

Discussion (50 mins)

  1. Annual Meeting Planning (Ralph O’Flinn, 15 min)
    • Ralph has participated in the committees these past few years and has graciously accepted this burden.
    • Looking forward to the conference.
    • Wants to move the date for it back a bit. Early November.  Tentative 2nd week
    • Online conference appears to be a plus for attendance. It truly allows for worldwide attendance as opposed to US centric.
    • Approaching people / groups for involvement
    • Schedule / tracks are unclear now
      • After call for proposals and acceptance is done it will help with scheduling time / tracks.
  1. VIVO track at euroCRIS Conference (Anna, 10 mins)
    1. The CRIS2022 Conference, May 12-14, Croatia (
      Abstract DUE by March 13th
    2. The general theme of the conference is “Linking research information across data spaces”, emphasising emphasizing the need for using the ever more widespread CRIS implementation to ensure smooth and effective mechanisms for research information exchange and aggregation. From Open Science implementation to business intelligence through research assessment, such interoperability mechanisms offer opportunities to improve the research information management processes in many different domains.
    3. In this conference it will be a specific VIVO track where members of our community will be able to make presentations related to VIVO topics. That is why we invite you to send us your presentation proposals so that we can organize this space dedicated to VIVO within the euroCRIS conference.
    4. Submit proposals for the VIVO track at the euroCRIS conference:
    5. Deadline for submissions: Feb 15th, 2022
    6. (The officers should present on the VIVO community – the talks are 15-20 mins)


  1. Report from VIVO Membership and Community Engagement Task Force (Michelle/Julia, 20 mins)

    Ann Beynon: Presenting to the group on the Membership / Community Task Force update.

    18 paying members ~129K
    2 unknown ~ 5K

    Current Membership Status

  2. Working on cleaning the registry up

    We used Registry Data and Active VIVO sites (the work done by Julia and Mike) to analyze what’s the VIVO situation out there. We found out that there are at least 120 records in the registry that either are not active anymore or are not up to date. We want the registry to be a useful tool for us and the community and we’re now reaching out to all the inactive sites to clean the list.
    Group is presently contacting all dormant / unactive sites before removing from registry.

    • Identified prospects
      While working on the Registry and the VIVO active sites, we identified a list of 52 institutions that have an active site of VIVO but are not engaged with the VIVO program. We defined a set of activities we want to put in place in the next months to create a connection with them and possibly have: new members; new participants in WGs; new presentations at events; new user groups
      Target and engage 52 institutions for membership and engagement.  Does anyone know points of contact as these institutions??
      Will be developing an informative email to promote additional conversations with them

      52 membership prospects

    • Interoperability with DSpace
      We would like to use the effort supported by VIVO (here: to promote VIVO in the DSpace community. We will wait until Phase 1 of the project is almost over to start working and strategizing on outreach activities. In the meantime we’re working on submitting a presentation about this to OR2022. VIVO hasn’t had my presentations at Open Repositories and it could be a good opportunity to start.
    • New User Groups
      I think we could mention the work of the North American User Group and the IberoAmerica User Group. They are both new (I think they were created less than a year ago) and already organized online meetings that were very well attended and they are opening up the outreach opportunities sensibly.
      Want to also target the German user group.
    • Leaders support
      The program needs more members and help from the Leaders would be crucial, especially in reaching out the prospects they personally know.
      GET Involved!

      Ralph had some positive comments about trying to get institutions involved in ways that do not require joining.


    •   What can we provide people who get involved.  What is the carrot that gets them hooked?
      Hannah Sommers commented on the draw of VIVO for her and her desires for the future.  She is looking forward to the path that VIVO is taking and how that might involve more of a broad range of developers. 

  1. Financial


  1. Report (Terrie/Laurie, 10 mins)
    • Shared the quarterly (through 12/31/21) report via listserv
    • The budget is a plan; quarterly reports reflect progress against plan at various points in time
    • Overall, we are doing well compared to budget.
    • Variances are minor but include membership dues, salaries, and IDC
    • Overall we are using funds wisely but will want to grow revenue/membership to be able to increase activities and reach

In order to grow, we need both money and people.  Laurie does have some discretionary funds to help support phase 1 integration project