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  • (15 mins) Developer Stand Up - Developers give brief updates on their effort (or their team's effort).

    • Update/see "Current Work" section below based on your status. Please feel free to update prior to meeting.
    • Please highlight any new work (needing reviews/testing), any blockers (for you), and any discussion topics you may have.
  • (30 mins) General Discussion Topics
    1. REMINDER: This meeting switches times to 14:00UTC on April 4.  For those already in daylight savings time (USA), this will be one hour earlier. For Europe, this will be the same time (locally).
    2. Submission PR is still missing comments for the DynamicForms components, wait for those, or move those to a different PR and merge as-is?
    3. MyDSpace PR outstanding comment on the use of the Constants class, see issuecomment-477629344
  • (15 mins) Planning for next week


  1. (Angular) Adding Accessibility via Travis CI (work in progress) (Lower priority)
  2. (blue star) (Angular) MyDSpace UI (work in progress) (Timeline: Should be ready by Feb 28, delayed  5th Marchdelayed  12th March due to sub optimal Search implementation, need to run against the updated MyDSpace REST API PR - Blocked until discussion around the MyDSpace Endpoint is solved see 2312 and
  3. (REST Contract) Edit Homepage news: (Ben Bosman  - has outstanding questions/comments) (Lower priority)(blue star) (REST) MyDSpace Endpoint (Andrea Bollini (4Science) Early Reviewers: Ben BosmanTim Donohue  (everything in place, first review comments answered, ITs provided on the 3rd March ) on the 4Science repo against the 2312 PR
  4. (REST) Updating Owning Collections: (Kevin Van de Velde (Atmire)  - changes requested. Implementation doesn't align with contract) (Timeline: Should be ready a week after the entities are merged)
  5. (REST) Item Mapper functionality:  (Kevin Van de Velde (Atmire)  - changes requested. Implementation doesn't align with contract) (Timeline: Should be ready a week after the entities are merged)


  1. (warning) (REST Contract) Group and eperson management: (Waiting on updates from Ben Bosman )
  2. (blue star) (REST Contract) Configurable Entities (Part 1 - Architecture & Display): (Mark H. Wood - approved., Paulo Graça  - approved)(attenzione)
  3. (blue star) (blue star) (REST ) Workflow Endpoint: Contract) Minor changes to sync with the mydspace REST implementation (Tim DonohueBen Bosman , Ben Bosman Re-reviewed and additional feedback added., All change requests implemented - answers provided also for latest feedbacks) Tim Donohue )
  4. (warning) (REST) EPerson profile PATCH functionality : (Andrea Bollini (4Science) , Tim Donohue .  This PR currently has minor merge conflicts & has outstanding feedback from Tom Desair.)
  5. (blue star) (REST) Configurable Entities (Part 1 - Architecture & Display): (NEW PR, Tom Desair reviewed, Paulo Graça , Andrea Bollini (4Science) )
    1. Sub-PR to add more Integration Tests into PR#2376's branch: ( Tim Donohue)
  6. (blue star) (REST) MyDSpace Endpoint PR: ( Ben Bosman , Tim Donohue , Kevin Van de Velde (Atmire) ) - previous discussion here:
  7. (tick) (blue star) (Angular) Submission implementation:  (Art Lowel (Atmire) , Paulo Graça - request changes requestedTim Donohue . All change requests implemented, needs final approval
  8. (warning) (Angular) Transfer to .po message format - Initial PR: (Paulo Graça - changes requested, Tim Donohue , Art Lowel (Atmire)  - requested updates. Currently failing build.)
  9. (blue star) (Angular) Configurable Entities (Part 1 - Architecture & Display): (NEW PR, Paulo Graça - approved. Noted performance/loading issues. - Art Lowel (Atmire) will look at performance.)
  10. (Backend) One Webapp Backend - Initial PRAngular) Search performance optimizations (Ben BosmanGiuseppe Digilio (4Science) ,  Mark H. Wood , Terrence W Brady )
    1. This PR will have a follow-up PR to rename the "dspace-spring-rest" webapp to "dspace-server" and update all URL configurations
    1. Might have an impact on MyDSpace PR (See "In Progress" section)?
    2. Docker changes to merge after this PR is merged:
    Tim Donohue  - MyDSpace UI needs this) 
  11. (Angular) Bootstrap security update: (Andrea Bollini (4Science)Giuseppe Digilio (4Science) approved,  Tim DonohueBen Bosman) - Could be merged immediately)
  12. (Angular) Preview release themePerformance Testing bug (Terrence W Brady 376 (Tim Donohue  - Should this be merged into "master" or a "preview" branch? May need to discuss next week?)
  13. (Angular) Search performance optimizationsFix pagination on the home page (377 (Paulo GraçaGiuseppe Digilio (4Science) , Tim Donohue )
  14. (warning) (Angular Bug) Bootstrap security update: (Giuseppe Digilio Andrea Bollini (4Science) approved, Art Lowel (Atmire) )
  15. (Angular) Preview release themeBackend) Performance Testing bug (NEW PRTerrence W Brady , Tim Donohue )
  16. (Angular) Fix pagination on the home pageBackend) One Webapp Backend - Initial PR (Ben Bosman , Mark H. Wood , Terrence W Brady - tested and found issues in getting RDF/SWORDv1 working in Docker)
    1. This PR will have a follow-up PR to rename the "dspace-spring-rest" webapp to "dspace-server" and update all URL configurations
    1. Docker changes to merge after this PR is merged:
     (NEW PR)

PRs Merged this week!

  1.  (tick) (Backend) Upgrading Solr Server for DSpace - Initial PR:
    1. Initial docs started at Installing DSpace (OLD - to be removed)
  2. (tick) (blue star) (REST) Workflow Endpoint:


  1. (Angular) Move Item Component:
    1. Blocked by DSpace PR#2283
  2. (Angular) Item-Collection Mapper:
    1. Blocked by DSpace PR#2282


  1. (REST Contract) Edit Homepage News:
    1. Delayed until after Preview release. General agreement (in meeting on March 21, 2019) that storing HTML in metadata fields is not really ideal behavior.  Metadata (from a librarian standpoint) tends to be free of format-related markup (as that allows for easier sharing, understanding of metadata.  Currently Community & Collection homepage information is HTML-based and is stored in metadata that is appropriate for a minor subset of information (like the title) but it is better to move large/rich text to bitstreams.  
    2. Proposal here is to consider storing HTML-based markup (for Site, Community & Collection homepages) in Bitstream(s) associated with the object in question.  May allow for more CMS-lite behavior in the future
    3. Timeline for this is uncertain.  Possibly in 7 or 8. May depend on how/whether it can be scoped.
  2. (REST) Scripts & Processes endpoint:
  3. Concurrency in DSpace 7 (or 8).  What do we want to do when multiple editors are editing the same object?  Needs further analysis regarding implementation details
    1. We've decided (in meeting on March 7, 2019) to use ETags to implement concurrency. REST Contract notes on ETags:
    2. ETags only update of the two fields match. If someone edits first, your edit would fail and you would get a fail response (422?)
    3. ETags seems to have broader support in other REST APIs.  Recommended also by both Art and Andrea.


  1. Submission & Workflow UI / backend
  2. Configurable Entities (from DSpace 7 Entities Working Group (2018-19))
  3. Upgrading Solr Server for DSpace (not required for Preview, as there's no user facing features. However, the earlier we feel comfortable merging this effort the better)


  • Reminder, next week we move meeting to 14UTC (one hour earlier in USA.  Same time for those in Europe, as they start Daylight savings this weekend)

  • Submission PR discussion:
    • Major outstanding request is just for TypeDocs (comments) on all Dynamic Forms components
    • Most of these DynamicForms Components existed prior to this PR.  We do not expect those to be fixed by this PR
    • Giuseppe Digilio (4Science) recommends to create a new GitHub issue ticket for commenting all the Dynamic Forms components.  Schedule this for after Preview Release and assign it to Giuseppe.
      • Others agree, this sounds reasonable.  Giuseppe will create the ticket & claim it.
  • MyDSpace PR discussion:
    • Andrea Bollini (4Science) wants to ensure we are in agreement on the implementation strategy. Wants to try and get this PR moved along as quickly as possible
    • Strategy is to keep the existing (new) Constants added in the last PR.  Specifically these 4:
    • As previously noted by Ben, these new Constants are slightly controversial. The design pattern is not great, as anytime we want to index a new type of Object in Solr, it MUST be added to the list of Constants.  This is because we currently index these Constants in Solr to represent the type (so an Item in Solr says it is type "2", instead of saying it's an "item" or similar)
      • Ben & Tim both agree this is not a good design pattern long term.  However, also both agree it's "good enough" for now, and we can re-discuss this after the Preview Release
    • Next Step: This implementation is fine for now. We'll have to determine a better design pattern approach after Preview Release.  It also may be that (time permitting) we'd have to modify the approach in DSpace 8, we'll have to see.
  • EC2 instance for Docker
    • Terry suggests that, since we are releasing Preview Release via Docker, we might also consider having a Preview "demo site" in EC2 using those Docker instances
    • Tim says that sounds reasonable, We'll take this offline though to discuss further and bring back to group as needed
  • Planning for Preview Release
    • Lieven asks if we can set ourselves an internal deadline.  April 11 might be tough, as both DuraSpace Summit and user group in Germany are going on that week.  April 18 maybe?
    • Tim agrees, April 18 seems like a good goal.
    • Also need to understand our availability in late April and May.  How do we get from Preview to Beta. 
    • Decision
      • April 18 is our new Preview Release goal.  This means finalizing reviews & merging all necessary (blue starred) PRs before April 12 or 15.
      • NEXT WEEK: Discussion of availability in late April / all of May.  Do we have any gaps to fill?  Is a Beta possible by OR2019?