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Agenda/ Notes 

Designing a Migration Path - collection of project resources

Advanced Tables - Table Plus

9:00-9:15Welcome, agenda review

Discussion. 'Ah Ha!' moments after reading. Any surprises?

10:30 - 11:45

Survey distribution timeline (one month behind sched) and strategy

Idea to deliver a webinar as project update and to kick off survey distribution.

Draft survey preamble:

Distribution to lists: Samvera-Tech, Samvera-Community, Digital-Curation, Code4Lib, DLF, PASIG, Fedora-Community, Islandora-Community, Islandora-Dev.

Personal solicitations for survey from advisory group members? Volunteers?. Pick 5 ppl to sned message to. List here:

Timeline for keeping survey open: Two weeks? With reminders during period. Schedule and draft text and assignments.

11:45 - 1:00Lunch
1:00 - 2:30

Planning next steps:

Secondary consultation with Samvera, Islandora and Fedora Communities after survey results come back. Advisory board members will receive a summary of anonymized survey results. We will speak to each advisory board member if there are gaps in the data set (e.g. things we thought we would see that we didn't) and surprises in the data set. Feedback will be documented and included in the final report.

Action- provide timeline for setting up individual meetings with Advisory Board members

Action - Determine timeline for next series of virtual meetings in May/June. Get it on our calendars.

2:30 - 3:00

Final Report / Report out at OR in June 2019


  • What needs to be in there for it to be useful? For you, what would mean success or failure?
  • How can we use our findings to pursue an IMLS project grant in Aug/September?
    • What about UI/UX migrations. Important to collection managers
  • Who will be at OR in Germany? Want to participate in presentation?
  • Any other events where we can propose presentations delivered by advisory board members?
    • DLF call for proposals due end of April. Scott, Este, David all going.



Agenda review

Erin shared that a practicum student is starting on Monday and will be helping with the grant. Erin will send out a message introducing her.

Overview of documents

Broad overview of documents, AHA moments

David - Reached out to a number of institutions and did a brief survey of front-end data model perspective. What is the same, what is different, how difficult to do a migration based on the front-end framework. Islandora is probably the easiest - homogenous, core structure with solution packs, Islandora already has a migration framework. Some issues, some things to be rewritten, but Islandora will likely have the least trouble. Content will be okay, but custom front end will need to be required. Florida State University, National Library of Medicine, University of Wisconsin-Madison, UNC Chapel Hill, Michigan State University, Stanford University, Williams College, Amherst College


David - don't have to convert all XML to RDF. It is not a requirement. 

Migration tools

David - there are three that exist - migration-utilsFedoraMigrateMigrate_7x_claw (based on The Drupal Migrate framework). Can we leverage what is there/update? 


Este - could we also mine Slack channels to see what kinds of questions come up?



David - other tools, fedora migrate gem - may not be as profitable to spend time on this one. More focused on migrating into specific Hydra/Sufia environment at the time.

Mike - specifically designed for folks using Sufia which is no longer a thing. Would take substantial work to have it function with Hyrax and that hits only a portion of the Samvera community, probably dead code at this point and not a good option for us to consider at this point.

David - migrate 7x in Islandora - Islandora working on this and it will do content migration.

Erin - are there things we can learn from this for what we should set up for Fedora migrate?

David - can configure in Drupal. 

Andrew - what is Drupal doing that makes it so easy.?

David - Danny has done a YouTube video and it looks pretty straightforward. Would like to see what is working well and have it help in building out Fedora migration tool.

Este - concern about what happens to metadata in the Islandora migration.

Erin - would be good to talk to other types of staff like metadata folks.

Scott - we give people the option to look at their xml while building tools to get the data migrated.

David - migrationutils highest value to work on at this point.

Andrew - migrationutils reads Fedora 3 via API or what is on disk, and writes into Fedora via the API. Increasingly thinking of going from file system to file system. From tools he agrees, but there might be a higher level recommendation to write from disk to disk rather than API, which could be a new tool.

API documentation 

David - summarizes API. Utility of API is already well known. You can migrate through the API but it is slow. REST, one object at a time.  Have heard that the API ingest into 4 is so slow it is not useful for mass migration. Could take 6 months to move data. NLM projected at least six months. 

Scott - stumbling block. Interest in performance and scalability. Finding a bottleneck with the triplestore in Fedora 3. Not a Fedora problem necessarily.

Andrew - use half of the migration tool - reads from Fedora 3 and writes to Fedora 6 in OCFL.

David - the stuff is on disk. Suggestion that Fedora 6 could write to comply with objects on disk rather than other way around where objects conform to what is acceptable to the application. Could still use API, but could just write to disk in OCFL compliant format and that would be faster.

Erin - are we going to recommend people wait until FEdora 6?

David - depends on the amount of content.

Andrew - 6 is resolving issues in FEdora 4 and 5. Fedora 3 has flat hierarchy. Fedora 4 and 5 requires to change urls.. in Fedora 6 can keep urls and keep flat hierarchy, and have no modeshape.

Scott - would almost be two different migration utilities from 3 - 4/5 and 3-6. 

Erin - grant focus is Fedora 3. Fedora 6 is well underway. Don't know the timeline yet. List of recommendations to publish with grant project - who to talk to about at what point server conversations with IT about last date of moving. Two rare instances where institutions who need to migrate or they have to turn it off.

Scott - this is a coming issue. Java 11 is coming at his institution, and Fedora 3 won't work on Java 11.

Mike - have had some conversations. No one says will stop supporting Java 8. Threat of something tanking and having a problem is getting greater.

Scott - no bug fix for end of life for Java 8. They use free SDK. Part of reason to migrate to 11 is to use the open JDK. Other issue with Fedora 3 - a lot of libraries and jars in it that are old and have bugs and security flaws that aren't being updated, and will get pushback from security admins.

Tim - in charge of everything from wall plate out - they aren't worried from pressure from IT at this point. 

Erin - would like to send out an email to the whole advisory board about decommissioning Fedora for security/support perspectives, and who is applying the pressure.

David - this is a major problem. It could be a problem for us. 

Erin - means the time pressure for 6 is even greater. This is interesting...

Tim - sees this in the espoused mission of DPN - to make sure that content wasn't lost. We are building a case taht the lost may not be the preservation strategy, but people aren't resourced to get their stuff out of an aging infrastructure. Not just the technology uplift from 3-6, but also shop it around as a crisis or threat to loss of content.  The more we focus on that, the more evidence that it is a cross institution national issue, not just a technology issue.

Erin - this seems like a compelling argument to IMLS.

Scott - another key for Fedora 6 is the OCFL, which speaks to preservation. 

Este - we will go to 6, but not 4 or 5, but we need to have it go well.

Erin - we need to support the first couple migrations to 6, with site visits to make sure it is good.

Scott - Bitcurator consortium - has a deal if you join for 6 months, you get three days of support. They walk you through a process - targeted at a very concrete level for institutions not well resources or technically in depth. Can put in contact with some folks from Bitcurator. Uses video calls, not on site.

Erin - a program institutions could apply for - very interesting idea beyond picking a few institutions to start with.


David - helps with speed issues with migration and batch ingest.

Scott - solving not just a migration problem as Tim said, but a preservation problem.

Erin - expanding on the risks to the content in terms of the deprecated applications.


Tim:  additional question: what most do you need help with?  (UX, content migration, metadata, etc.)

Erin: what skills are in short supply at your institution?

Este:  what are you most concerned about, worried about? (time, number of objects, metadata)

Suggestion:  what are barriers?  check all that apply

David:  keep survey short, 5 - 10 minutes; but an additional question about what you need help with is good

Este:  open ended?  Erin:  take time and thought to respond to

David:  compromise:  options + Other free-text field

Erin:  add the question below barriers question

Erin:  in terms of help:  how do we classify kinds of help?

David:  let respondents determine the answers

Este:  rephrase:  "what would be helpful?"

David, et al:  UX help, tooling, documentation, consultation, training, service provider contracting, metadata

Scott:  helpful to get responses, even if we can't help with everything

Survey Timing and distribution

Erin:  release in a week, keep open 2/3 weeks;  send two reminders;  first solicit personal contacts, then to open lists

direct contact distribution list:  TODO for group:  please brainstorm individuals who can fill out survey (5 - 10)

add to Excel spreadsheet

Este, David:  emphasize that anyone, any role, can answer, don't need specialized knowledge, not a team effort

Erin: will send out list of institutions for initial grant

Erin:  timing will work well with when intern come on board

Erin:  do we need a webinar (as promised in the grant proposal) before the survey, to orient people to the survey, communicate grant progress?

Este:  yes, more informational, no need for heavy prep

Andrew:  and record it

Erin:  send it out next week, open for three weeks, have informational call with second or third reminder

Mike:  who is audience?  Class of respondents who have migrated away, who may have resources, but choose not to migrate?

Erin/David:  hopefully, both

Erin:  hopefully, 80 -120 respondents

Scott:  seems high

Este:  stress that we want more than one person at a given institution

Survey preamble

Should take 10 minutes

Andrew:  and specify number of questions

Erin:  also stress that no prior knowledge or expertise required

Erin: preservation focus in preamble?

Scott:  yes:  blah blah blah (will be wordsmithed)

Este:  upgrading vs. migrating?

Erin, David:  barriers to migrating (not upgrading)

(some wordsmithing)

Scott:  privacy/anonymization boilerplate? what will we do with the data?

Erin:  we solicit institutional affiliation, but not names 6th

Scott: add some boilerplate about how data will be collected, used, and reported

Tim:  get people to click:  three or four bullet points at top?

Erin:  subject line to induce people to open the email?

Scott:  include preservation?

Erin/Este:  too broad...

Este/Andrew:  short and punchy

Erin:  Barriers to Fedora migration:  quick survey

(update preamble to same subject/title)

Survey distribution

Erin:  send out by Wednesday?

Advisory group:  add names to list by Wednesday (Apr. 17th);  close survey on May 8th

Scott:  markers for phone call, first reminder, second reminder?

Erin:  first reminder: April 24th, David Wilcox will mention at Samvera presentation

Phone call:  April 25th or 26th

Last reminder:  May 6th

Erin:  survey preamble as template for email

Planning Next Steps

  • Need to follow up with community stakeholders and advisory board members with the survey results. 
    • Do the advisory board consultations need to be individual or can they be done as a group?
      • We can schedule an advisory board call a week after the survey closes to discuss the results 
      • Monday, May 13 at 11am ET
      • Most of the results will be multiple choice/checkboxes so it shouldn't take long to aggregate and report
    • This is another form of primary research
  • Should we collect names and email addresses as an optional field?
    • Could be useful for secondary consultation - e.g. invite people to a Zoom call to ask follow up questions 
    • Add an optional field to the end of the form and update the preamble with regard to privacy
    • Draft questions and follow up with select respondents on a Zoom call
    • Make sure form logic works so that all participants are invited to provide contact details
  • If we finalize our work by July 1 we can just submit, otherwise we'll need to transfer to Lyrasis which can take some effort

Final Report

  • Where to publish survey results
    • Link excel spreadsheet to the wiki/website
    • Scott will check to see if we can deposit to UW IR
    • We should mint a public PID (ARK, Handle, DOI, etc.)
  • What should be included in the final report?
    • Summary of this morning's discussion topics
    • Clear indication of what is needed for a follow-on grant (docs, tooling, etc.)
    • Recommendations, prioritized tasks to present to Fedora governance leading to concrete actions
    • Not a SWOT analysis, but a statement of the risks involved in not migrating away from Fedora 3.x
    • Clarity about what DuraSpace/Lyrasis should do vs. what other stakeholders should do
      • This will help with communication with other groups/service providers
    • Prioritization based on need and impact
    • Description of where this fits in with other DuraSpace/Lyrasis priorities (e.g. OCFL)
    • Consider SOAR (Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations, Risks) analysis
    • Confirmation that people in the community aren't alone, DuraSpace/Lyrasis is on top of things
    • Beyond just migrating from 3.x to 6.x, thinking about future versions of Fedora
  • Should we check in like this every few years?
    • What problems are you facing, what do you need help with
    • This helps us get beyond our current governance structure, which heavily favours institutions that are able to pay membership fees
  • The results of this effort could be useful to other communities as well (e.g. DSpace)
    • The process could be useful to share as well
  • Dissemination
    • Presentation accepted at OR
    • The group will put a proposal into DLF
    • Islandoracon, Samvera Connect, CNI
    • Organize a webinar in the Fall
    • Publish a paper in an open access journal (e.g. Code4Lib)
    • Include in workshops and camps
    • Couple messaging with release of Fedora 6
  • Next Steps in the grant process
    • This is a planning grant, implementation grants typically follow
    • IMLS will put out a call for proposals in September
    • Support for a second phase would probably fall into 2020
    • What could a follow-on grant help fund in this timeline?
      • Hard to know before we see the results
      • Identify priorities in the report without assuming any grant funding, but indicate where funding would help accelerate these efforts
      • We want to be working on migration tooling as soon as possible
      • The grant could help fund migration guide, site visits, training
      • Probably target $150K
      • Revisit this once we have the results of the survey on the May 13 meeting


  •  David Wilcoxadd "What would help" question to the survey 
  •  David Wilcox Add option name and email address fields to the end of the survey
  •  David Wilcox Send out survey to mailing lists on April 17
  •  All: Add 5 people to the list of contacts for personal survey invitations
  •  All: Draft proposals for DLF, Islandora Con, Samvera Connect, CNI