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Table of Contents


Table of Contents



The Fedora 4 HTTP API is generally a RESTful API. HTTP methods like GET, PUT, POST and DELETE are implemented on most resource paths. The API also relies heavily on content negotiation to deliver context-appropriate responses, and a HATEOAS-driven text/html response (providing a decent GUI experience on top of the repository).

The Fedora 4 RDF-based responses may be serialized as:

  • application/ld+json
  • application/n-triples
  • application/rdf+xml
  • text/n3 (or text/rdf+n3)
  • text/plain
  • text/turtle (or application/x-turtle)

The text/html response also includes embedded RDFa markup.

Fedora 4 implements the Linked Data Platform 1.0 Architecture, which:

[...] describes the use of HTTP for accessing, updating, creating and deleting resources from servers that expose their resources as Linked Data.  It provides clarifications and extensions of the rules of Linked Data [LINKED-DATA]:

  1. Use URIs as names for things
  2. Use HTTP URIs so that people can look up those names
  3. When someone looks up a URI, provide useful information, using the standards (RDF*, SPARQL)
  4. Include links to other URIs, so that they can discover more things



Repository objects can be loosely divided into two classes of resources:

 - Containers ("fedora:Container"), containing RDF properties and 0 or more child resources
 - Binaries, containing any binary payload (roughly corresponding to Fedora 3 datastreams)


Excerpt Include
RESTful HTTP API - Containers
RESTful HTTP API - Containers

Export and Import


Excerpt Include
RESTful HTTP API - Export and Import
RESTful HTTP API - Export and Import



Excerpt Include
RESTful HTTP API - Versioning
RESTful HTTP API - Versioning


Access Roles


Excerpt Include
RESTful HTTP API - Access Roles
RESTful HTTP API - Access Roles

Backup and Restore


Excerpt Include
RESTful HTTP API - Backup and Restore
RESTful HTTP API - Backup and Restore



Excerpt Include
RESTful HTTP API - Fixity
RESTful HTTP API - Fixity

Node Types


Excerpt Include
RESTful HTTP API - Node Types
RESTful HTTP API - Node Types




Excerpt Include
RESTful HTTP API - Transactions
RESTful HTTP API - Transactions



Excerpt Include
RESTful HTTP API - Transform
RESTful HTTP API - Transform


- POST mints an ID


- GET lists children, with optional filter by mixin
- POST create a new node of QueryParam "mixin" at {path}
- PUT mutate the object at {path}
- DELETE remove the object at {path}

Code Block
GET /rest/
  list the top-level objects in the repository
GET /rest/objects/sufia:123456789
  list the children under /objects/sufia:123456789, which may include properties(?), datastreams or additional fedora objects/collections
GET /rest/some-other-object-living-at-jcr-root
  there's nothing special about /objects, it's just another part of the path to an object. List the children under /some-other-object-living-at-jcr-root, which may include properties(?), datastreams or additional fedora objects/collections
GET /rest/objects/sufia:123456789?mixin=fedora:datastream
  only list the `fedora:datastreams` that are children of /objects/sufia:123456789
POST /rest/objects/islandora:xyzasdf with request body
  (I seem to remember something about a JSON/XML serialization of "profile" properties...)
POST /rest/objects/islandora:xyzasdf?mixin=fedora:object
  create a new fedora object at /objects/islandora:xyzasdf
POST /rest/objects/islandora:xyzasdf/an/arbitrary/hierarchy/to/an/islandora:datastream?mixin=fedora:datastream
  create a new datastream at /objects/islandora:xyzasdf/an/arbitrary/hierarchy/to/an/islandora:datastream in the JCR tree. (Will this create all the intermediate nodes? do I need to do this manually?)
PUT /rest/objects/sufia:123456789
  (not sure what this implies.. manipulating properties of the node?)
DELETE /rest/objects/sufia:123456789
  Delete the node at /objects/sufia:123456789


- POST create a new child of QueryParam "mixin" under {path}

Code Block
POST /rest/objects/fcr:new
  create a new child object with an automatically generated unique identifier
POST /rest/objects/sufia:123456789?mixin=fedora:datastream
  create a new child datastream for /objects/sufia:123456789 with an automatically generated unique identifier

- GET the bytes from {path}/jcr:content/jcr:data
- POST create a new nt:file at {path} with a binary value of the request entity
- PUT mutate the binary value of the nt:file at {path}
- DELETE remove the jcr:content child from the node at {path}


Code Block
GET /rest/objects/sufia:123456789/DS1/fcr:content
  get the binary content of DS1
POST /rest/objects/sufia:123456789/THUMBNAIL/fcr:content (with a request body)
  add the binary content from the request body to THUMBNAIL
PUT /rest/objects/sufia:123456789/THUMBNAIL/fcr:content (with a request body)
  update the binary content in the THUMBNAIL
DELETE /rest/objects/sufia:123456789/THUMBNAIL/fcr:content
  remove the binary content from THUMBNAIL (but leave the JCR node there..)
PATCH /rest/objects/sufia:123456789/THUMBNAIL/fcr:content
  (I assume PATCH will work.. that'd be pretty cool)


- POST create a new nt:file under {path} with a binary value of the request entity

Code Block
POST /rest/objects/sufia:123456789/fcr:new/fcr:content
  create a new child datastream (with an automatically generated unique identifier) with the content provided by the request body


- GET profile or description [repo describe at root, profiles by type]
- POST unsupported?
- PUT unsupported?
- DELETE unsupported?

Code Block
GET /rest/fcr:describe
  describe the fcrepo4 repository

GET /rest/objects/sufia:123456789/fcr:describe
  describe the object /objects/sufia:123456789 (equivalent to the fcrepo 3.x "object profile") 

GET /rest/objects/sufia:123456789/content/fcr:describe
  describe the datastream /objects/sufia:123456789/content (equivalent to the fcrepo 3.x "datastream profile")

GET /rest/some/arbitrary/jcr\:path/to/sufia:123456789/the/tree/continues/fcr:describe
  describe the node at /some/arbitrary/jcr\:path/to/sufia:123456789/the/tree/continues (equivalent to the fcrepo3.x "datastream profile"). 
  If the node resolves to a JCR "nt:file", we treat it as a datastream. Else, an object (or collection)



- GET the version history of the nt:file or the nt:folder (as appropriate) at {path}

Code Block
GET /rest/objects/sufia:123456789/fcr:versions
  get the version history of /objects/sufia:123456789 fedora object (not sure what the response looks like, though)
GET /rest/sufia:123456789/THUMBNAIL/fcr:versions
  get the version history of the THUMBNAIL datastream


Datastream Batch Operations

/rest/{path}/fcr:datastreams is only for batch DS operations

Code Block
GET /rest/objects/sufia:123456789/fcr:datastreams?dsid=DC&dsid=RELS-EXT&dsid=CONTENT_METADATA
  receive a multipart/mixed response of the 3 named datastreams under /objects/sufia:123456789
POST /rest/objects/sufia:123456789/fcr:datastreams (with a multipart body)
  create any number of datastreams under /objects/sufia:123456789
DELETE /rest/objects/sufia:123456789/fcr:datastreams?dsid=THUMBNAIL&dsid=CONTENT
  delete the two named datastreams under /objects/sufia:123456789



- GET get the fixity report for the nt:file at {path}

Code Block
GET /rest/objects/sufia:123456789/THUMBNAIL/fcr:fixity
  retrieve the fixity report for the /objects/sufia:123456789/THUMBNAIL node