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Comment: Minor corrections to facet docs


In this example, there are 3 Sidebar Facets, Author, Subject and Date Issued. It's important to know that multiple metadata fields can be included in one facet. For example, the Author facet above includes values from both as well as dc.creator.


  • General settings: The discovery.cfg file located in the [dspace-install-dir]/config/modules directory.
  • Browse settings: The dspace.cfg file located in [dspace-install-dir]/config/ includes "webui.browse.index.*" settings
  • User Interface Configuration: The discovery.xml file is located in [dspace-install-dir]/config/spring/api/ directory.



Example Value:[http://localhost:8080/solr/search]

Informational Note:

Discovery relies on a Solr index for storage and retrieval of its information. This parameter determines the location of the Solr index.

If you are uncertain whether this property is set correctly, you can use a commandline tool like "wget" to perform a query against the Solr index (and ensure Solr responds). For example, the below query searches the Solr index for "test" and returns the response on standard out:

wget -O - http://localhost:8080/solr/search/select?q=test



Example Value:


Informational Note:

By default, Discovery will use the authority information in the metadata to disambiguate homonyms. Setting this property to false will make the indexing process the same as the metadata doesn't include authority information. The configuration can be different on a field (<schema>.<element>.<qualifier>) basis. Setting the property without a field will change the default value.



Example Value:


Informational Note:Similar property to "discovery.index.authority.ignore", except specific to the "Browse By" indexes. By default, Discovery will use the authority information in the metadata to disambiguate homonyms. Setting this property to false will make the indexing process the same as the metadata doesn't include authority information. The configuration can be different on a browse index basis. Setting the property without a browse index will change the default value.


Example Value:


Informational Note:

By default, Discovery will use the authority information in the metadata to query the authority for the preferred label. Setting this property to false will make the indexing process the same as the metadata  doesn't include authority information (i.e. the preferred form is the one recorded in the metadata value). The configuration can be different on a field (<schema>.<element>.<qualifier>) basis. Setting the property without a field will change the default value. If the authority is a remote service, disabling this feature can greatly improve performance.



Example Value:


Informational Note:Similar property to "discovery.index.authority.ignore-prefered", except specific to the "Browse By" indexes. By default, Discovery will use the authority information in the metadata to query the authority for the preferred label. Setting this property to false will make the indexing process the same as the metadata doesn't include authority information (i.e. the preferred form is the one recorded in the metadata value). The configuration can be different on a browse index basis. Setting the property without a browse index will change the default value. If the authority is a remote service, disabling this feature can greatly improve performance.


Example   Value:


Informational Note:

By default, Discovery will use the authority information in the metadata to query the authority for variants. Setting this property to false will make the indexing process the same, as the metadata doesn't include authority information. The configuration can be different on a per-field (<schema>.<element>.<qualifier>) basis. Setting the property without a field will change the default value. If authority is a remote service, disabling this feature can greatly improve performance.



Example Value:


Informational Note:Similar property to "discovery.index.authority.ignore-variants", except specific to the "Browse By" indexes. By default, Discovery will use the authority information in the metadata to query the authority for variants. Setting this property to false will make the indexing process the same, as the metadata doesn't include authority information. The configuration can be different on a browse index basis. Setting the property without a browse index will change the default value. If authority is a remote service, disabling this feature can greatly improve performance.

Modifying the Discovery User Interface (config/spring/api/discovery.xml)

Browse settings (config/dspace.cfg)

See the "Browse Index Configuration" section of the Configuration Reference for all "Browse By" configurations.  These Configurations control both which fields are indexed for browsing, as well as which Browse by options appear in the user interface.  Changing these configurations requires reindexing.

If you add new browse fields then you should coordinate changes here with the message catalog(s) in the UI.  You will need to add several entries:

keyvalue*label the browse field in the Browse menu of a community or collection page
menu.section.browse_global_by_*label the browse field in the "browse" dropdown at the top of the page
browse.metadata.*label the browse field in the body of the browsing page
browse.metadata.*.breadcrumbslabel the browse field in the page's "breadcrumb trail"

Modifying the Discovery User Interface (config/spring/api/discovery.xml)

The discovery.xml file is located in the [dspace]/config/spring/api directory.  Modifying these settings can change the behavior of the Search pages in the user interface, allowing you to customize the facets, filters, sort options, etc.

If you add new search fields, sorts, etc. then you should coordinate changes here with the message catalog(s) in the UI.  You will need to add e.g. search.filters.filter.NAME.head (where NAME is the indexFieldName of the field definition) to label a new search fieldThe discovery.xml file is located in the [dspace]/config/spring/api directory.

Structure Summary

This file is in XML format, you .  You should be familiar with XML before editing this file. The configurations are organized together in beans, depending on the purpose these properties are used for.
This purpose can be derived from the class of the beans. Here's a short summary of classes you will encounter throughout the file and what the corresponding properties in the bean are used for.





Defines the mapping between separate Discovery configurations and individual collections/communities


All communities, collections and the homepage (key=default) are mapped to defaultConfiguration, also .  Also controls the metadata fields that should not be indexed in the search core (item provenance for example).




Groups configurations for sidebar facets, search filters, search sort options and recent submissions


There is one configuration by default called defaultConfiguration




Defines that specific metadata fields should be enabled as a search filter


dc.title,, dc.creator, dc.subject.* and are defined as search filters




Defines which metadata fields should be offered as a contextual sidebar browse options, each of these facets has also got to be a search filter

Default:, dc.creator, dc.subject.* and




Defines which metadata fields contain hierarchical data and should be offered as a contextual sidebar option




Further specifies the sort options to which a DiscoveryConfiguration refers


dc.title and are defined as alternatives for sorting, other than Relevance (hard-coded)




Defines which metadata fields can contain hit highlighting & search snippets


dc.title,, dc.subject, dc.description.abstract & full text from text files.



Purpose:Defines the tag cloud appearance configuration bean and the search filter facets to appear in the tag cloud form. You can have different "TagCloudFacetConfiguration" per community or collection or the home page


Code Block
<bean id="searchFilterTitle" class="org.dspace.discovery.configuration.DiscoverySearchFilter">
    <property name="indexFieldName" value="title"/>
    <property name="metadataFields">
    <property name="pageSize" value="10"/>

The id & class attributes are mandatory for this type of bean. The properties that it contains are discussed below.


Sidebar facets extend the search filter and add some extra properties to it, below .  Below is an example of a search filter that is also used as a sidebar facet.

Code Block
<bean id="searchFilterAuthor" class="org.dspace.discovery.configuration.SidebarFacetConfigurationDiscoverySearchFilterFacet">
        <property name="indexFieldName" value="author"/>
        <property name="metadataFields">
             </list> </list>
        <property name="facetLimit" value="5"/>
        <property <property name="sortOrderSidebar" value="COUNT"/>
        <property name="facetLimitsortOrderFilterPage" value="10COUNT"/>
        <property name="sortOrderisOpenByDefault" value="COUNTtrue"/>
        <property name="type" value="text"/>

Note that the class has changed from DiscoverySearchFilter to SidebarFacetConfiguration this DiscoverySerachFilterFacet.  This is needed to support the extra properties.

  • facetLimit (optional): The maximum number of values to be shown by default. This property is optional, if none is specified the default value "10" will be used. If the filter has the type type date, this property will not be used since dates are automatically grouped together.
  • sortOrder (optional):The sort order for the sidebar facets, it can either be COUNT or VALUE. The default value is COUNT.
    • COUNT Facets will be sorted by the amount number of times they appear in the repository
    • VALUE Facets will be sorted alphabetically
  • type (optional): the type of the sidebar facet it can either be "date" or "text", "text" is the default value.
    • text: The facets will be treated as is (DEFAULT)
    • date: Only the year will be stored in the Solr index. These years are automatically displayed in ranges that get smaller when you select one.


Discovery supports specialized drill down in hierarchically structured metadata fields. For this drill down to work, the metadata in the field for which you enable this must be composed out of terms, divided by a splitter. For example, you could have a dc.subject.taxonomy field in which you keep metadata like "CARTOGRAPHY::PHOTOGRAMMETRY", in which Cartography and Photogrammetry are both terms, divided by the splitter "::". The Initially the sidebar will only display the top level facets, when .  When clicking on "view more" all the facet options will be displayed.


Note that the class has changed from SidebarFacetConfiguration to HierarchicalSidebarFacetConfiguration this .  This is needed to support the extra properties.


Code Block
<bean id="sortTitle" class="org.dspace.discovery.configuration.DiscoverySortFieldConfiguration">
        <property name="metadataField" value="dc.title"/>
        <property name="type" value="text"/>

The id & and class attributes are mandatory for this type of bean. The properties that it contains are discussed below.


The DiscoveryConfiguration Groups groups configurations for sidebar facets, search filters, search sort options and recent submissions. If you want to show the same sidebar facets, use the same search filters, search options and recent submissions everywhere in your repository, you will only need one DiscoveryConfiguration and you might as well just edit the defaultConfiguration.


A DiscoveryConfiguration consists out of five six parts:

  • The list of applicable sidebarFacets
  • The list of applicable searchFilters
  • The list of applicable searchSortFields
  • Any default filter queries (optional)
  • The configuration for the Recent submissions display
  • The configuration of the tag cloud facet


  • defaultSort (optional): The default field on which the search results will be sorted, this .  This must be a reference to an existing search sort field bean. If none is given relevance will be the default. Sorting according to the internal relevance algorithm is always available, even though it's not explicitly mentioned in the sortFields section.
  • defaultSortOrder (optional): The default sort order can either be asc or desc.
  • sortFields (mandatory): The list of available sort options, each element in this list must link to an existing sort field configuration bean.


Default filter queries are applied on all search operations & sidebarfacet and sidebar facet clicks. One useful application of default filter queries is ensuring that all returned results are items. As a result, subcommunities and collections that are returned as results of the search operation, are filtered out.
Similar to the lists above, the default filter queries are defined as a list. They are optional.


Code Block
<property name="recentSubmissionConfiguration">
    <bean class="org.dspace.discovery.configuration.DiscoveryRecentSubmissionsConfiguration">
        <property name="metadataSortField" value=""/>
        <property name="type" value="date"/>
        <property name="max" value="5"/>

The property name & and the bean class are mandatory. The property field property field names are discusses below.


Code Block
<property name="hitHighlightingConfiguration">
    <bean class="org.dspace.discovery.configuration.DiscoveryHitHighlightingConfiguration">
        <property name="metadataFields">
                <bean class="org.dspace.discovery.configuration.DiscoveryHitHighlightFieldConfiguration">
                    <property name="field" value="dc.title"/>
                    <property name="snippets" value="5"/>
                <bean class="org.dspace.discovery.configuration.DiscoveryHitHighlightFieldConfiguration">
                    <property name="field" value=""/>
                    <property name="snippets" value="5"/>
                <bean class="org.dspace.discovery.configuration.DiscoveryHitHighlightFieldConfiguration">
                    <property name="field" value="dc.subject"/>
                    <property name="snippets" value="5"/>
                <bean class="org.dspace.discovery.configuration.DiscoveryHitHighlightFieldConfiguration">
                    <property name="field" value="dc.description.abstract"/>
                    <!-- Max number of characters to display around the matching word (Warning setting to 0 returns entire field) -->
                    <property name="maxSize" value="250"/>
                    <!-- Max number of snippets (matching words) to show -->
                    <property name="snippets" value="2"/>
                <bean class="org.dspace.discovery.configuration.DiscoveryHitHighlightFieldConfiguration">
					<!-- Displays snippets from indexed full text of document (for supported formats) -->
                    <property name="field" value="fulltext"/>
                    <!-- Max number of characters to display around the matching word (Warning setting to 0 returns entire field) -->
                    <property name="maxSize" value="250"/>
					<!-- Max number of snippets (matching words) to show -->
                    <property name="snippets" value="2"/>

The property name & and the bean class are mandatory. The property field property field names are:

  • field (mandatory): The metadata field to be highlighted (can also be * if all the metadata fields should be highlighted).
  • maxSize (optional): Limit the number of characters displayed to only the relevant part (use metadata field as search snippet).
  • snippets (optional): The maximum number of snippets that can be found in one metadata field.


Code Block
<property name="moreLikeThisConfiguration">
    <bean class="org.dspace.discovery.configuration.DiscoveryMoreLikeThisConfiguration">
        <property name="similarityMetadataFields">
        <!--The minimum number of matching terms across the metadata fields above before an item is found as related -->
        <property name="minTermFrequency" value="5"/>
        <!--The maximum number of related items displayed-->
        <property name="max" value="3"/>
        <!--The minimum word length below which words will be ignored-->
        <property name="minWordLength" value="5"/>

The property name & and the bean class are mandatory. The property field property field names are discussed below.


Command used:

[dspace]/bin/dspace index-discovery [-cbhf[r <item handle>]]

Java class:


Arguments (short and long forms):


called without any options, will update/clean an existing index


(re)build index, wiping out current one if it exists


clean existing index removing any documents that no longer exist in the db


if updating existing index, force each handle to be reindexed even if uptodate


print this help message

-i <object handle>Reindex an individual object (and any child objects).  When run on an Item, it just reindexes that single Item. When run on a Collection, it reindexes the Collection itself and all Items in that Collection. When run on a Community, it reindexes the Community itself and all sub-Communities, contained Collections and contained Items.

-r <item <object handle>

remove an Item, Collection or Community from index based on its handle

-sRebuild the spellchecker, can be combined with -b and -f.


Discovery is built as an application layer on top of the Solr open source enterprise search server. Therefore, Solr configuration can be applied to the Solr cores that are shipped with DSpace.
The DSpace Solr instance currently runs several cores (which means indexes in Solr parlance). The "statistics" core is for collection of DSpace usage events for statistical purposes (if you have been collecting statistics for multiple years, you may have chosen to use sharding and you will see one core per each year collected). The "search" core is used by Discovery for for search and  faceting, for displaying the collection/community hierarchy and item counts. The "authority" core is used by SolrAuthority to store information about authors, including their data imported from the ORCID registry.
