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Release 4.1.0

Released: July 18, 2016

The DuraCloud 4.1.0 release makes it possible to support storage in both the DPN and the Chronopolis systems independently. Support for storing content in DPN through Chronopolis remains, but this release opens the door for storing content in Chronopolis alone, for scenarios where storage in DPN is not appropriate.

The 4.1.0 release also adds several updates to better support deployment and operations, including CORS support and integration with SumoLogic logging management.

For details on specific changes which are included in the 4.1.0 release, see the JIRA issue tracker.

Release 4.0.0

Released: July 1, 2016

The DuraCloud 4.0.0 release focuses primarily on updates which allow for greater scaling and efficiency. DuraCloud will now be deployed as clustered software. While all storage accounts remain distinct, compute capacity will be shared and will scale to meet demands. This will provide increased upload and download throughput and simplify system administration, allowing for more frequent software releases.


  • Both the DuraStore and DurAdmin applications can now handle requests from any DuraCloud account through a direct connection with the account database
    • DuraCloud applications are no longer initializedrequire initialization
    • DuraCloud applications can now be clustered and served behind a load balancer to support horizontal scaling for greater request throughput
  • Storage reporting activities are now shared between the DuraCloud Mill and DuraStore
    • The Mill manages the capture of report data and DuraStore provides a brand new set of API calls to retrieve report data
    • The new DuraStore reporting API provides more flexibility in how storage reporting data can be retrieved
    • Storage data will be captured daily rather than weekly
    • The DuraBoss application was retired as part of this transition.has been retired
  • The UI of the SyncTool now supports setting chunk size, to allow files up to 5 GB to be transferred without chunking
  • DuraCloud applications now all require Java 8
  • Upgrades to security, http, and many other project dependencies, including requirements for version consistency


  • To see the full list of changes, or for more details on specific changes in release 4.0.0, see the JIRA issue tracker

Release 3.7.0

Released: January 29, 2016


  • The Duplicate on Ingest service is now the Duplicate on Change service.
    • This service now supports all of the same on-ingest features as before, but it now also performs duplication of all update and delete actions as well. This allows the primary and secondary cloud stores to be kept completely in sync.
  • The Bulk Bit Integrity Service has been improved.
    • This service has been updated and verified to properly handle spaces with up to 1 million items
    • The second step of the MD5 verification, which used to run locally on the instance, has been moved to hadoop, allowing the service to complete much more quickly for large data sets.
  • User management functions have been removed, as they are now performed by the DuraCloud Management Console.
    • As a convenience, administrators are still able to see the list of users and their roles within the DuraCloud Administrator UI.
  • Service outputs have been made more consistent.
    • All DuraCloud services which produce an output file now store that file in the x-service-out space.
    • Services which produce log files store those logs in the x-service-work space.
    • The names of the output files have been made more consistent, making it simpler to determine which files correspond to which service deployment.
  • Password security has been improved.
    • All passwords used within DuraCloud are now immediately pushed through a hashing function before being are stored, so that no user passwords are transferred or stored as clear text.
  • A ServiceClient is now available, to compliment the StoreClient and make it easier to make direct API calls to manipulate DuraCloud services.
