Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



Tested by

Success? RC-2Success? RC-3



Discovered FCREPO-2961 with regards to authentication

RC-3 works once is merged.



Tested by

Success? RC-2Success? RC-3



fcrepo-api-x-demo (Docker)


ProjectCommandPlatformTested ByRC 1RC 2RC 3Notes
fcrepo4mvn clean install







 Build successful on Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS (HVM)

Build successful on Fedora Linux 27; openjdk version "1.8.0_191"; Maven 3.5.0 (Red Hat 3.5.0-6)

fcrepo4mvn clean install mac (tick)(tick)(tick)Build successful
fcrepo4mvn clean installwindows

(tick)Build successful

Note (18 January 2018): The victims database warnings are due to the site currently returning a 503 error. Jared Whiklo has reported this issue upstream:


CommandPlatformTested ByRC-1RC-2RC-3Notes
java -jar fcrepo-webapp-<version>-SNAPSHOT-jetty-console.jarLinux

Ran one-click and successfully performed manual tests

java -jar fcrepo-webapp-<version>-SNAPSHOT-jetty-console.jarFedora Linux 27Randall Floyd

Built and ran one-click, successfully performed manual tests

java -jar fcrepo-webapp-<version>-SNAPSHOT-jetty-console.jarMac(tick)(tick)(tick)Build and start One-Click run successfully

java -jar fcrepo-webapp-<version>-SNAPSHOT-jetty-console.jar




PlatformTested bySuccess? RC-2Success? RC-3Notes
MacDanny Bernstein(tick)(tick)
Fedora Linux 27(tick)


PlatformTested bySuccess? RC-2Success? RC-3Notes
MacDanny Bernstein(tick)(tick)
Fedora Linux 27(tick)


PlatformTested bySuccess? RC-2Success? RC-3Notes
Fedora Linux 27(tick)


Create and verify all three modes of external content handling: proxy, redirect, copy

Code Block
curl -i -H"Link: <file:///local/file/storage/photo.png>; rel=\"\"; handling=\"proxy\"; type=\"image/png\"" -XPUT -ufedoraAdmin:fedoraAdmin http://localhost:8080/rest/test_proxy_local_file

#verify that the binary is returned. 	
curl -i -u fedoraAdmin:fedoraAdmin -XGET -ufedoraAdmin:fedoraAdmin http://localhost:8080/rest/test_proxy_local_file

#remove the file one disk, repeat the previous command and verify that an error code is returned.

Code Block
curl -i -H"Link: <>; rel=\"\"; handling=\"redirect\"; type=\"image/png\"" -XPUT -ufedoraAdmin:fedoraAdmin http://localhost:8080/rest/test_redirect_remote_file

#Get the file and verify a 307 is returned
curl -i -ufedoraAdmin:fedoraAdmin http://localhost:8080/rest/test_redirect_remote_file

Code Block
curl -i -H"Link: <>; rel=\"\"; handling=\"copy\"; type=\"image/png\"" -XPUT -ufedoraAdmin:fedoraAdmin http://localhost:8080/rest/test_copy_remote_file

#verify copied file returns 200.

curl -i -ufedoraAdmin:fedoraAdmin http://localhost:8080/rest/test_copy_remote_file

Handling (proxy,redirect,copy)PlatformTested bySuccess? RC-Handling (proxy,redirect,copy)PlatformTested bySuccess? RC-2Success? RC-3Notes
proxy, redirect, copyMacDanny Bernstein

Database Tests

With Tomcat8 deployment, run above manual tests with alternate backend databases (Configuring JDBC Object Store)

DatabasePlatformTested bySuccess RC1?Success RC2Success? RC-3Notes

High Sierra 10.13.6, MySQL 8.0.13

High Sierra 10.13.6, PostgreSQL 9.6.2
Ubuntu 16.04, PostgreSQL 9.4.20
MySQL5.6linuxYinlin Chen(tick)

Ubuntu 16.04, Mysql 5.7.24
PostgreSQLwindowsJon Roby

version 11.0-2
MySQL5.6windowsJon Roby

fcr:backup/fcr:restore Functionality


NB: "Success" is measured not by receiving a "204 No Content" message after the 'fcr:restore' command, but by performing a GET on every resource in the repository and receiving "200 OK" messages. 

Vagrant Tests

Code Block
vagrant destroy
vagrant up


  1. Verify audit events are in triplestore
  2. Verify resources are in triplestore
  3. Verify resources are in Solr
  4. Verify authorization works for the two auth-enabled configurations
  5. Verify reindexing to triplestore works

    Code Block
    vagrant ssh
    sudo service tomcat7 stop
    sudo rm -rf /etc/fuseki/databases/test_data/*
    sudo service tomcat7 start
    curl -XPOST localhost:9080/reindexing/ -H"Content-Type: application/json" -d '["activemq:queue:triplestore.reindex"]'

Backwards Compatibility Tests

  1. Start 5.0.0 one-click
  2. Load sample datasets via /fcr:restore
  3. Run test scripts on 5.0.0
  4. Stop 5.0.0
  5. Start RC one-click
  6. Run test scripts on RC
  7. ReStart RC
  8. Run test scripts on RC
