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Scope: Mapping of fields from ISNI web portal to ISNI MARC21 and PICA fields

Created by: John Hostage (Harvard)

Table of Contents

The ISNI version of MARC21 is used in the WinIBW client and used by ISNI is similar to but not identical to the MARC21 Bibliographic Format. The "Sources data" view of a record shows the PICA format, which is also based on fields and subfields.

All fields except identifier and name are optional in an ISNI record.  There is no expectation to fill in every available field.

See also ISNI field documentation.

(ISNI version)
Sources data


Associated countrycountry922 $a019@ $aNOI:

Do not use this field.  Use the Location field instead.

This field name is found only on organization templates and only when editing an existing record.

Pop-up instructions say "Use ISO 3166-1 2 character codes, e.g. FR, DE, NL, GB, ES. See"

Contributed to or performed
912 $a021B $a
Use for journal titles, titles of compilations, and titles of musical works performed.
Creation class
944 $a045R $aCC:

Pop-up instructions say "e.g. text, music, audiovisual, choreographic, software, art works."

Per email from ISNI QT in June 2017, use 2 letter codes from MARC 21 leader/06 and leader/07 (, for example, "am" for books; "gm" for films.

Creation role
941 $a032C $aCR:Terms terms from drop-down list in web are converted to codes in MARC21,
e.g. filmmaker → fmk
Datesbirth970 $a032A $a DTI:YYYY-MM-DD
death970 $b032A $bDTI:YYYY-MM-DD
Datesdecade943 $a032B $aDCP:This field is found only on organization templates and only when editing an existing record. Data usually comes from batch loads from ISNI contributors and corresponds to dates of related publications. Recommendation: do not use for PCC ISNI projects.
External information
information671 $b047P $b 
Identification of the site being cited, e.g. "Wikipedia" or "IMDb"
URI671 $u047P $u
Uniform Resource Identifier of the web page with the information.
375 $a013@ $a
Drop-down list
General Note
667 $a047O $aUNK:
Use for messages for the ISNI quality team, such as information that should be deleted from a record, records that should be merged or separated, etc.  It is not necessary to add identifier and name to the record before adding a general note.
Identifieridentifier type035 $l003Z $l 
System supplied (e.g., PCC).
identifier035 $0003Z $0not required
Not required


Pop-up instructions say "2 character code e.g. kn=keyboard; pt=percussion; sn=strings, wn=wind, vn=vocal"

Use: MARC Instruments and Voices Code List

ISNI 003 $0003E $0ISN:System supplied.
377 $a010@ $aLNI:

Use: ISO 3-character codes

Use bibliographic codes, indicated by (B), when there is more than one for a language, e.g. use "ger" for German.


country370 $a019A $a

This field name is found only on organization templates. It corresponds to Nationality field on person templates.

Pop-up instructions say "Use ISO 3166-1 2 character codes, e.g. FR, DE, NL, GB, ES. See"

locode370 $t019A $t

If a code is entered in the locode box, the subfields for country, region or state, and city will be populated automatically when the record is saved.  Either enter a code in locode or fill in the other boxes; do not do both.

Pop-up instructions say "Use UN/LOCODE, e.g AU HBA (Hobart). See"  Better link is UN/LOCODE

region or state370 $y019A $y
Pop-up instructions say "Use ISO 3166-2, e.g. FR-GP (Guadeloupe), US-IA (Iowa). See" but editor allows only 2-letter codes for U.S. states.
city370 $z019A $z
Free text.
Name (of person)

fornames700 $a028C $d NA:
surname700 $a028C $a
use Use also for persons with no surname. This field/subfield is required.
 numeration700 $b028C $l 
May include roman numerals that follow a name, such as "III," or suffixes like "Jr."
title700 $c028C $f
Use for "titles and other words associated with a name."
Name (of organization)
organisation710 $a029C $aNA:
subdivision710 $b029C $b

Name variant (of person)
fornames400 $a028@ $d NA:
surname400 $a028@ $a

numeration400 $b028@ $l

title400 $c028@ $f

Name variant (of organization)organisation410 $a029@ $aNA:
subdivision410 $b029@ $b

370 $a922 $a019A $aNOI:This field name found only on person templates. Corresponds to Location field on organization templates.019@ $a
Organisation type
710 $q029C $q
dropDrop-down list.  This field is optional and will appear as a parenthetical qualifier to the name.
Other identifier
identifier type090 $b006Z $l
e.g., ORCID
identifier090 $a006Z $0OII:
000003@ $0PPN:System supplied.
921 $a033A $nPW:Used in batch-loaded records for names of publishers of works by the entity.  This field is not found on the template for new records.
Related person

namefornames950 $a 028Z $d

surname950 $a028Z $a 

is related950 $i 028Z $I
dropDrop-down list
 relationship type950 $T 028Z $t
dropDrop-down list
relationship dates - begin950 $w028Z $w
relationship dates - end950 $x028Z $x
PPN link950 $9 028Z $9

Related organisation
name951 $a029Z $a

 is related951 $i029Z $i
dropDrop-down list
 relationrelationship type951 $T029Z $t
dropDrop-down list
relationship dates - begin951 $w029Z $w
relationship dates - end951 $x029Z $x
PPN951 $9029Z $9
Usage dates
usage date from970 $a032A $aDTI:YYYY-MM-DD.  This field name is found only on organization templates. It corresponds to Dates field on person templates.
usage date to970 $b032A $bDTI:YYYY-MM-DD
Worktitle910 $a021A $a TW:
subtitle910 $b 


021A $d