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Comment: documented minimumAcceptanceScore


Same as for the core-services.xml from above, comment out the basic workflow factory & enable the xmlworkflow factory in [dspace]/config/spring/api/core-factory-services.xml. After enabling the configurable workflow the mentioned file should contain the following:


Code Block
<!--Basic workflow services, comment or remove when switching to the configurable workflow -->
<!--<bean id="workflowServiceFactory" class="org.dspace.workflowbasic.factory.BasicWorkflowServiceFactoryImpl"/>-->
<!--Configurable workflow services, uncomment to enable-->
<bean id="workflowServiceFactory" class="org.dspace.xmlworkflow.factory.XmlWorkflowServiceFactoryImpl"/>


With the xmlworkflow come some separate tables which hibernate needs to be aware of, and the tables for the basic workflow can be disregarded. So edit the [dspace]/config/hibernate.cfg.xml file and comment out the basic workflow classes & enable the xmlworkflow classes. The result is displayed below:


Code Block
<!--<mapping class="org.dspace.workflowbasic.BasicWorkflowItem"/>-->
<!--<mapping class="org.dspace.workflowbasic.TaskListItem"/>-->
<mapping class="org.dspace.xmlworkflow.storedcomponents.ClaimedTask"/>
<mapping class="org.dspace.xmlworkflow.storedcomponents.CollectionRole"/>
<mapping class="org.dspace.xmlworkflow.storedcomponents.InProgressUser"/>
<mapping class="org.dspace.xmlworkflow.storedcomponents.PoolTask"/>
<mapping class="org.dspace.xmlworkflow.storedcomponents.WorkflowItemRole"/>
<mapping class="org.dspace.xmlworkflow.storedcomponents.XmlWorkflowItem"/>



titleWorkflow Data Migration

You will also need to follow the Data Migration Procedure below.


  • id: a unique identifier (in one workflow process) for the role
  • description: optional attribute to describe the role
  • scope: optional attrbiute attribute that is used to find our group and must have one of the following values:
    • collection: The collection value specifies that the group will be configured at the level of the collection. This type of groups is the same as the type that existed in the original workflow system.  In case no value is specified for the scope attribute, the workflow framework assumes the role is a collection role.
    • repository: The repository scope uses groups that are defined at repository level in DSpace. The name attribute should exactly match the name of a group in DSpace.
    • item: The item scope assumes that a different action in the workflow will assign a number of EPersons or Groups to a specific workflow-item in order to perform a step. These assignees can be different for each workflow item.
  • name: The name specified in the name attribute of a role will be used to lookup the an eperson group in DSpace. The lookup will depend on the scope specified in the "scope" attribute:
    • collection: The workflow framework will look for a group containing the name specified in the name attribute and the ID of the collection for which this role is used.
    • repository: The workflow framework will look for a group with the same name as the name specified in the name attribute
    • item: in case the item scope is selected, the name of the role attribute is not required
  • internal: optional attribute which isn't really used at the moment, false by default
Code Block
    <role id="{}" description="{role.description}" scope="{role.scope}" name="{}" internal="true/false"/>


The configuration file for the workflow user interface actions is located in the [dspace]/config/spring/xmlui/ and is named "workflow-actions-xmlui.xml". BEach   Each bean defined here has an id which is the action identifier and the class is a classpath which links to the xmlui class responsible for generating the User Interface side of the workflow action. Each of the class defined here must extend the class, this class contains some basic settings for an action and has a method called addWorkflowItemInformation() which will render the given item with a show full link so you don't have to write the same code in each of your actions if you want to display the item. The id attribute used for the beans in the configuration must correspond to the id used in the workflow configuration. In case an action requires a User Interface class, the workflow framework will look for a UI class in this configuration file.


  • ScoreReviewStep: The group of responsible users for the score reviewing will be able to claim the task from the taskpool. Dependingn on the configuration, a different number of users can be required to execute the task. This means that the task will be available in the task pool until the required number of users has at least claimed the task. Once everyone of them has finished the task, the next (automatic) processing step is activated.
  • EvaluationStep: During the evaluationstep, no user interface is required. The workflow system will automatically execute the step that evaluates the different scores. In case the average score is more than a configurable percentage, the item is approved, otherwise it is rejected.  (The minimum average score is set by adjusting the minimumAcceptanceScore property passed to evaluationactionAPI in config/spring/api/workflow-actions.xml.)

Workflow overview features
