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  1. JIRA Workflow Changes (Eddie)
  2. Git Pull Workflow (Chris)
    • Dealing with GitHub pull requests
    • Squash-and-merge
    (Add topics here

Individual Status

If you have status items to report, please enter them below at least 1 hour before the meeting starts.


  • Closed FCREPO-989: Support for JDK7, and attempted to close FCREPO-1011: OpenJDK support. But ultimately re-opened FCREPO-1011 due to a small number of graphics-related tests failing in OS X and Ubuntu with OpenJDK 7. This needs more investigation.
  • Merged Graham Triggs' contrib, FCREPO-971: Changes to Maven projects to better support IntelliJ IDEA. This was submitted as a pull request on GitHub. I want to talk for a few minutes in the meeting about our "Pull Workflow".
  • Merged Frank's contrib, FCREPO-238: APIM.ingest() creates objects with wrong last modification. Also submitted as a pull request on GitHub.
  • Wrapping up development on CloudSync 1.0.0. Shooting for release next week.



  • Ben
  • Chris
  • Dan
  • Ed
  • Eddie
  • Frank
  • Steve


Ben took notes on IRC. Pasted below for your searching convenience:

[15:01] * cwilper (4a2e4456@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #duraspace
[15:05] * penthes (bcde58ad@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #duraspace
[15:07] * barmintor ( has joined #duraspace
[15:07] <barmintor> Let my note-taking reign of terror begin!
[15:08] <eddies>
[15:08] <kompewter> [ 2011-10-18 - Fedora Committer Meeting - Fedora Repository Development - DuraSpace Wiki ] -
[15:08] * elschlomo (4e2a62d3@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #duraspace
[15:08] <barmintor> Last week's action items:
[15:08] <barmintor> 1. Eddie's survey of committer availability for 3.6- Answer it!
[15:08] <barmintor> 2. Fedora landing page fixed (thanks, Chris)
[15:09] <barmintor> 3. Steve did a thing that he will hopefully describe here: (Something about consistency in documentation?)
[15:11] <barmintor> 4. Making a general effort to have committers update their individual status items on the meeting agenda
[15:14] <barmintor> JDK7 Support: Are we ready to make it official? Frank recommends waiting for first raft of bugfixes. Chris is satisfied with running tests against JDK7 (openJDK).
[15:15] * mhwood (~mhwood@2001:18e8:3:10ab:7a2b:cbff:feb4:89a9) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[15:17] <barmintor> JDK7 support is reported in FCREPO-989
[15:17] <kompewter> [ [#FCREPO-989] Support for JDK 7 - DuraSpace JIRA ] -
[15:18] <barmintor> Moving on to newly submitted items:
[15:18] <kompewter> [ Issue Navigator - DuraSpace JIRA ] -
[15:22] <barmintor> FCREPO-1013: Selecting a profiler- Yourkit? JProfiler?
[15:22] <barmintor> Dan: IntelliJ's built-in profiler?
[15:22] <barmintor> Frank: NetBeans's built-in profiler?
[15:25] <barmintor> Chris: Do any of these do call timing?
[15:25] <barmintor> Frank: Yourkit does this, works from heap snapshots
[15:27] <barmintor> Eddie: We need to build an acknowledgment page for businesses giving us free licenses
[15:29] <barmintor> Eddie: Closing issue with Yourkit selected
[15:29] * bradmc ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[15:30] * bradmc ( has joined #duraspace
[15:34] <barmintor> Eddie & JIRA Workflow:
[15:35] <barmintor> Eddie proposes a workflow change for 3.6 based on Hydra experience with Greenhopper
[15:35] <barmintor> includes sprints, epics, etc.
[15:36] <eddies>
[15:36] <kompewter> [ Fedora Repository Project - DuraSpace JIRA ] -
[15:36] <barmintor> Dan: Also using the Greenhopper scheme in Data Conservancy
[15:38] <barmintor> Eddie: Trying to scope tickets such that they're completable in a week, and organizing weekly sprints
[15:39] <barmintor> << Eddie briefly explains some agile development terminology >>
[15:42] <barmintor> Ben: We also use Greenhopper at Columbia. There's a lot of it about!
[15:46] * mhwood ( has joined #duraspace
[15:52] <barmintor> << Eddies does a quick poll to see how people feel about the workflow change >>
[15:54] <barmintor> Chris: Last 5 minutes to talk about Git issues (quickly)
[15:58] <barmintor> Chris: Pulling intoa development branch, using squash and rebase to merge into master as a single commit
[15:59] <barmintor> Chris: Think about this branching model -
[15:59] <kompewter> [ A successful Git branching model » ] -
[16:00] <barmintor> Good meeting! Adios!

Action Items


  • Migrate FCREPO JIRA tracker to use Greenhopper-style issues, etc.


  • Contact YourKit folks about OSS license for us.
