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Welcome to new and returning Leaders:

  • Tammy Allgood Wolf, Arizona State University
  • Melissa Anez, Islandora Foundation
  • Chris Awre, University of Hull
  • Thomas Bernhart, Docuteam
  • Stefano Cossu, J. Paul Getty Trust
  • Dan Field, National Library of Wales
  • Raman Ganguly, University of Vienna
  • Jennifer Gilbert, National Library of Medicine
  • Babak Hamidzadeh, University of Maryland
  • Rosalyn Metz, Emory University
  • Scott Prater, University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Tim Shearer, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • Dustin Slater, University of Texas at Austin
  • Wei Xuan, University of Manitoba

Roundtable introductions

  • Everyone has 2-3 minutes to introduce themselves

Fedora Leaders Orientation document

  • Questions or comments?



Onboarding document in development over the last few weeks to orient leaders to this group. If you have questions or comments, please put them in the Fedora Leaders Orientation document linked above. 

Leaders have identified a need for better orientation to this group. We want to get to know each other and make sure we have clarity around the groups and roles. Let's have everyone take 2-3 minutes to introduce themselves. You can say more than your name and role, say what kind of work you have with Fedora, and for long standing, members provide advice about how to engage here - it's an opportunity to get to know each other. 


David Wilcox, Product Manager, Fedora. Working with Leaders and Steerers. I try to make sure we are effective with your time. That's part of the orientation document and high priority issues we should focus on. I have an interest in getting on the same page with the focus and initiatives of this group. You are all here as representatives of the community, not just your organization. 


Robin, in new role in January which affords me more time to work in collaborative efforts like Fedora. Involved in Fedora Steering since 2012 - when Fedora 4 was being created. UVA and Cornell plus a few that became Fedora Commons -banded together then. The originally to build Fedora. Since then, the community has grown so much since thento become international. I'm from a computer science person and working on background and found that academic research libraries have interesting technical challenges that makes the work interesting.  I am particularly interested and involved in open access and community-driven open source in the academic research libraries. I work closely with Erin, David and Andrew as chair of the Leadership/Steering groups. I will be handing that roll off soon. role off soon. UVa has a Samvera based IR for open access and ETDs, Samvera's Hyku through Ubiquity for publishing, Dataverse for research data, Blacklight for GIS, and Blacklight/IIIF/Solar for global discovery and access. We also have an inhouse application for digitized workflow and Archivematica for born digital workflow.

Tim Shearer, AUL for digital strategies and IT, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. We have been using Fedora in production for over a decade. Our early strengths were using Fedora for manuscripts and then we built management interfaces for the people who work with archives. There are 650,000 archival materials and the rest are IR materials. The user interface isn't working for both groups so we've been working to separate our archival and IR Materials. The roll-out of the IR was seamless. The Archival interface is coming out soon. I serve on Leaders and Steering. I am working on how Fedora can work with a broader architecture. Nice to meet everyone. Excited to meet all the new people. Also serving on Designing a Migration path IMLS project and have developers contributing code. 


Jim Halliday, filling in for Jon Dunn for IU. Jon is not new to this group. I am. I have been a dev for IU for more than a decade. My new role is head of repository technology. We have many Fedora 3 instances and there's a lot in there. Mostly single images. It's all in home grown applications on top of Fedora. We have some experimental Fedora 4 instances up in production. They are small. They're using Samvera/Hyrax/Sufia. We are planning to replace our pages application with the most recent version of Hyrax. It will be a catalyst to migrate all of our Fedora 3 content. We are collaborating with Purdue IUPUI on that. We set the timeline to do this in 1 year. It's an aggressive timeline but I think we can do it. That's it for me

Jennifer Gilbert, Technical Library Specialist in the National Library of Medicine. I am the product owner of the digital library. Working closely with Doron S and our in house preservation and digitization units. Fedora 3 has been used here for 10 years. I previously worked at Narional Agricultural LIbrary and they used Fedora/Islandora. We use Fedora for books, archival manuscripts, films, images, we would like to use it for websites and software. We use blacklight 7 for the front end. and we recently implemented Spotlight for exhibits. It's using III manifests. Using Fedora 3.8 and are interested in migrating to Fedora 6 and are discussing preservation and storage and how to use Fedora as a dark archive. We are participating in Fedora 6 pilot. 

Wei Xuan, the 3rd Canadian on the group representing the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg. We use Fedora/Islandora as our DAM system. Our unique digital content is in this system. We use DSpace for open access and IR content. We are on Fedora 3 and we look forward to moving to Fedora 6. We also just started a project to redesign our digital repo website. I'm new to this group. Jared Wiklo is also at the University of Manitoba and is a long-time contributor. 

Tammy Wolf, located in Arizona. Director of Online Strategy at Arizona State University. It's early here! My background is in web services. Repositories were added to my portfolio last fall. I am familiar with older versions of Fedora. We are getting involved in the Islandora 8 community. We want to go live with Islandora next summer. We are currently on a home grown repo and moving to Islandora. Excited to be here and contribute. We're nailing down the details for the first ISaldnroa/Fedora camp hosted at Arizona State. 

Mark Jordan, representing the Islandora Foundation, I'm happy to hear about the combined Islandora/Fedora camp. One issue I'd like to raise is an efficacy issue. In recent months we've discussed an inward thoughtfulness on the value prop of Fedora. It's vital. Within the islandora community, we have rearchitected Islandora 8, Fedora plays a different role. The new role is just as important but it's not a default role. Fedora is there to support content modeling that happens in Drupal/Islandora. There is an active thread on the Islandora list serv about this right now. For new members, we need to defend Fedora's value proposition in our repositories and it helps us reaffirm its position. We can convince and educate decision-makers and external stakeholders about Fedora. 

Babak Hamidzadeh, Associate Dean at the University of Maryland. replacing Ben Walberg on this group. I have been working here for 10 years and Fedora predates me starting here. We use fedora for collections and DSpace for our IR but we are looking to use one platform and move everything to Fedora based platform. I used to work at the Library of Congress - we used Fedora there too and it was a good experience. Ben will continue his role on the committers group. 


Encouraging people to review and comment on the orientation document. Anything people want to mention in the last few minutes? 

Robin - love this format. I like knowing what prducts people are using. 

Erin - Notes are best effort. Please review notes for accuracy and anyone who couldn't attend please add your intro to the wiki. 

Tim - Orientation doc is pretty new. If you have questions that aren't answered here, please comment on the public GDoc. We can update it with more information. 

Robin - update on election. 

David - an email is forthcoming on this. We will open nominations for steering positions soon. We want people to get to know one another before we do that. Robin will step down as chair and Rosie will become chair and we will elect a chair elect. The process and timeline will be described in an email. 

I hope this helped acquaint people to this group

Previous Action Items

  •  Governance Group - Review subgroups and organization before end of June. Jennifer Vinopal Rosalyn Metz 
  •  Maurice York and Robin Lindley Ruggaber to ask their teams how things are currently structured on disk to compare against the OCFL spec.
    •  Robin - the structure on disc is the way the Samvera stack structures them (for Fedora 4). Did not receive a satisfactory answer for Fedora 3. Not sure if we will move that forward. But we expect to be able to migrate. 
