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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 4.0

Present: Aaron?, Andrew, Bill, Chris, Eddie, Gert?Kai, Kai?Dan




  • NSDL Update Fedora 3.x Upgrade status - depends on internal factors (when can block out some downtime)
  • Target date of March 13th to release NSDL's current Fedora-compatible middleware plus "NCS" (a cataloguing system and more from Boulder).  Challenging to get various apps working together in same tomcat.  Looking to future (May?) for 3.x-compatible release.  Will start after this release is out.  Will be called "EduPak[sic]"


  • Update on Clover, next steps?Update on FCREPO-116: Switch to Derby. For Java 5, working with quick or custom install. Caveat: "DERBY_SYSTEM_HOME/sysprop derby.system.home", default location for database, config, etc.  By default, this is in the current directory, where you are when you start Derby.  Installer needs this info.  Running system also needs it.  Path in jdbc url specifies database, but isn't enough (still needs to know where to store 3 things: log (maybe no prob), properties (no prob), and default location for database (no prob)).  To support multiple webapp instances, would probably need to set system property in server code instead of as Tomcat-wide setting.  Currently working with Java 6.  First impression: Derby with Java 6 automatically uses JDBC4. Likely isn't a problem.


  • Update on FCREPO-402: WebAdmin. Stepped aside from doing ingest with Flex.  Instead, pushing to javascript.  Popping up an extra window to allow ingest of object or update a datastream. Caveat: will require people to disable popup blocker for this.  Still finalizing uploads.
  • Update on FCREPO-391: Update of REST API to support WebAdmin
  • Testing Update ?from Dan: With Sun, working to characterize a reasonable set of configurations and objects (derived from demo objects) in order to do testing.  Discussion of MyISAM vs InnoDB (MyISAM faster, though not transactional)


  • Tracker Improvements
  • Dan has set up Fisheye and Crucible for us.
  • Repository Website Update:
    • In progress by Carissa and Rick
    • Initial version will link to docs in wiki
    • March 17th - We'll review during next Committer Meeting
    • March 20th-24th - Public release (with obvious link from homepage)
  • 3.2 Release
    • Summary of where we're at
    • Need to firm up date - Mid-April?  Decision: Cinco de Mayo as public commitment.
    • Release blockers:
      • Akubra integration (Chris)
      • Sword integration (Eddie)
      • WebAdmin (Bill)
      • Others?
      • Action: Set JIRA status to Blocker for above
  • Fixed
    • FCREPO-68: Enable multiple Fedora WARs in one container. (Applied McClain's patch w/minor tweaks)
    • FCREPO-418: Switch to commons-fileupload for handling uploads. (Prep for McClain's FCREPO-410 patch)
    • FCREPO-419: Standardize on commons-codec for Base64 handling
    • FCREPO-420: FOXML export fails with Base64 inline content
    • FCREPO-380: Remove demo objects that depend on UVA servers
    • FCREPO-457: Remove unnecessary testing dependencies on external hosts
    • FCREPO-172 : FieldSearch not releasing connection w/one result
    • FCREPO-458 : ArrayIndexOutOfBounds when indexDCFields=false
    • FCREPO-448 : Oracle DDLConverter: Create non-primary-key indexes
    • FCREPO-58: Invalid POLICY datastreams make objects inaccessible
    • FCREPO-459: Wrong RELS-EXT datastream attributes set with add/purgeRelationship
    • FCREPO-460: SwingAdmin shows blank ingest/export dialogs in Linux
  • In Progress
    • FCREPO-400: Attempt to run dissems even if required ds unavail
    • FCREPO-101: Replace LLStore with Akubra, with proper rebuilds


  • Update on FCREPO-404: SWORD-Fedora.  App is now updated for Fedora 3.1 and Sword 1.3 compatibility.
  • Word-SWORD Update
  • Security Update


  • : Testing with office plugin, having a little trouble.  Should hear back from ms soon.  Discussion about bundling.
  • Security Update: no dev work going on yet.Any updates/comments
