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  • Steven FolsomLC Names is in QA without going thru context workflow. Steven Folsomwill work with Huda Khan to set up.
    • 2018-12-13: awaiting data dump. LC working on it but they have yet to achieve. Larger data set so it's taking time. No deadline provided.
  • Jason Kovari to make a start at brainstorming/planning D&A ideas
  • Steven Folsomto follow up with Tim Worrallabout status of Discogs work and how it fits with expectations
    • Takaway: until there is a UI to look at data showing up in form, it is hard to assess. Mapping has to happen – and then be in an instance of the BF Editor. 
    • Recon strategy around Agents. Huda doing some of this, as was Steven. Write up (link) found that under 50% of Agent IDs in Discogs had a WikiData or URI. If dedupe, it is a little less but still highly promising. Did not consider performance... questions remain about what script will ping (QA server, Discogs API, etc.)? 
      • Tim: on white board, we had the recon work following the selection. 
      • Hybrid approach eventually... but first pass will be returning a string for an Agent. Returning JSON-LD and would be paired with BF property - but pointing to string rather than URI initially.
  • E. Lynette Rayleto follow up with Tim Worrallabout whether we can publish Discogs lookup as part of QA because we think others might be interested in using it
    • No progress at present. 
    • In earlier meeting, there was an understanding that we would do this. Tim is proceeding under this expectation. Discussed possibility of adding context in same way that context is added in the linked data side-of-things. 
    • ACTION ITEM: Tim Worrall , E. Lynette Rayle will take off-line and report back next week.
  • E. Lynette Rayleto follow up with YAML for and, then Steven will shepherd the process with the person requesting. Also with Christine and Marc around Wikidata
    • Washington added what was needed for YAML. Needs E. Lynette Rayleto confirm we don't need more.
    • ACTION ITEM: E. Lynette Rayle : one open PR for demographics. will run tests to see if pass or fail
  • Simeon Warner to mention to Michelle Futornick the idea of starting a list of topics for our next partner discussion/meetings, and add the notion of what it might mean to "productionize" the QA/Dave setup
  • Issues:
    • Related to 43, Lynette will create a separate issue for Agrovoc re: URIs changing


  • Authority Lookups for Sinopia (Production QA instance:
  • Prep for Cataloging Sinatra and other 45's (Discogs data,
    • Covered in Action Items section. Working on QA for Discogs is in-progress. Once done, will mock it up in instance of BFE
  • Enhanced Discovery
    • In early January, meetings will begin to transpire. For more, see previous section in notes
  • LD4 Conference 
    • Organizing committee kicked off work this week. We will use a process similar to WikiCite whereby people apply to attend with the expectation that this is a participatory conference. More on this soon.
    • The application/nomination process will shape the event. Themes include implementation and community (at the very high level)... with questions in the application around whether people are willing to present... and also a question geared to scope potential facilitated discussions.
  • Travel and meetings

Next meetings:

  • Jason or Steven to lead 2018-12-14, Jason to lead 2018-12-21 & 2019-01-04
  • Simeon out for 2018-12-14, 2018-12-21, 2019-01-04
  • Tim out 2019-01-04