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  • Sprint update

    • German updates for intl, externalized search included jims updates, Ralph and Huda did review of some SOLR items

    • Ralph - one minor update and it should be done

    • Huda - needs another smoke test, search boost then done

    • SOLR -- just needs a little clean up

    • Andrew - 1.10.1 can be a minor updat ewith update with these changes

    • Don - did elastic index people?

    • Andrew -- content showed up in elastic, but when he added people it they did not

    • Don -- had no problem seeing people show in 1.9.3 wiht with elastic

    • Don - to create a ticket to update docs with centos 7, glib 2.14 pre-req to compile 1.10

    • Ralph -- Java 8 EOL -- need to look at this

    • Jim -- Java 11 has long term support, Oracle will prob charge for 1.11 support, openjdk should be considered

    • Ralph - only thinking openjdk

    • Jim -- is doc up to speed with openjdk vs. oracle jdk

    • Ralph -- will update docs

    • Brian -- problems uploading jpegs

    • Don - changes in application.n3 to allow uploads of images with openjdk 8

    • Benjamin posted: for Grahms Grahams openjdk image changes

    • Andrew - re java version and openjdk - we need a policy regarding version of java and os that vivo works against

    • OpenJDK



    • (edited) -- this is actually Oracles

    • So which version of jdk to attach ourselves to

    • Ralph - has always used the Redhat versions and had success

    • Andrew - Redhat version is most reliable and supported by RHEL

    • Ralph - Redhat version also has a high level of support for Tomcat

    • Jim posted in slack: Some discussion on our options:

    • JIm -- one of the things in the article is the growth of support for various implementations.

    • Andrew - ultimately doing review of dependencies

    • Ralph - because we’re so far behind solr versions he had to go way back in archives to figure out why he had UI issues

    • Question to all: is there anyone who gets a kick out of updating maven/project dependencies? Maven has good tools to scan dependencies.

    • Ralph could be into this

    • Jim -- if Ralph finds code changes to accomodate updatesaccommodate updates, he’s interested in this

    • Andrew - Kitio was stuck with creating a pull request that was too big to land, he’ll probably recreate these into smaller requests

    • Abox/Tbox

      • Brian - we have a coherent chunk of stuff, should

      • Don -- add use cases to docs

      • Andrew -- add use cases to tickets, one ticket per ticket.

      • Don -- action - add tickets for label change, class group change, visibility, classgroups assignments, the latest email for authentication

      • Regarding adding accounts -- the thread from email 5.d.i can be added to the doc, because the thread talks about config vs. content graphs

      • Jim -- re: authentication issue, the issue might be solved with some extra research and not code

      • Andrew - action to find where to place documentation in wiki


  • Advance Role demo done by Graham

    • Large piece of work, will need multiple eyes for a review

    • Andrew proposing a role mgmt swarm to review this

    • Silence for volunteers --- crickets

    • Benjamin -- likes what Graham has done, but can’t commit time

    • Ralph - in the same boat, but no time, what time he has would rather work on dependencies issue

    • Andrew asking Svantje, who is working with Graham, if she’s into working on this?

    • Kristina Cotting Cottingham : Integration for their vivo is the priority. They want to enable what they can regarding the ORCID API.

    • Andrew will try to move it forward best he can


  • Agenda 4 - ORCID integration

    • Pointer to commit that went into OPENVIVO is a starter

    • Kristina - tried to log into OPENVIVO with ORCID and got a 500 error

    • Andrew -- just the OPENVIVO server just needs a reboot


  • Re: mailing list - some unresolved issues

    • 5a - brief, not much to work with, person trying to ingest and just needs guidance

    • Sept 10th, same person had problems starting 1.9, lots of response on that thread

    • 5b - Yinlin put this forward

      • To what degree do we want to build in VIVO support for handlesHandles

      • Brian - can talk to ontology group about handles

      • Don - spoke with folks and they stated that a handle maybe shouldn’t be a first class object in VIVO. Perhaps it should just be a pointer to a remote handle server?

