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  1. Using Java 8 Streams for RdfStream interface
  2. Package naming and organization

  3. Removing /fcr:nodetypes endpoint
    serverDuraSpace JIRA
    (Pull Request)Using Java
  4. Package naming and organization
  5. 8 Streams for RdfStream interface

    Removing /fcr:nodetypes endpoint

    serverDuraSpace JIRA


    (Pull Request)

  6. Moving away from LevelDB to... MySQL? Postgres? other?
    1. Is there some context for this? Problems with LevelDB? Are there tickets documenting why we no longer like it?
  7. Fedora Specification updates
    1. Messaging SPI
    2. Atomic Batch Operations - name? BatchOps?
    3. CRUD
    4. Resource Versioning (A. Soroka will start work on this at the top of the coming week)
    5. Binary Fixity Checking
    6. Authorization
  8. Recent test results
    1. Unknown User (bbpennel): PCDM
    2. Esmé Cowles: MySQL vs. LevelDB
  9. ...
  10. Status of "in-flight" tickets


    serverDuraSpace JIRA


  1. Please squash a bug!


    serverDuraSpace JIRA

  2. Tickets resolved this week:


    serverDuraSpace JIRA

  3. Tickets created this week:

    serverDuraSpace JIRA


1. Using Java 8 streams for RdfStream interface

  • Addressing the pull request (PR) as it stands...should we merge or replace it with something more ideal?
  • No one is suggesting not merging the PR
  • Does Coburn have time to finesse it?
  • (Providing the background for the issue)
  • Current implementation of Fedora Commons (fcrepo) extensively uses Guava iterators
  • Allows one to do lazy processing...functional idioms for writing codes
  • Java 8 allows one to use core streams library, deprecating the need for Guava
  • Best to use core packages rather than rely upon Guava
  • Addressing the #getTriples function:
    • The function returns an iterator (must, hence, be changed to a stream, as specified above)
    • However, accepted by the function are name of implemented Classes
    • These correspond to approximately 8 sets of triples which could be requested (e. g. membership, versioning, fixity...)
    • As a consequence, this introduces a hard dependency on ModeShape implementation of fcrepo
    • In turn, this precludes any further abstraction, inhibiting the implementation of non-ModeShape fcrepo
  • Hence, this PR introduces an enum
  • Covers all of the cases currently in case with the ModeShape implementation and prefer headers in REST API
  • As an enum, it doesn't allow for any extension of these values
  • An idea proposed by Soroka is, rather than using the enum, use an interface or set of interfaces which can be passed in
  • Is there time to find a more ideal solution to enum now?
  • Or, is it viable to avoid merging now (merging the PR without an alternative to the enum solution requires that work be thrown away later)
  • The PR is quite large
  • 1/10th of the entire code base; Rebasing it is complete hell
  • To keep iterating on this in order to add additional functionality while merging other PR's into the code base presents other problems
  • Specifically, the task of managing the PR becomes increasingly difficult
  • Definitely should remove enum, but advocates merging the PR as it is
  • Then, replace enum immediately after
  • Why would this approach prevent us from not using the enum at all and taking the time now to refactor the PR?
  • He wouldn't have the time to refactor the PR with the preferred solution
  • We all agree that this must be redesigned
  • Not suggesting that this is a blocker
  • Not volunteering to refactor the enum
  • Why bundle in the change for getTriples into the PR for this ticket?
  • In thoroughly addressing the became apparent that all of the implementing classes in ModeShape impl. would need to be rewritten
  • Ideally, these would be separate pull requests, but they aren't
  • Two different things bundles into a single PR for this ticket
    • Migrating way from homegrown iterator (addressed using Java 8 core)
    • Mechanism for identifying the triples desired for underlying repository
  • First goal is accomplished
  • Preferred that this not be released with the enum
  • But, it is harder to merge later on, and best to get everyone on the same base
  • enum Might still be a blocker for the next release
  • Agrees, merge and consider the enum issue to be a blocker
  • Consistent amount of changes into the code base
  • Concerted effort to avoid introducing breaking changes for HTTP API (and other API) levels
  • Aiming for a 4.5.1 release
  • Could be value in this...relates to third agenda item
  • Removing an endpoint (deprecation, breaking change)
  • Good to get a "point" release out which alerts the community to this
  • Should enum remain a blocker for a point release?
  • Less than a month required for addressing the enum question?
  • This is not a part of the public API
  • Hence, can wait to resolve enum issue until this affects a component of the public API
  • No need to block a "point" release
  • Just desires to set a time limit to rectify this problem
  • People will want to implement the API
  • This will still block these efforts
  • Doesn't see a reason to block a "point" release for this issue
  • Will write the ticket
  • Refactor the enum approach
  • Make it a high priority, try to address this immediately and jointly
  • Enable alternate implementations to then be written

2. Package Naming and organization

  • Somewhat related to agenda item #1
  • Number of new classes and interfaces in kernel API (4)
  • 3 are in the base level org.frepo.kernel.api
  • 1 is an implementation api.rdf
  • Uncertain of a good location for some constitute an implementation?
  • What are these packages inside and outside of the kernel API?
  • Generally speaking, you should avoid cyclical dependencies between packages
  • e. g. The api.exception package references code in the api package, which itself references code in the api.exception package
  • Usually not the best practice
  • Raises the larger question of...what are these packages?
  • RDF package has one class within it
  • More inclined to have have fewer packages
  • Other approaches prefer more specific package names
  • Circular dependencies are also really bad in the ModeShape module
  • ModeShape is a monolith
  • Discussions have been had regarding similar
  • Few or no circular dependencies are found within the HTTP modules
  • Intensive assessment of modules and the packages within each module
  • Proposes a Google Doc for this discussion
  • Sonar will detect loops, doesn't indicate how best to restructure the packages

3. Removing the FCR nodetypes

  • fcr:nodetypes endpoint is undiscoverable by an LDP client
  • The endpoint describes all of the RDF classes, includes all of the JCR hierarchies
  • Most of the time, repository resources shouldn't need to know anything about the JCR hierarchies
  • No strong argument to retain this endpoint
  • PR to remove it
  • Few likely know about this endpoint, fewer probably use it
  • Yet, this would still constitute a breaking change
  • Should alert community
  • Add a warning header to this endpoint indicating that this is to be removed
  • Perhaps adopt a policy to ensure that these deprecation warnings are issued
  • Further, specify a term of time
  • Best to have deprecation
  • Ideally, header should have the time frame
  • Not just a generic warning, but specify a date for the removal
  • PR which was merged adding the warning header doesn't specify a date or particular release
  • Prefers to have a date, but would easier
  • Concrete predictions require that this be addressed within the release plan
  • Most won't see the deprecation release until there is a "point" release and they upgrade
  • Suggests that there should be a deprecation warning, released in a "point" release
  • Then, others have the opportunity to take some action, introducing the breaking change in the succeeding "point release"
  • (Queries the community for period of time)
  • Perhaps distinguish between core features people are using and those not likely being used by many
  • For features being actively used, 6 - 12 months
  • Several months might be a good guideline
  • But, far less time might be fine for core features which aren't used
  • Key is to effectively use version numbers
  • Major releases should be well organized and with the proper notes
  • Before making a breaking change, identify deprecation within a header message
  • Ideally, target release where the deprecation
  • There will be cases where this might not be possible (sticks around for a number of releases)
  • Typically wait 2 months between releases for certain architectural changes already
  • Good practice to specify that this is removed in 4.6.0...being that specific would be the most helpful
  • Avoid specifying a date and missing this deadline makes it less predictable

4. Moving from LevelDB (ModeShape-specific storage for objects)

  • By default, use LevelDB
  • Can now use MySQL in code base
  • Esme's PR offers integration for PostgreSQL
  • Corruption issues for LevelDB have been identified in at least one e-mail thread
  • Bulk ingest with an "out of memory error"
  • Tomcat hangs, must be restarted
  • Scripts from Muhammad from U. Maryland
  • Works for some in identifying corruption in the LevelDB
  • Part of the ModeShape move away from Infinispan seems to be to move towards a RDBMS
  • Try to align ourselves now by preparing to move towards an approach which leverages these
  • When ModeShape 5 is released, JDBC supports PostgreSQL
  • Migration would still be required
  • What is required in moving from LevelDB to MySQL or PostgreSQL
  • Fedora 4 offers a backup & restore/JCR export feature
    • Not ideal, won't show up in Fedora specification, but still there
  • Yinlin successfully tested a LevelDB to MySQL migration
  • Esme started performance testing (against LevelDB and MySQL)
  • Might we change or suggest that LevelDB be avoided?
  • How hard to push on JDBC backing for Fedora 4?
  • Should we wait until the ModeShape 5 release?
  • Looks like ModeShape 5 is going to be released within 1-2 months


  • Not a long time to wait...confusing to offer this support
  • Then, introduce the new migration
  • But, there are parties within corrupted repositories right now which much have this addressed
  • Also, parties looking to just start might be best working without LevelDB
  • Advocates using a "point" release in which MySQL and PostgreSQL (or both) are supported
  • ModeShape 5 would then trigger a major release for Fedora
  • Proposes that parties not be encourage to migrate prematurely (given the upcoming release of ModeShape 5)
  • Agreed, this should start the conversation, but avoid forcing anyone to migrate before 

5. Fedora Specification Updates


  • 6 documents
  • Sections of Fedora specification
  • All being drafted (and in various states)
  • Call from involved persons to produce a summary

Messaging API

  • Finished drafting
  • Invites comments

Atomic Batch Operations



  • Want to watch how others are starting the process
  • Intend to have something substantial for the next meeting


  • Questions relating to WebACL specification compliance
  • WebACL spec. leaves some room for interpretation
  • Best to tighten up the ambiguities which are there


  • Complete from the perspective of the immediate adjustments to LDP
  • Open question about how to handle PUT creation
  • There was pretty heavy discussion on this
  • Following the conclusion to this discussion, these points must be addressed
    • Any possible content restrictions
    • Which triples are allowed
    • Any formal specification of the prefer headers (or other fcrepo specific headers)
  • None of these are featured
  • So far, writing into 2 sections
  • First section addressed specifications in LDP which need to be refined
  • Second section addressed unspecified in the LDP which need to be specified outright
  • Invite feedback in order to gauge the navigability of the document
  • Use sections to align with the LDP spec. section numbers
  • Need to resolve comments on the document before this can be addressed