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The search page can be customized in terms of filters and sort options. For the purpose of customizing search page an ontology has been defined.  . How the default configuration looks like can be seen at Using Search.  


The ontology is presented below. 


Code Block
@prefix :      <> .
@prefix vitro-search: <> .
@prefix auth: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .

        a                        vitro-search:FilterValue ;
        rdfs:label               "Continent"@en-US ;
        vitro-search:id          "" ;
        vitro-search:public      true ;
        vitro-search:isDefaultForRole  auth:SELF_EDITOR , auth:ADMIN , auth:PUBLIC .

:filter_type vitro-search:hasKnownValue :locations_value .


The options for sorting search results can be also customized. The default configuration enables sorting by title ascending, by title descending, and by relevance. However, it is possible to extend list of fields for sorting. For instance, sorting by dates can be added. 
