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Installing from Distribution


titleUpdated installation process

The installation process has changed as of v1.12. Documentation is still being drafted, and the instructions below are out of date. Please see VIVO Build and Installation Process for draft instructions for the current version.

Download the distribution from the VIVO repository on GitHub. The standard distribution consists of the projects required to create a home directory for VIVO, and to copy the web application and search index. All the compiled code and dependencies are resolved from the Maven central repository at the time you run Maven.


Code Block


In order to install the development code from GitHub, you need to clone both the Vitro and VIVO repositories from the vivo-project organization. These clones should be in sibling directories called called "Vitro" and "VIVO" respectively:.  These will all point to the 1.12.3-SNAPSHOT:

Code Block
Code Block
$ git clone Vitro -b rel-1.12.102-maint
$ git clone VIVO -b rel-1.12.102-maint
$ git ls -l
drwxr-xr-x  user  group  1clone Vitro-languages -b rel-1.12.2-maint  
$ git clone VIVO-languages -b rel-1.12.2-maint 
drwxr-xr-x  user  group  1 Dec 12:00  Vitro
drwxr-xr-x  user  group  1 Dec 12:00  VIVO
drwxr-xr-x  user  group  1 Dec 12:00  Vitro-languages
drwxr-xr-x  user  group  1 Dec 12:00  VIVO-languages


If you do not


If you do not place the Vitro code in a sibling directory called "Vitro", then you will have to supply the "vitro-core" property to Maven - e.g. mvn package -Dvitro-core=~/Vitro

It is expected that the Maven project numbers are kept in sync between the Vitro / VIVO projects, however, depending on when you update / sync your repositories, you may need to adjust the project version numbers for the build to work.


This file needs to be created following the Maven Settings Reference. A template file already exists in the "installer" directory within the VIVO project, called "example-settings.xml". You may copy this file (it can be called anything you like) , and edit the contents to fit your requirements / system configuration.


Completing the Installation

Configure the


Home Directory

There are two configuration files that are required to be in the home directory. By default, the installer does not create them so that they are not overwritten when you redeploy the application. Instead, example files are created in the home directory, which can be copied and used as the basis for your installation.The default configuration of VIVO is to use MySQL as a backing store for Jena SDB. Whilst VIVO / Jena will create the necessary tables for the triple store, a database (schema) and authentication details need to have been created first. To do so, log in to MySQL as a superuser (e.g. root) 

Code Block
$ mysql -u root -p
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 2
Server version: 5.7.9 MySQL Community Server (GPL)
Copyright (c) 2000, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.
mysql> GRANT ALL ON vitrodb.* TO 'vitrodbUsername'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'vitrodbPassword';

For MySQL 8+, the second command must be split into two commands like so:

Code Block
mysql> CREATE USER 'vitrodbUsername'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'vitrodbPassword';
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON vitrodb.* TO 'vitrodbUsername'@'localhost';

Configure the Home Directory

There are two configuration files that are required to be in the home directory. By default, the installer does not create them so that they are not overwritten when you redeploy the application. Instead, example files are created in the home directory, which can be copied and used as the basis for your installation.

Code Block
$ cd /usr/local/vivo/home/config
/usr/local/vivo/home/config$ cp
/usr/local/vivo/home/config$ cp example.applicationSetup.n3 applicationSetup.n3


titleMinimum Configuration of Required

In order for your installation to work, you will need to edit and ensure that the VitroConnection properties are correct for your database engine. They should look something like this.

Code Block
VitroConnection.DataSource.url = jdbc:mysql://localhost/vitrodb
VitroConnection.DataSource.username = vitrodbUsername
VitroConnection.DataSource.password = vitrodbPassword
cd /usr/local/vivo/home/config
/usr/local/vivo/home/config$ cp
/usr/local/vivo/home/config$ cp example.applicationSetup.n3 applicationSetup.n3

Configure the Database Schema

Optionally, you may choose to use the older Jena SDB database backed by MySQL. SDB is not recommended for new installations, however it may offer some situation-dependent advantages for some users. For more information on SDB setup, see Jena SDB and MySQL setup.

Configure and Start Solr

Configure and Start Solr

As of the 1.11.0 release of VIVO, Solr must be independently deployed and configured with the schema expected by VIVO. Then VIVO must then be configured to connect to the external Solr.

  1. Download and install the latest 7 8.x version of Solr (installation instructions)
    1. The directory in which Solr is installed is referenced below as ${SOLR_HOME} (e.g., /opt/solr/solr-78.711.21)
  2. Add the vivocore directory of the vivo-solr GitHub repository and its contents into ${SOLR_HOME}/server/solr
    1. The end result should be a directory structure such as:

      No Format
                                    └── conf/
                                         ├── currency.xml
                                         ├── elevate.xml
                                         └── ... 

  3. Start Solr

    No Format
    ${SOLR_HOME}/bin/solr start

  4. Remove schema.xml from ${SOLR_HOME}/server/solr/vivocore/conf
    1. When solr was started it created the managed-schema automatically from the schema.xml and is no longer needed

  5. Update VIVO as below to point to the URL of your Solr

    No Format
    vitro.local.solr.url = http://localhost:8983/solr/vivocore 

  6. Start VIVO!
    1. Note: If VIVO was started before connecting to Solr, please restart VIVO.


VIVO is a multithreaded web application that may require more threads than are permitted under the default configuration of your operating system. Ensure that your installation can support the required number of threads for your application.  For a Linux production environment, you may wish to make the following edits to /etc/security/limits.conf, replacing apache and tomcat with the appropriate user or group name for your your setup:

apache hard nproc 400

tomcat hard nproc 1500


Tomcat allows you to override these context fragments by adding Context elements to to server.xml. If  If you decide to do this, be sure that your new Context element includes the necessary deployment parameters from the overridden context fragment.


If you have completed the previous steps, you have good indications that the installation was successful.

  • When you Start Start tomcat, you  you see that Tomcat recognizes the webapp, and that the webapp is able to present the initial page.
  • The startup status will indicate if the basic configuration of the system was successful. If there were any serious errors, you will see the status screen and will not be allowed to continue with VIVO. If there are warnings, you will see the status screen when you first access VIVO, but after that you may use VIVO without hinderance. In this case, you can review the startup status from siteAdmin -> Startup status.
  • Log in as root. Your root username is (or the email you configured in  The first-time root password is rootPassword.  You will be asked to change it.


  • Point your browser to the home page of your website and click the "Log in" link near the upper right corner. Log in with the rootUser.emailAddress you set in . If this is your first time logging in, you will be prompted to change the password.
  • After you have successfully logged in, click "site admin" in the upper right corner. In the drop down under "Data Input" select "Faculty Member(core)" and click the "Add individual of this class" button.
  • Enter the name "test individual" under the field "Individual Name," scroll to the bottom, and click "Create New Record." You will be taken to the "Individual Control Panel." Make note of the value of the field "URI" - it will be used in the next step.
  • Open a new web browser or browser tab to the page Enter the URI of the individual you created in the previous step and click "go."
  • In the resulting page search for the URI of the "test individual." The page should display information for the individual, including an a rdfs: label and rdf:type. This indicates that you are successfully serving linked RDF data. If the service returns an error, you are not successfully serving linked data.


  • Type the word "Australia" into the search box , and click on the Search button. You should see a page of results, with links to countries that border Australia, individuals that include Australia, and to Australia itself. To trigger a rebuild of the search index, you can log in as a site administrator and go to Site Admin -> Rebuild search index.