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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 4.0




\[11:10\] <cwilper> [] \[11:10\] <cwilper> re: Java 6: Yes, we're doing it. \
[11:13\] <cwilper> re: renaming to org.fcrepo \
[11:13\] <cwilper> [] \[11:14\] \* birkland (i=183aa64b@gateway/web/freenode/x-gllixpuxxaxygvxa) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds) \[11:14\] \* eddie1415 (i=52e0627a@gateway/web/freenode/x-bdwaccakvahpphod) has joined #duraspace \[11:14\] \* awoods ( has joined #duraspace \[11:22\] <cwilper> (discussion about renaming fesl stuff
[11:22] <cwilper> (discussion about renaming fesl stuff too...Aaron agrees to do it under \
[11:25\] <cwilper> Action: Create compatibility jar for old llstore plugins \
[11:31\] <cwilper> [] \[11:32\] \* bradmc ( has joined #duraspace \[11:43\] \* birkland (i=183aa64b@gateway/web/freenode/x-bhzjvvfmstsrxyqa) has joined #duraspace \[11:54\] \* birkland (i=183aa64b@gateway/web/freenode/x-bhzjvvfmstsrxyqa) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds) \[12:00\] <cwilper> Action: Chris will send out surveymonkey to narrow in/register interest in focus areas
[12:00] <cwilper> Action: Chris will send out surveymonkey to narrow in/register interest in focus areas w/attendees