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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 4.0



Wiki Markup\[11:05\] <cwilper> [|] \
[11:07\] * bbranan (i=46799f09@gateway/web/freenode/x-mkhgtsjrtaomzsxq) has joined #duraspace \
[11:17\] * birkland (i=183aa64b@gateway/web/freenode/x-awdgcyesbcyfkgln) has joined #duraspace \
[11:19\] <cwilper> Asger: re: repackaging, Kare mentioned use of "info.fedora". \
[11:20\] <Asger> info:fedora/demo:test \
[11:20\] <Asger> \
[11:20\] <barmintor> [|] \
[11:22\] * tdonohue1 ( has joined #duraspace \
[11:22\] * tdonohue ( Quit (Nick collision from services.) \
[11:22\] * tdonohue1 is now known as tdonohue \
[11:23\] <cwilper> bill: also, changing foxml/xsd/etc/ namespaces appropriately \
[11:42\] <cwilper> action: create 3 tracker items for various naming updates (java, xml namespaces, and info:fedora URIs) \
[11:45\] <cwilper> [|../../jira/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?reset=true&&pid=10051&status=10001&sorter/field=issuekey&sorter/order=DESC] \
[11:55\] <cwilper> re:fcrepo-592, if akubra=default, doing it early in the 3.4 cycle would be good (after renaming) \
[11:58\] <cwilper> action: create issue for java 6, target for 3.4 \
[11:59\] <cwilper> action: note on user's list re: java6 (possibly surveymonkey?) \
[12:02\] <bbranan> Java JDK 5.0 EOL notice: [http: //|]