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Table of Contents


titleHelp us judge the prototype platforms! Add your feedback / opinions to our Evaluation Form

From Jan - Feb 2016, the DSpace UI Working Group has asked each of our prototype teams to present their work in recorded, small group presentations (see Prototype Presentation Schedule below). These sessions are all being recorded an made publicly viewable below.

While this process is going on, anyone in the DSpace community is welcome to add your feedback / opinions on prototypes to our Evaluation Form at:

You need not fill out the entire evaluation form, but any feedback you can provide will be considered during this process.  A more formalized call for public feedback will occur once all prototype presentation videos have been made available publicly. The goal is to make a decision on a new UI platform by sometime in mid-to-late March, 2016.



Next phase of this work (creating the DSpace 7 UI) has moved over to DSpace 7 Working Group (2016-2023)

titleUpdates on UI Selection Process

Update June 20, 2016: The selection of the Angular 2 UI platform was announced and the proof-of-concept Angular 2 UI was demoed at the Open Repositories conference in Dublin. 

Update May/June, 2016: We are now providing video updates on the Angular 2 UI prototype.  Please visit our YouTube Playlist to catch up on all the updates. At the Open Repositories conference in Dublin, we will also be providing a live update and demonstration during the "You heard it here first" session on Weds, June 15 at 2:00pm.

Update April, 2016: The extended prototype on Angular 2 (see below) has begun at:

Update March 24, 2016: After detailed discussion of all prototypes, public feedback, etc, the UI Working Group has written a detailed Summary of options / discussions:

As detailed in this document, the UI architecture has been narrowed down to two options under consideration:

  1. A Java-based, server-side solution based on Spring Boot. For a sample, see Prototype #1 below.
  2. A Javascript-based, client-side solution using Spring Boot (for server-side components) and likely Angular 2 (for the client-side UI).  Prototypes #7 (and #4) featured client-side UI options, but neither used Angular 2.

At the DuraSpace Summit (March 16-17), these options were discussed with attendees from the DSpace Steering and Leadership groups. During that discussion, it was decided that we would move forward with an extended prototype of the client-side solution featuring Angular 2.  As noted, none of our original prototypes used Angular 2 (though one did use Angular 1). Yet, Angular 2 has great interest in that it claims to solve the major SEO (search engine optimization) shortcomings of Angular 1.  All original client-side prototypes (#7 and #4) had these SEO shortcomings, which made it difficult to judge their capabilities as a future DSpace UI.

The extended prototype phase will move into May. At that time, a final decision between the two platforms will be made.

titleEvaluation Timeline / RoadMap

How did we get here?  Here's the timelines of where we've been and where we are going

  •  Dec 4: DSpace UI Prototype Challenge ends and review period begins
  •  Jan - Feb: Demonstrations/discussions of all submitted prototypes. Video demos and discussions available below
  •  Week of Feb 8-12:  Collect oral and written feedback on prototypes, focusing on "Advantages, Concerns & Questions" (see call for feedback above and our public evaluation form). A public call for feedback will be sent to all mailing lists once all prototype videos are available/posted.
  •  Week of Feb 15-19: Resolve outstanding questions. Select a shortlist of 2-3 architectures for consideration.
  •  Week of Feb 22-26: Select no more than 2 finalist architectures, which might include combinations of technologies from the various prototypes
  •  Week of Feb 29-March 4: Select an architecture for recommendation; validate it against our criteria (see evaluation form). See UI Working Group Summary.
  •  March 16-17: Presentation of recommended architecture to DSpace Steering and Leadership groups at the DuraSpace Summit Meeting for their feedback / approval.
  •  March / April : Extended prototype phase of an Angular 2 prototype as recommended at DuraSpace Summit. A team comprised of several institutions (Texas A&M, @mire, Cineca, DuraSpace) will collaborate on this prototype, and determine its plausibility (as a future UI) and whether it meets our SEO needs.
  •  May / June: Continued prototype (Phase II) of Angular 2 prototype in preparation for a demonstration at Open Repositories 2016.

DSpace User Interface Prototype Challenge


Help us discover the technology/platform for our new user interface (UI) for DSpace!  Create a prototype UI on a platform of your choice (in any programming language), with basic DSpace-like capabilities as described below. The goal of a UI prototype is to exercise a new UI technology/platform to see whether it would meet the needs of our DSpace community.

  • Why? In time for DSpace 7.0 (late 2016), the plan is to develop a new (single) UI for DSpace that will replace our aging JSPUI and XMLUI interfaces. (See RoadMap)
  • How? The goal of the "UI Prototype Challenge" is to give everyone a chance to show off what you feel may make a great replacement UI framework. Have a cool idea for what would make a better DSpace UI? This is your chance to show it off in 80 hours or less!  Register your idea on our sign-up page (see below) to find other collaborators.
  • What? Prototypes are not meant to be full applications, but more of a proof-of-concept (something that proves a new DSpace UI could be built in your technology or platform of choice). Prototypes need not be Java (any/all languages welcome). Additional guidelines/scope is provided below
  • When? Prototypes / proof-of-concepts are due by Friday, Nov 6 Friday, Dec 4. At that time, all will undergo a public review period. We will work with Committers, DCAT, Steering and Leadership Groups to select a "best of class" platform to build the new DSpace UI. Even incomplete proof-of-concepts are useful to submit, as we are judging the suitability of the *platform* and not the flashiness of the prototype itself.
  • What do I win? While there are no official prizes (at this time), this challenge gives you an excellent opportunity to increase your reputation in our DSpace Community. It also provides you and your institution with an opportunity to directly influence the path of the DSpace UI going forward.
  • Other questions? Ask them on the dspace-devel mailing list, and we'll be glad to clarify any of the goals/guidelines of this challenge.

Good luck! The full guidelines / requirements are included below.


Advanced Tables - Table Plus
UI Platform / TechnologiesOpen Source License(s)Technology ResourcesPrototype Links / NotesPrototyping Team
What UI platform/technologies are you prototyping? (e.g. Java Play!, Ruby on Rails, etc)
What Open Source license(s) is this technology/platform released under?Add links to resources/documentation for any technologies that this prototype uses

Link to either a public wiki page describing your prototype, or to a public README in GitHub. Keep in mind, your codebase must also be public.

List your team members

Spring Boot + Thymeleaf

  • Apache 2 (Spring Boot, Thymeleaf)
  • MIT (Bootstrap)

Tim Donohue

REST + Ruby on Rails

MIT License (Ruby on Rails)

Peter Dietz
REST + Play!
Apache 2 (Play Framwork)Peter Dietz
REST + Ember.js
MIT License (Ember.js)


Source code: 

Answers to challenge questions:

Art Lowel (Atmire)

Java API + Jersey + Twirl (in Scala)

Prototype was withdrawn by its author because of lack of time to work on it.

  • CDDL 1.1 (Jersey)
  • Apache 2.0 (Twirl) Brown (others welcome)
Spring MVC + Spring tags + Spring security + sitemesh + custom extensions
  • Apache 2 (Spring)
  • OpenSymphony
    Compatible with the Apache License (Sitemesh)

  • MIT (Bootstrap)

This prototype will rely on custom extensions build by Cineca on top of the selected technologies (see These extensions aim to speed up the development time providing lot of reusing and configurable components. Source code will be provided as part of the prototype


Source code:

Installation procedure: as a "standard" DSpace 6 JSPUI, details on the README of the project

Documentation: Cineca UI Prototype - Documentation

Presentation Slides: cineca-dspace-ui.pptx

Andrea Bollini (4Science)

Cineca developers - Luigi Andrea Pascarelli (4Science), Unknown User (r.suardi)

REST + Spring Boot + Angular.js
  • Apache 2 (Spring Boot)
  • MIT (Angular.js, Bootstrap, sass)

This prototype will leverage an existing Spring Boot and Angular code base that is being used in a variety of recent projects including the next version of the Vireo ETD management system.



Angular Frontend SourceUPDATE - Official release of Core UI module:

UPDATE - Official release of Core Webservice dependencySpring Webservice Source:

Slides: DSpace-UI-Prototype-Presentation.pptx

Texas A&M University Libraries (James Silas Creel)
Rails + Bootstrap


Levering  gems such as devise for authentication.

MCM Source Rails App: 

MCM Demo: At Heroku

EKate Rest Code2nd Rails app: which leverages the gem active-rest-clientDoc:

Ekate Blacklight Code:

Presentation Slides: @google

Monika Mevekamp
Ekaterina Pechekhonova

Rails + dspace-rest-client gem




dspace-rest-client gem ( )

Using the dspace-rest-client gem within rails to very simply and cleanly access dspace objects. In this project I don't deal with parsing json/xml, its all a simple gem library. i.e. @items = @client.items.find(id: => params[:id])

Peter Dietz

Prototype Evaluation Process

The DSpace UI Prototype Working Group (2015-16) will be working with prototype developers to schedule a recorded Q&A discussion for each prototype (starting in January 2016). These Q&A session recordings will be made publicly available on this wiki page.


titlePlease provide your feedback / evaluation!

Anyone is welcome to enter your personal (or team) evaluation for any of the Prototypes in our public Prototype Evaluation Form. Each prototype has a separate evaluation tab in this form. We ask that you add your comments (advantages / concerns / questions) to the "Public Comments" section for each prototype.

Date/TimeTeam/PresenterPrototype #Recording of Session
Thurs., Jan 14, 10:00am ESTArt Lowel (Atmire)#4 (REST + Ember.js)

Widget Connector

(NOTE: (Recording coming soon. We encountered technical difficulties during the live session, and our the original recording had no audio. We've asked the presenter to re-record a screencast of the demo for anyone who was unable to attend this session.)Therefore, the above video is a demo/screencast recorded by Art at a later time.)

Presentation Slides: Jan 14th version of the slides:

Mon., Jan 18, 10:00am ESTPeter Dietz

#2 (REST + Ruby on Rails),
#3 (REST + Play!),
#9 (Rails + dspace-rest-client gem)

Widget Connector
Thurs., Jan 21, 10:00am ESTTexas A&M Libraries
(James Silas Creel)
#7 (REST + Spring Boot + Angular.js)+ Angular.js)

Widget Connector

Presentation Slides: DSpace-UI-Prototype-Presentation.pptx


Mon., Jan 25, 10:00am EST

Monika Mevenkamp,

Kate Ekaterina Pechekhonovarina

#8 (Rails + Bootstrap)

Widget Connector

Presentation Slides: @google


Thurs., Jan 28, 10:00am EST

Unknown User (r.suardi),

Luigi Andrea Pascarelli (4Science)

#6 (Spring MVC + Spring tags + Spring security + sitemesh + custom extensions)

Widget Connector

Presentation Slides: cineca-dspace-ui.pptx


Monday, Feb 1, 10:00am ESTTim Donohue#1 (Spring Boot + Thymeleaf) 

Widget Connector

Presentation Slides:

Thursday, Feb 4, 10:00am ESTJacob Brown#5 (Java API + Jersey + Twirl (in Scala)) Prototype was withdrawn by its author because of lack of time to work on it.