Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Test Process

1. Delete each test "object"


5. Modify the datastreams a specified number of times

6. Read the datastreams

Test Software

Apache Jmeter version 2.9 installed on futures1 (see Test Platform for details)

The jmeter test script fedora.jmx implements the above process for a fedora rest API.

Test Data

The test data is generated at run time to produce a random binary data created from a stable set of file sizes, as explained in Test corpora - The generated binary dataset

The generation of files has been included in the jmeter test plan and does not need to be generated separately.

Test Platform

Test Results

The Jmeter test produces a csv file (one for each repeat) containing the following columns


Column nameDescription
timeStamptime of request (in milliseconds since 1/1/1970 )

time measured from just before sending the request to just after the last response has been received (in milliseconds).
It does not include time taken to render the response (as on a browser).

labelthe name given to the CRUD operation (in milliseconds)

The HTTP response code received for the request


The HTTP response message received for the request


This is derived from the Thread Group name and the thread within the group. The name has the format groupName + " " + groupIndex + "-" + threadIndex

    groupName - name of the Thread Group element

    groupIndex - number of the Thread Group in the Test Plan, starting from 1

    threadIndex - number of the thread within the Thread Group, starting from 1


the type of data received


a binary value indicating the success or failure of the request


the response size

LatencyThe time from just before sending the request to just after the first response has been received, including all the processing time needed to assemble the request as well as assembling the first part of the response (in milliseconds).

Analyzing the test results

The stats visualizations were done using R (

  • The R code uses a few libraries - ggplot2 , gridExtra ,  tcltk,  RColorBrewer, plyr   
    • Most of these libraries should be included in the base package, if not installing a library is very easy
    and the links have should have details

The code used to produce the graphs is in fedora-jmx.r.
