Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: added info about Microsoft deprecating TLS < 1.2


Table of Contents

General Configuration

In the following sections you will learn about the different configuration files that you will need to edit so that you may make your DSpace installation work.


To get started, simply create your own [dspace-source]/dspace/config/local.cfg based on the example, e.g.

Code Block
cd [dspace-source]/dspace/config/
cp local.cfg.EXAMPLE local.cfg


Main DSpace Configurations



Example Value:


Informational Note:

Root directory of DSpace installation. Omit the trailing slash '/'. Note that if you change this, there are several other parameters you will probably want to change to match, e.g. assetstore.dir .

(On Windows be sure to use forward slashes for the directory path!  For example: "C:/dspace" is a valid path for Windows.)



Example Value:

dspace.hostname =

Informational Note:

Fully qualified hostname; do not include port number.



Example Value:

Informational Note:

Main URL at which DSpace Web UI webapp is deployed. Include any port number, but do not include the trailing '/'.



Example Value:

dspace.url =

Informational note

URL that determines whether JSPUI or XMLUI will be loaded by default. Include port number etc., but NOT trailing slash. Alternatively to the example, this url can have /jspui at the end if you are using jspui instead of xmlui. You can also opt to run your UI app as your servlet engine's "ROOT" webapp. In that case, ensure that you remove /xmlui or /jspui




Example Value:

dspace.oai.url = ${dspace.baseUrl}/oai

Informational note:

The base URL of the OAI webapp (do not include /request)



Example Value: = DSpace at My University

Informational Note:

Short and sweet site name, used throughout Web UI, e-mails and elsewhere (such as OAI protocol)

DSpace Database Configuration

Many of the database configurations are software-dependent. That is, it will be based on the choice of database software being used. Currently, DSpace properly supports PostgreSQL and Oracle.



Example Value:

db.url = jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/dspace


Informational Note:

The above value is the default value when configuring with PostgreSQL. When using Oracle, use this value:



Example Value:

db.username = dspace

Informational Note:

In the installation directions, the administrator is instructed to create the user "dspace" who will own the database "dspace".



Example Value:

db.password =



Informational Note:

This is the password that was prompted during the installation process (cf. 3.2.3. Installation)



Example Value:

db.schema =



Informational Note:

If your database contains multiple schemas, you can avoid problems with retrieving the definitions of duplicate objects by specifying the schema name here that is used for DSpace by uncommenting the entry. This property is optional.



Example Value:

db.maxconnections = 30

Informational Note:

Maximum number of Database connections in the connection pool



Example Value:

db.maxwait = 5000

Informational Note:

Maximum time to wait before giving up if all connections in pool are busy (in milliseconds).



Example Value:

db.maxidle = -1

Informational Note:

Maximum number of idle connections in pool. (-1 = unlimited)



Example Value:

db.statementpool = true

Informational Note:

Determines if prepared statement should be cached. (Default is set to true)



Example Value:

db.poolname = dspacepool

Informational Note:

Specify a name for the connection pool. This is useful if you have multiple applications sharing Tomcat's database connection pool. If nothing is specified, it will default to 'dspacepool'

To provide the database connection pool externally


DSpace will look up a javax.mail.Session object in JNDI and, if found, will use that to send email.  Otherwise it will create a Session using some of the properties detailed below.



Example Value:

mail.server =

Informational Note:

The address on which your outgoing SMTP email server can be reached.



Example Value:

mail.server.username = myusername

Informational Note:

SMTP mail server authentication username, if required. This property is optional.



Example Value:

mail.server.password = mypassword

Informational Note:

SMTP mail server authentication password, if required. This property is optional





Example Value:

mail.server.port = 25

Informational Note:

The port on which your SMTP mail server can be reached. By default, port 25 is used, port 587 is commonly used for TLS connections. Change this setting if your SMTP mailserver is running on another port. This property is optional.



Example Value:

mail.from.address =

Informational Note:

The "From" address for email. Change the '' to the site's host name.



Example Value:

feedback.recipient =

Informational Note:

When a user clicks on the feedback link/feature, the information will be sent to the email address of choice. This configuration is currently limited to only one recipient. Since DSpace 4.0, this is also the email address displayed on the contacts page.



Example Value:

mail.admin =

Informational Note:

Email address of the general site administrator (Webmaster)



Example Value:

alert.recipient =

Informational Note:

Enter the recipient for server errors and alerts. This property is optional.



Example Value:

registration.notify =

Informational Note:

Enter the recipient that will be notified when a new user registers on DSpace. This property is optional.



Example Value:

mail.charset = UTF-8

Informational Note:

Set the default mail character set. This may be over-ridden by providing a line inside the email template 'charset: <encoding>', otherwise this default is used.



Example Value:

mail.allowed.referrers = localhost

Informational Note:

A comma separated list of hostnames that are allowed to refer browsers to email forms. Default behavior is to accept referrals only from dspace.hostname. This property is optional.



Example Value:

Code Block
mail.extraproperties = mail.smtp.socketFactory.port=465, \, \

Informational Note:

If you need to pass extra settings to the Java mail library. Comma separated, equals sign between the key and the value. This property is optional.



Example Value:

mail.server.disabled = false

Informational Note:

An option is added to disable the mailserver. By default, this property is set to 'false'. By setting value to 'true', DSpace will not send out emails. It will instead log the subject of the email which should have been sent. This is especially useful for development and test environments where production data is used when testing functionality. This property is optional.


Example Value: = myDSpace

Informational Note:

Specifies the name of a javax.mail.Session object stored in JNDI under java:comp/env/mail.  The default value is "Session".



Example Value:

default.language = en_US

Informational Note:

If no other language is explicitly stated in the input-forms.xml, the default language will be attributed to the metadata values.

Wording of E-mail Messages


Note: You should replace the contact-information " or call us at xxx-555-xxxx" with your own contact details in:

File Storage


Beginning with DSpace 6, your file storage location (aka bitstore) is now defined in the [dspace]/config/spring/api/bitstore.xml Spring configuration file.  By default it is defined as the [dspace]/assetstore/.  More information on modifying your file storage location can be found at  Configuring the Bitstream Store in the Storage Layer documentation.

DSpace supports multiple options for storing your repository bitstreams (uploaded files). The files are not stored in the database, instead they are provided via a configured "assetstore" or "bitstore".

By default, the assetstore is simply a directory on your server ([dspace]/assetstore/) under which bitstreams (files) are stored by DSpace.

At this time, DSpace supports two primary locations for storing your files:

  1. Your local filesystem (used by default), specifically under the [dspace]/assetstore/ directory
  2. OR, Amazon S3 (requires your own Amazon S3 account)

More information on configuring or customizing the storage location of your files can be found in the Storage Layer documentation.

Logging Configuration

Format of E-mail Messages

The files in dspace/config/emails are templates with a specific structure.

  • A line beginning with "#" is a comment and will not be included in the message.
  • A line beginning with "Subject: " will set the Subject: header of the message and will not be included in the body.
  • A line beginning with "Charset: " will set the character set in which the subject and single message bodypart are assumed to be encoded, will be used as the value of the charset parameter of the Content-Encoding header for the message, and will not be included in the body. If the message has multiple bodyparts (i.e. attachments are included) then all are assumed to be encoded in US-ASCII and the "Charset: " line has no effect on them (but still affects the subject).
  • A number enclosed in braces, such as {2}, anywhere in a non-comment line, will be replaced with the corresponding parameter which was supplied to the message when the message formatter was called. Parameter numbers are 0-based.  Refer to the comments in the template or to the code which uses it for the meaning of each parameter.

Using an external mail server

If you want to use an external mail server setting the value of mail.server to the domain name is enough if authentication is not required. Most external SMTP mail servers will however require authentication for obvious reasons. To enable TLS encryption you will typically have to set the mail.server.port to the secure default 587 and for the mail.server.username and mail.server.password to be set. In addition you will need to enable TLS by setting the following extra properties:

Code Block
mail.extraproperties = mail.smtp.auth=true, \

Note that as of January 2020 Microsoft has started to remove support for Transport Layer Security (TLS) versions 1.0 and 1.1 in Office 365 and Office 365 GCC (see more information here). This necessitates using TLS 1.2 then. Some users have reported being able to use the following configuration successfully (see discussion):

Code Block
mail.extraproperties = mail.smtp.socketFactory.port=587, \
                        mail.smtp.starttls.enable=true, \
                        mail.smtp.starttls.required=true, \

File Storage


Beginning with DSpace 6, your file storage location (aka bitstore) is now defined in the [dspace]/config/spring/api/bitstore.xml Spring configuration file.  By default it is defined as the [dspace]/assetstore/.  More information on modifying your file storage location can be found at   Configuring the Bitstream Store in the Storage Layer documentation.

DSpace supports multiple options for storing your repository bitstreams (uploaded files). The files are not stored in the database, instead they are provided via a configured "assetstore" or "bitstore".

By default, the assetstore is simply a directory on your server ([dspace]/assetstore/) under which bitstreams (files) are stored by DSpace.

At this time, DSpace supports two primary locations for storing your files:

  1. Your local filesystem (used by default), specifically under the [dspace]/assetstore/ directory
  2. OR, Amazon S3 (requires your own Amazon S3 account)

More information on configuring or customizing the storage location of your files can be found in the Storage Layer documentation.

Logging Configuration



Example Value:

log.init.config = ${dspace.dir}/config/

Informational Note:

This is where your logging configuration file is located. You may override the default log4j configuration by providing your own. Existing alternatives are:

Code Block
log.init.config = ${dspace.dir}/config/
log.init.config = ${dspace.dir}/config/



Example value:

log.dir = ${dspace.dir}/log

Informational Note:

This is where to put the logs. (This is used for initial configuration only)


loglevel.dspace (defined in
Example value:loglevel.dspace = INFO



Example Value:

log.init.config = ${dspace.dir}/config/

Informational Note:

This is where your logging configuration file is located. You may override the default log4j configuration by providing your own. Existing alternatives are:

Code Block
log.init.config = ${dspace.dir}/config/
log.init.config = ${dspace.dir}/config/



Example value:

log.dir = ${dspace.dir}/log

Informational Note:

This is where to put the logs. (This is used for initial configuration only)


loglevel.dspaceExample value:loglevel.dspace = INFOInformational

Log level for all DSpace-specific code (org.dspace.* packages).  By default, DSpace only provides general INFO logs (in order to keep log sizes reasonable). As necessary, you can temporarily change this setting to any of the following (ordered for most information to least): DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL

Please be aware we do not recommend running at the DEBUG level in Production for significant periods of time, as it will cause the logs to be extremely large in size.


loglevel.other (defined in
Example value:loglevel.other = INFO
Informational Note:

Log level for other third-party tools/APIs used by DSpace (non-DSpace specific code). By default, DSpace only provides general INFO logs (in order to keep log sizes reasonable

). As necessary, you can temporarily change this setting to any of the following (ordered for most information to least): DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL

Please be aware we do not recommend running at the DEBUG level in Production for significant periods of time, as it will cause the logs to be extremely large in size.



Example Value:

useProxies = true

Informational Note:

If your DSpace instance is protected by a proxy server, in order for log4j  to log the correct IP address of the user rather than of the proxy, it must be configured to look for the X-Forwarded-For header.  This feature can be enabled by ensuring this setting is set to true.  This also affects IPAuthentication, and should be enabled for that to work properly if your installation uses a proxy server

). As necessary, you can temporarily change this setting to any of the following (ordered for most information to least): DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL

Please be aware we do not recommend running at the DEBUG level in Production for significant periods of time, as it will cause the logs to be extremely large in size.

Previous releases of DSpace provided an example ${dspace.dir}/config/log4j.xml as an alternative to This caused some confusion and has been removed. log4j continues to support both Properties and XML forms of configuration, and you may continue (or begin) to use any form that log4j supports.

General Plugin Configuration

Example Value:/opt/dspace/plugins/aPlugin.jar:/opt/dspace/moreplugins
Informational Note:Search path for third-party plugin classes.  This is a colon-separated list of directories and JAR files, each of which will be searched for plugin classes after looking in all the places where DSpace classes are found.  In this way you can designate one or more locations for plugin files which will not be affected by DSpace upgrades.


Configuring the Search Engine


Since DSpace 4.0 the advanced search module named Discovery (based on Apache SOLR) is the default search provider. It provides up-to-date features, such as filtering/faceting, hit highlighting, search snippets, etc.

Detailed documentation is available for customization, see Discovery.

Handle Server Configuration

The CNRI Handle system is a 3rd party service for maintaining persistent URL's. For a nominal fee, you can register a handle prefix for your repository. As a result, your repository items will be also available under the links<<handle prefix>>/<<item id>>. As the base url of your repository might change or evolve, the persistent URL's secure the consistency of links to your repository items. For complete information regarding the Handle server, the user should consult The Handle Server section of Installing DSpace.



Example Value

handle.canonical.prefix =
handle.canonical.prefix = ${dspace.url}/handle/

Informational Note:

Canonical Handle URL prefix. By default, DSpace is configured to use as the canonical URL prefix when generating dc.identifier.uri during submission, and in the 'identifier' displayed in item record pages. If you do not subscribe to CNRI's handle service, you can change this to match the persistent URL service you use, or you can force DSpace to use your site's URL, e.g. handle.canonical.prefix = ${dspace.url}/handle/. Note that this will not alter dc.identifer.uri metadata for existing items (only for subsequent submissions).



Example Value

handle.prefix = 1234.56789

Informational Note:

The default installed by DSpace is 123456789 but you will replace this upon receiving a handle from CNRI.



Example Value:

handle.dir = ${dspace.dir}/handle-server

Informational Note:

The default files, as shown in the Example Value is where DSpace will install the files used for the Handle Server.

Example Valuehandle.additional.prefixes = 1234.56789.0, 1234.56789.1, 987
Informational Note:List any additional prefixes that need to be managed by this handle server. For example, any handle prefixes that came from an external repository whose items have now been added to this DSpace.  Multiple additional prefixes may be added in a comma separated list.

Delegation Administration: Authorization System Configuration


Authorization to execute the functions that are allowed to user with WRITE permission on an object will be attributed to be the ADMIN of the object (e.g. community/collection/admin will be always allowed to edit metadata of the object). The default will be "true" for all the configurations.

Community Administration: Subcommunities and Collections


Example Value: = true

Informational Note:

Authorization for a delegated community administrator to create subcommunities or collections.


Example Value: = true

Informational Note:

Authorization for a delegated community administrator to delete subcommunities or collections.

Community Administration: Policies and The group of administrators


Example Value: = true

Informational Note:

Authorization for a delegated community administrator to administrate the community policies.


Example Value: = true

Informational Note:

Authorization for a delegated community administrator to edit the group of community admins.

Community Administration: Collections in the above Community



Example Value: = true

Informational Note:

Authorization for a delegated community administrator to administrate the policies for underlying collections.


Example Value: = true

Informational Note:

Authorization for a delegated community administrator to administrate the item template for underlying collections.


Example Value: = true

Informational Note:

Authorization for a delegated community administrator to administrate the group of submitters for underlying collections.


Example Value: = true

Informational Note:

Authorization for a delegated community administrator to administrate the workflows for underlying collections.


Example Value: = true

Informational Note:

Authorization for a delegated community administrator to administrate the group of administrators for underlying collections.

Community Administration: Items Owned by Collections in the Above Community


Example Value: = true

Informational Note:

Authorization for a delegated community administrator to delete items in underlying collections.


Example Value: = true

Informational Note:

Authorization for a delegated community administrator to withdraw items in underlying collections.


Example Value: = true

Informational Note:

Authorization for a delegated community administrator to reinstate items in underlying collections.


Example Value: = true

Informational Note:

Authorization for a delegated community administrator to administrate item policies in underlying collections.

Community Administration: Bundles of Bitstreams, related to items owned by collections in the above Community


Example Value: = true

Informational Note:

Authorization for a delegated community administrator to create additional bitstreams in items in underlying collections.


Example Value: = true

Informational Note:

Authorization for a delegated community administrator to delete bitstreams from items in underlying collections.


Example Value: = true

Informational Note:

Authorization for a delegated community administrator to administer licenses from items in underlying collections.

Community Administration:
The properties for collection administrators work similar to those
of community administrators,
with respect to collection administration.

Code Block

Collection Administration:
Item owned by the above CollectionThe properties for collection
administrators work similar to those of
community administrators,
with respect to administration of
items in underlying collections.

Code Block

Collection Administration:
Bundles of bitstreams, related to items owned by collections in the
above Community. The properties for collection administrators
work similar to those of community administrators, with respect to
administration of bitstreams related to items in underlying collections.

Code Block

Item Administration.
The properties for item administrators work similar to those
of community and collection administrators, with respect to administration of
items in underlying collections.


Item Administration:
Bundles of bitstreams, related to items owned by collections in the
above Community. The properties for item administrators work
similar to those of community and collection administrators,
with respect to administration of bitstreams
related to items in underlying collections.

Code Block

Login as feature



Example Value:

webui.user.assumelogin = true

Informational Note:

Determine if super administrators (those whom are in the Administrators group) can login as another user from the "edit eperson" page. This is useful for debugging problems in a running dspace instance, especially in the workflow process. The default value is false, i.e., no one may assume the login of another user.

Please note that this configuration parameter has changed name in DSpace 4.0 from xmlui.user.assumelogin to webui.user.assumelogin as it is now supported also in the JSP UI

Restricted Item Visibility Settings

By default RSS feeds and subscription emails will include ALL items regardless of permissions set on them. If you wish to only expose items through these channels where the ANONYMOUS user is granted READ permission, then set the following options to false.



Example Value:

harvest.includerestricted.rss = true

Informational Note:

When set to 'true' (default), items that haven't got the READ permission for the ANONYMOUS user, will be included in RSS feeds anyway.



Example Value:

harvest.includerestricted.subscription = true

Informational Note:

When set to true (default), items that haven't got the READ permission for the ANONYMOUS user, will be included in Subscription emails anyway.

Proxy Settings

These settings for proxy are commented out by default. Uncomment and specify both properties if proxy server is required for external http requests. Use regular host name without port number.


Example Value =

Informational Note

Enter the host name without the port number.





Example Value

http.proxy.port = 2048

Informational NoteEnter the port number for the proxy server.



Example Value:

useProxies = true

Informational Note:

If your DSpace instance is protected by a proxy server, in order for log4j  to log the correct IP address of the user rather than of the proxy, it must be configured to look for the X-Forwarded-For header.  This feature can be enabled by ensuring this setting is set to true (default is false).  This also affects IPAuthentication, and should be enabled for that to work properly if your installation uses a

Example Value

http.proxy.port = 2048

Informational Note

Enter the port number for the

proxy server.

Configuring Media Filters


Media Filters are configured as Named Plugins, with each filter also having a separate configuration setting (in dspace.cfg) indicating which formats it can process. The default configuration is shown below.



Example Value:

Code Block
filter.plugins = PDF Text Extractor, Html Text Extractor, \
                         Word Text Extractor, JPEG Thumbnail

Informational Note:

Place the names of the enabled MediaFilter or FormatFilter plugins. To enable Branded Preview, comment out the previous one line and then uncomment the two lines in found in dspace.cfg:

Code Block
Word Text Extractor, JPEG Thumbnail,\
     Branded Preview JPEG


Example Value:

Code Block = \ = PDF Text Extractor, \ = HTML Text Extractor, \ = Word Text Extractor, \ = JPEG Thumbnail, \ = Branded Preview JPEG

Informational Note:

Assign "human-understandable" names to each filter


Code Block

Example Value:

Code Block = Adobe PDF = HTML, Text = Microsoft Word = BMP, GIF, JPEG, \
                                                            image/png = BMP, \
                                                   GIF, JPEG, image/png

Informational Note:

Configure each filter's input format(s)



Example Value:

pdffilter.largepdfs = true

Informational Note:

It this value is set for "true", all PDF extractions are written to temp files as they are indexed. This is slower, but helps to ensure that PDFBox software DSpace uses does not eat up all your memory.



Example Value:

pdffilter.skiponmemoryexception = true

Informational Note:

If this value is set for "true", PDFs which still result in an "Out of Memory" error from PDFBox are skipped over. These problematic PDFs will never be indexed until memory usage can be decreased in the PDFBox software.

Names are assigned to each filter using the field (e.g. by default the PDFilter is named "PDF Text Extractor".


The value of this property is a path to a separate properties file containing the configuration for this crosswalk. The pathname is relative to the DSpace configuration directory, i.e. the config subdirectory of the DSpace install directory. Example from the dspace.cfg file:


Example Values: = crosswalks/ = crosswalks/

Informational Note:

This defines a crosswalk named MODS whose configuration comes from the file [dspace]/config/crosswalks/ . (In the above example, the lower-case name was added for OAI-PMH)

The MODS crosswalk properties file is a list of properties describing how DSpace metadata elements are to be turned into elements of the MODS XML output document. The property name is a concatenation of the metadata schema, element name, and optionally the qualifier. For example, the element in the native Dublin Core schema would be: The value of the property is a line containing two segments separated by the vertical bar ("|"_): The first part is an XML fragment which is copied into the output document. The second is an XPath expression describing where in that fragment to put the value of the metadata element. For example, in this property:


The default settings in the dspace.cfg file for submission crosswalk:



Example Value:

crosswalk.submission.MODS.stylesheet = crosswalks/mods-submission.xsl

Informational Note:

Configuration XSLT-driven submission crosswalk for MODS

As shown above, there are three (3) parts that make up the properties "key":


The following is from dspace.cfg file:



Example Value:

crosswalk.qdc.namspace.qdc.dc =



Example Value:

crosswalk.qdc.namspace.qdc.dc =



Example Value:

Code Block
crosswalk.qdc.schemaLocation.QDC = \ \ \


Example Value: = crosswalks/

Informational Note:

Configuration of the QDC Crosswalk dissemination plugin for Qualified DC. (Add lower-case name for OAI-PMH. That is, change QDC to qdc.)}}

In the property key "" the value of this property is a path to a separate properties file containing the configuration for this crosswalk. The pathname is relative to the DSpace configuration directory /[dspace]/config . Referring back to the "Example Value" for this property key, one has crosswalks/ which defines a crosswalk named QDC whose configuration comes from the file [dspace]/config/crosswalks/ .


If you are unfamiliar with the Event System in DSpace, and require additional information with terms like "Consumer" and "Dispatcher" please refer to: EventSystemPrototype.



Example Value:

event.dispatcher.default.class = org.dspace.event.BasicDispatcher

Informational Note:

This is the default synchronous dispatcher (Same behavior as traditional DSpace).



Example Value:

event.dispatcher.default.consumers = search, browse, eperson

Informational Note:

This is the default synchronous dispatcher (Same behavior as traditional DSpace).



Example Value:

event.dispatcher.noindex.class = org.dspace.event.BasicDispatcher

Informational Note:

The noindex dispatcher will not create search or browse indexes (useful for batch item imports).



Example Value:

event.dispatcher.noindex.consumers = eperson

Informational Note:

The noindex dispatcher will not create search or browse indexes (useful for batch item imports).


Example Value: =

Informational Note:

Consumer to maintain the search index.


Example Value:

{{ = }}
Community | Collection | Item | Bundle+Add | Create | Modify | Modify_Metadata | Delete | Remove

Informational Note:

Consumer to maintain the search index.



Example Value:

event.consumer.browse.class = org.dspace.browse.BrowseConsumer

Informational Note:

Consumer to maintain the browse index.



Example Value:

event.consumer.browse.filters =
Community | Collection | Item | Bundle+Add | Create | Modify | Modify_Metadata | Delete | Remove

Informational Note:

Consumer to maintain the browse index.



Example Value:

event.consumer.eperson.class = org.dspace.eperson.EPersonConsumer

Informational Note:

Consumer related to EPerson changes



Example Value:

event.consumer.eperson.filters = EPerson+Create

Informational Note:

Consumer related to EPerson changes



Example Value:

event.consumer.test.class = org.dspace.event.TestConsumer

Informational Note:

Test consumer for debugging and monitoring. Commented out by default.



Example Value:

event.consumer.test.filters = All+All

Informational Note:

Test consumer for debugging and monitoring. Commented out by default.



Example Value:

testConsumer.verbose = true

Informational Note:

Set this to true to enable testConsumer messages to standard output. Commented out by default.


DSpace embargoes utilize standard metadata fields to hold both the "terms" and the "lift date". Which fields you use are configurable, and no specific metadata element is dedicated or predefined for use in embargo. Rather, you specify exactly what field you want the embargo system to examine when it needs to find the terms or assign the lift date.



Example Value:

embargo.field.terms = SCHEMA.ELEMENT.QUALIFIER

Informational Note:

Embargo terms will be stored in the item metadata. This property determines in which metadata field these terms will be stored. An example could be dc.embargo.terms



Example Value:

embargo.field.lift = SCHEMA.ELEMENT.QUALIFIER

Informational Note:

The Embargo lift date will be stored in the item metadata. This property determines in which metadata field the computed embargo lift date will be stored. You may need to create a DC metadata field in your Metadata Format Registry if it does not already exist. An example could be dc.embargo.liftdate


Example Value: = forever

Informational Note:

You can determine your own values for the embargo.field.terms property (see above). This property determines what the string value will be for indefinite embargos. The string in terms field to indicate indefinite embargo.


Example Value: = org.dspace.embargo.DefaultEmbargoSetter

Informational Note:

To implement the business logic to set your embargos, you need to override the EmbargoSetter class. If you use the value DefaultEmbargoSetter, the default implementation will be used.


Example Value: = org.dspace.embargo.DefaultEmbargoLifter

Informational Note:

To implement the business logic to lift your embargos, you need to override the EmbargoLifter class. If you use the value DefaultEmbargoLifter, the default implementation will be used.

titleMore Embargo Details

More details on Embargo configuration, including specific examples can be found in the Embargo section of the documentation.


DSpace now comes with a Checksum Checker script ([dspace]/bin/dspace checker) which can be scheduled to verify the checksum of every item within DSpace. Since DSpace calculates and records the checksum of every file submitted to it, this script is able to determine whether or not a file has been changed (either manually or by some sort of corruption or virus). The idea being that the earlier you can identify a file has changed, the more likely you'd be able to recover it (assuming it was not a wanted change).


Example Value: = org.dspace.checker.SimpleDispatcher

Informational Note:

The Default dispatcher is case non is specified.



Example Value:

checker.retention.default = 10y

Informational Note:

This option specifies the default time frame after which all checksum checks are removed from the database (defaults to 10 years). This means that after 10 years, all successful or unsuccessful matches are removed from the database.



Example Value:

checker.retention.CHECKSUM_MATCH = 8w

Informational Note:

This option specifies the time frame after which a successful match will be removed from your DSpace database (defaults to 8 weeks). This means that after 8 weeks, all successful matches are automatically deleted from your database (in order to keep that database table from growing too large).

titleMore Checksum Checking Details

For more information on using DSpace's built-in Checksum verification system, see the section on Validating CheckSums of Bitstreams.


The configuration settings control several aspects of this feature:


Example Value: = ${dspace.dir}/exports

Informational Note:

The directory where the exports will be done and compressed.


Example Value: = ${dspace.dir}/exports/download

Informational Note

The directory where the compressed files will reside and be read by the downloader.


Example Value: = 48

Informational Note

The length of time in hours each archive should live for. When new archives are created this entry is used to delete old ones.


Example Value: = 200

Informational Note

The maximum size in Megabytes (Mb) that the export should be. This is enforced before the compression. Each bitstream's size in each item being exported is added up, if their cumulative sizes are more than this entry the export is not kicked off.

Subscription Emails

DSpace, through some advanced installation and setup, is able to send out an email to collections that a user has subscribed. The user who is subscribed to a collection is emailed each time an item id added or modified. The following property key controls whether or not a user should be notified of a modification.



Example Value:

eperson.subscription.onlynew = true

Informational Note:

For backwards compatibility, the subscription emails by default include any modified items. The property key is COMMENTED OUT by default.

Hiding Metadata

It is now possible to hide metadata from public consumption that is only available to the Administrator.



Example Value:

metadata.hide.dc.description.provenance = true

Informational Note:

Hides the metadata in the property key above except to the administrator. Fields named here are hidden in the following places UNLESS the logged-in user is an Administrator:

  1. XMLUI metadata XML view, and Item splash pages (long and short views).
  2. JSPUI Item splash pages
  3. OAI-PMH server.

To designate a field as hidden, add a property here in the form: metadata.hide.SCHEMA.ELEMENT.QUALIFIER = true. This default configuration hides the dc.description.provenance field, since that usually contains email addresses which ought to be kept private and is mainly of interest to administrators.

Settings for the Submission Process

These settings control three aspects of the submission process: thesis submission permission, whether or not a bitstream file is required when submitting to a collection and whether to show a progress bar during the file upload. 



Example Value:

webui.submit.blocktheses = false

Informational Note:

Controls whether or not the UI blocks a submission which is marked as a thesis.



Example Value:

webui.submit.upload.required = true

Informational Note:

Whether or not a file is required to be uploaded during the "Upload" step in the submission process. The default is true. If set to "false", then the submitter (human being) has the option to skip the uploading of a file.



Example Value:webui.submit.upload.html5 = true
Informational Note:If the browser supports it, JSPUI uses html5 File API to enhance file upload. If this property is set to false the enhanced file upload is not used even if the browser would support it.



Example Value:
webui.submit.upload.progressbar = true
Informational Note:

Whether to show a progress bar during file upload. Please note that to work this feature requires a JSON endpoint (json/uploadProgress) that is enabled by default. See the named plugin for the interface = uploadProgress

This property is actually supported only by the JSPUI.  The XMLUI doesn't yet provide a progress bar indicator for file upload.

Configuring the Sherpa/RoMEO Publishers Policy Database Integration


DSpace 4.0 introduced integration with the Sherpa/RoMEO Publishers Policy Database in order to allow displaying the publisher policy in the submission upload step. The submission step interface is available in JSPUI (since DSpace 4.0) and in XMLUI (since DSpace 5.0) and enabled by default, however to use it in production (over 500 requests per day), you must register for a free API key (see below for details). 



Example Value:

webui.submission.sherparomeo-policy-enabled = true

Informational Note:

Controls whether or not the UI submission should try to use the Sherpa/RoMEO Publishers Policy Database Integration (default true)



Example Value:

sherpa.romeo.url =

Informational Note:

The Sherpa/RoMEO endpoint. Shared with the authority control feauture for Journal Title autocomplete see AuthorityControlSettings



Example Value:
sherpa.romeo.apikey = YOUR-API-KEY
Informational Note:

Allow to use a specific API key to raise the usage limit (500 calls/day for unregistred user).

You can register for a free api access key at

The functionality rely on understanding to which Journal (ISSN) is related the submitting item. This is done out of box looking to some item metadata but a different strategy can be used as for example look to a metadata authority in the case that the Sherpa/RoMEO autocomplete for Journal is used (see AuthorityControlSettings)


Creative Commons licensing is optionally available and may be configured for any given collection that has a defined submission sequence, or be part of the "default" submission process. This process is described in the Submission User Interface section of this manual. There is a Creative Commons step already defined (step 5), but it is commented out, so enabling Creative Commons licensing is typically just a matter of uncommenting the CC License step.

Creative Commons licensing is captured slightly differently in each UI:




  • The URL of the CC License is stored in a bitstream named "license_url" in the CC-LICENSE bundle
  • The full (HTML) text of the CC License is stored in a bitstream named "license_txt" in the CC-LICENSE bundle
  • The RDF version of the CC License is stored in a bitstream named "license_rdf" in the CC-LICENSE bundle


Since DSpace 5.6 Creative Commons licensing is captured in exactly the same way in each UI. The Creative Commons REST API is utilized. This allows


DSpace to store metadata references to the selected CC license, while also storing the CC License as a bitstream.


The following CC License information


are captured:

  • The URL of the CC License is stored in the "dc.rights.uri" metadata field (or whatever field is configured in the "cc.license.uri" setting below)
  • The name of the CC License is stored in the "dc.rights" metadata field (or whatever field is configured in the "" setting below). This only occurs if "cc.submit.setname=true" (default value)
  • The RDF version of the CC License is stored in a bitstream named "license_rdf" in the CC-LICENSE bundle (as long as "license_rdf" in the CC-LICENSE bundle (as long as "cc.submit.addbitstream=true", which is the default value)cc.submit.addbitstream=true", which is the default value)

titleBehaviour change

Since DSpace 5.6 Creative Commons licensing is captured in exactly the same way in each UI and some fix has been introduced.

For JSPUI users this mean:

  • The full (HTML) text of the CC License is not longer stored in a bitstream named "license_txt" in the CC-LICENSE bundle
  • Previous existent license_txt remain untouched but new item will not receive such bitstream

For XMLUI users:

  • the RDF version of the CC License is now stored properly without the Creative Commons API XML envelop (
    serverDuraSpace JIRA
  • previous RDF license, i.e. the one associated with item created with version less than 5.6 remain untouched

The following configurations (in dspace.cfg) relate to the XMLUI Creative Commons license process ONLY:



Example Value:

cc.api.rooturl =

Informational Note:

Generally will never have to assign a different value - this is the base URL of the Creative Commons service API.



Example Value:

cc.license.uri = dc.rights.uri

Informational Note:

The field that holds the Creative Commons license URI. If you change from the default value (dc.rights.uri), you will have to reconfigure the XMLUI for proper display of license data


Example Value: = dc.rights

Informational Note:

The field that holds the Creative Commons license Name. If you change from the default value (dc.rights), you will have to reconfigure the XMLUI for proper display of license data



Example Value:

cc.submit.setname = true

Informational Note:

If true, the license assignment will add the field configured with the "" with the name of the CC license; if false, only "cc.license.uri" field is added.



Example Value:

cc.submit.addbitstream = true

Informational Note:

If true, the license assignment will add a bitstream with the CC license RDF; if false, only metadata field(s) are added.



Example Value:

cc.license.classfilter = recombo,mark

Informational Note:

This list defines the values that will be excluded from the license (class) selection list, as defined by the web service at the URL:



Example Value:

cc.license.jurisdiction = nz

Informational Note:

Should a jurisdiction be used? If so, which one? See for a list of possible codes (e.g. nz = New Zealand, uk = England and Wales, jp = Japan)

Commenting out this field will cause DSpace to select the latest, unported CC license (currently version 4.0). However, as Creative Commons 4.0 does not provide jurisdiction specific licenses, if you specify this setting, your DSpace will continue to use older, Creative Commons 3.0 jurisdiction licenses.

WEB User Interface Configurations

General Web User Interface Configurations
In this section of Configuration, we address the agnostic WEB User Interface that is used for JSPUI and XMLUI. Some of the configurations will give information towards customization or refer you to the appropriate documentation.


Example Value: = false

Informational Note:

Sets whether to display the contents of the license bundle (often just the deposit license in the standard DSpace installation).


Example Value: = true

Informational Note:

Controls whether to display thumbnails on browse and search result pages. If you have customized the Browse columnlist, then you must also include a "thumbnail" column in your configuration. (This configuration property key is not used by XMLUI. To show thumbnails using XMLUI, you need to create a theme which displays them).



Example Value:

webui.browse.thumbnail.maxheight = 80

Informational Note:

This property determines the maximum height of the browse/search thumbnails in pixels (px). This only needs to be set if the thumbnails are required to be smaller than the dimensions of thumbnails generated by MediaFilter.



Example Value:

webui.browse.thumbnail.maxwidth = 80

Informational Note:

This determines the maximum width of the browse/search thumbnails in pixels (px). This only needs to be set if the thumbnails are required to be smaller than the dimensions of thumbnails generated by MediaFilter.


Example Value: = true

Informational Note:

This determines whether or not to display the thumbnail against each bitstream. (This configuration property key is not used by XMLUI. To show thumbnails using XMLUI, you need to create a theme which displays them).



Example Value:

webui.browse.thumbnail.linkbehavior = item

Informational Note:

This determines where clicks on the thumbnail in browse and search screens should lead. The only values currently supported are "item" or "bitstream", which will either take the user to the item page, or directly download the bitstream.



Example Value:

thumbnail.maxwidth = 80

Informational Note:

This property sets the maximum width of generated thumbnails that are being displayed on item pages.



Example Value:

thumbnail.maxheight = 80

Informational Note:

This property sets the maximum height of generated thumbnails that are being displayed on item pages.



Example Value:

webui.preview.enabled = false

Informational Note:

Whether or not the user can "preview" the image.



Example Value:

webui.preview.maxwidth = 600

Informational Note:

This property sets the maximum width for the preview image.



Example Value:

webui.preview.maxheight = 600

Informational Note:

This property sets the maximum height for the preview image.



Example Value:

webui.preview.brand = My Institution Name

Informational Note:

This is the brand text that will appear with the image.



Example Value:

webui.preview.brand.abbrev = MyOrg

Informational Note:

An abbreviated form of the full Branded Name. This will be used when the preview image cannot fit the normal text.



Example Value:

webui.preview.brand.height = 20

Informational Note:

The height (in px) of the brand.



Example Value:

webui.preview.brand.font = SansSerif

Informational Note:

This property sets the font for your Brand text that appears with the image.



Example Value:

webui.preview.brand.fontpoint = 12

Informational Note:

This property sets the font point (size) for your Brand text that appears with the image.



Example Value:

webui.preview.dc = rights

Informational Note:

The Dublin Core field that will display along with the preview. This field is optional.


Example Value: = false

Informational Note:

Determines if communities and collections should display item counts when listed. The default behavior if omitted, is false.



Example Value:

webui.strengths.cache = false

Informational Note:

When showing the strengths (i.e. item counts), should they be counted in real time, or fetched from the cache. Counts fetched in real time will perform an actual count of the index contents every time a page with this feature is requested, which may not scale. If you set the property key is set to cache ("true"), the counts will be cached on first load  

Browse Index Configuration

The browse indexes for DSpace can be extensively configured. These configurations are used by Discovery. This section of the configuration allows you to take control of the indexes you wish to browse, and how you wish to present the results. The configuration is broken into several parts: defining the indexes, defining the fields upon which users can sort results, defining truncation for potentially long fields (e.g. authors), setting cross-links between different browse contexts (e.g. from an author's name to a complete list of their items), how many recent submissions to display, and configuration for item mapping browse.



Example Value:

webui.browse.index.1 = dateissued:item:dateissued
webui.browse.index.2 = author:metadata:dc.contributor.*,dc.creator:text

Informational Note:

This is an example of how one "Defines the Indexes". See "Defining the Indexes" in the next sub-section.



Example Value:

webui.itemlist.sort-option.1 = title:dc.title:title

Informational Note:

This is an example of how one "Defines the Sort Options". See "Defining Sort Options" in the following sub-section.

Defining the storage of the Browse Data


Optionally, you may configure a custom implementation use for the Browse DAOs both for read operations (create/update operations are handled by Event Consumers). However, as of DSpace 6, DSpace only includes one out-of-the-box option:

  • SOLR Browse Engine (SOLR DAOs), default since DSpace 4.0 - This enables Apache Solr to be utilized as a backend for all browsing of DSpace. This option requires that you have Discovery (Solr search/browse engine) enabled in your DSpace.



Example Value:

browseDAO.class = org.dspace.browse.SolrBrowseDAO

Informational Note:

This property configures the Java class that is used for READ operations by the Browse System. You need to have Discovery enabled (this is the default since DSpace 4.0) to use the Solr Browse DAOs

Defining the Indexes


If you make changes in this section be sure to update your SOLR indexes running the Discovery Maintenance Script, see Discovery


 Please notice that the punctuation is paramount in typing this property key in the dspace.cfg file. The following table explains each element:


Definition and Options (if available)


n is the index number. The index numbers must start from 1 and increment continuously by 1 thereafter. Deviation from this will cause an error during install or a configuration update. So anytime you add a new browse index, remember to increase the number. (Commented out index numbers may be used over again).


The name by which the index will be identified. In order for the DSpace UI to display human-friendly description for this index, you'll need to update either your (JSPUI) or messages.xml (XMLUI) with new message keys referencing this <index-name>.

JSPUI Example (

  • browse.type.metadata.<index-name> = My New Field

XMLUI Example (messages.xml):

  • <message key= "xmlui.ArtifactBrowser.Navigation.browse_<index-name>" >My New Fields</message>
  • <message key= "xmlui.ArtifactBrowser.ConfigurableBrowse.title.metadata.<index-name>" >Browsing { 0 } by My New Field { 1 }</message>
  • <message key= "xmlui.ArtifactBrowser.ConfigurableBrowse.trail.metadata.<index-name>" >Browsing { 0 } by My New Field</message>
  • <message key= "xmlui.ArtifactBrowser.ConfigurableBrowse.<index-name>.column_heading" >My New Field</message>


Only two options are available: "metadata" or "item"

  • "metadata" indexes allow you to index all items based on one or more metadata fields. The list of fields should be provided as part of the "metadata" configuration. Only items which have values for these fields will appear in this index (e.g. if you have a "metadata" index for "dc.subject.*", an item will not appear in that browse/search if it doesn't have a "dc.subject.*" value). The browse index will have to parts: first it lists all values of the specified metadata fields. If the user select one of these values the index lists all items in which the specified metadata field is assigned with the selected value.
    • Note: If you set a <sort-type> to be used, this sort type is not used on the values of the metadata fields but on the order of the items when listing all items that have a specific value of the metadata field.
  • "item" indexes provide you with a browseable list of ALL items in the site, sorted by a particular metadata field. The field this index is sorted by is referenced by <sort-option-name> (which should refer to a corresponding "webui.itemlist.sort-option.<n>" setting... see Defining Sort Options below for more information)


(Only for "metadata" indexes) The schema used for the field to be index. The default is dc (for Dublin Core).


(Only for "metadata" indexes) The schema element. In Dublin Core, for example, the author element is referred to as "Contributor". The user should consult the default Dublin Core Metadata Registry table in Appendix A.


(Only for "metadata" indexes) This is the qualifier to the <element> component. The user has two choices: an asterisk "" or a proper qualifier of the element. The asterisk is a wildcard and causes DSpace to index all types of the schema element. For example, if you have the element "contributor" and the qualifier "" then you would index all contributor data regardless of the qualifier. Another example, you have the element "subject" and the qualifier "lcsh" would cause the indexing of only those fields that have the qualifier "lcsh". (This means you would only index Library of Congress Subject Headings and not all data elements that are subjects.


(Optional, should be set for "item" indexes) This refers to the sort type / data type of the field:

  • date the index type will be treated as a date object and sorted as such
  • text the index type will be treated as plain text and sorted as such
  • (any other value refers to a custom <sort-type> which should be defined in a corresponding webui.itemlist.sort-option.<n> setting. See Defining Sort Options below for more information.)


(Optional) The default sort order. Choose asc (ascending) or desc (descending).  Ascending is the default value, but descending may be useful for date-based indexes (e.g. to display most recent submissions first)

Defining Sort Options


If you make changes in this section be sure to update your SOLR indexes running the Discovery Maintenance Script, see Discovery


The format of each entry is web.browse.sort-option.<n> = <sort-type-name>:<schema-prefix>.<element>.<qualifier>:<datatype>. Please notice the punctuation used between the different elements. The following table explains the each element:


Definition and Options (if available)


n is an arbitrary number you choose.


The name by which the sort option will be identified. This is the name by which it is referred in the "webui.browse.index" settings (see Defining the Indexes).


The schema used for the field to be sorted on in the index. The default is dc (for Dublin Core).


The schema element. In Dublin Core, for example, the author element is referred to as "Contributor". The user should consult the default Dublin Core Metadata Registry table in Appendix A.


This is the qualifier to the <element> component. The user has two choices: an asterisk "*" or a proper qualifier of the element.


This refers to the datatype of the field:
date the sort field will be treated as a date object
text the sort field will be treated as plain text.
title the sort field will be treated like a title, which will include a link to the item page

Other Browse Options

We set other browse values in the following section.< n >
Example = false
Informational Note:This enable/disable the show of frequencies (count) in metadata browse <n> refers to the browse configuration. As default frequencies are shown for all metadata browse


Example Value:

Code Block = \

Informational Note:

This sets the option for how the indexes are sorted. All sort normalizations are carried out by the OrderFormatDelegate. The plugin manager can be used to specify your own delegates for each datatype. The default datatypes (and delegates) are:

Code Block
author = org.dspace.sort.OrderFormatAuthor
title  = org.dspace.sort.OrderFormatTitle
text   = org.dspace.sort.OrderFormatText

If you redefine a default datatype here, the configuration will be used in preferences to the default. However, if you do not explicitly redefine a datatype, then the default will still be used in addition to the datatypes you do specify. As of DSpace release 1.5.2, the multi-lingual MARC21 title ordering is configured as default, as shown in the example above. To use the previous title ordering (before release 1.5.2), comment out the configuration in your dspace.cfg file.

Browse Index Authority Control Configuration



Example Value:

webui.browse.index.5 =

Informational Note:


Tag cloud

Apart from the single (type=metadata) and full (type=item) browse pages, tag cloud is a new way to display the unique values of a metadata field.

To enable “tag cloud” browsing for a specific index you need to declare it in the dspace.cfg configuration file using the following option:



Example Value:

webui.browse.index.tagcloud.1 = true

Informational Note:

 Enable/Disable tag cloud in browsing for a specific index. ‘n’ is the index number of the specific index which needs to be of type ‘metadata’.

Possible values: true, false

Default value is false.

If no option exists for a specific index, it is assumed to be false.

You do not have to re-index discovery when you change this configuration

Tag cloud configuration

The appearance configuration for the tag cloud is located in the Discovery xml configuration file (dspace/config/spring/api/discovery.xml). Without configuring the appearance, the default one will be applied to the tag cloud

In this file, there must be a bean named “browseTagCloudConfiguration” of class “org.dspace.discovery.configuration.TagCloudConfiguration”. This bean can have any of the following properties. If some is missing, the default value will be applied.


Should display the score of each tag next to it? Default: false


Should display the tag as center aligned in the page or left aligned? Possible values: true | false. Default: true


How many tags will be shown. Value -1 means all of them. Default: -1


The letter case of the tags.




If the 3 css classes of the tag cloud should be independent of score (random=yes) or based on the score. Possible values: true | false . Default: true


The font size (in em) for the tag with the lowest score. Possible values: any decimal. Default: 1.1


The font size (in em) for the tag with the lowest score. Possible values: any decimal. Default: 3.2


The score that tags with lower than that will not appear in the rag cloud. Possible values: any integer from 1 to infinity. Default: 0


The ordering of the tags (based either on the name or the score of the tag)

Possible values: Tag.NameComparatorAsc | Tag.NameComparatorDesc | Tag.ScoreComparatorAsc | Tag.ScoreComparatorDesc

Default: Tag.GreekNameComparatorAsc

When tagCloud is rendered there are some CSS classes that you can change in order to change the tagcloud appearance.

tagcloudGeneral class for the whole tagcloud
tagcloud_1Specific tag class for tag of type 1 (based on score)
tagcloud_2Specific tag class for tag of type 2 (based on score)
tagcloud_3Specific tag class for tag of type 3 (based on score)

Author (Multiple metadata value) Display

This section actually applies to any field with multiple values, but authors are the define case and example here.


Example Value: = dc.contributor.*

Informational Note:

This defines which field is the author/editor, etc. listing.

Replace dc.contributor.* with another field if appropriate. The field should be listed in the configuration for webui.itemlist.columns, otherwise you will not see its effect. It must also be defined in webui.itemlist.columns as being of the datatype text otherwise the functionality will be overridden by the specific data type feature. (This setting is not used by the XMLUI as it is controlled by your theme).

Now that we know which field is our author or other multiple metadata value field we can provide the option to truncate the number of values displayed by default. We replace the remaining list of values with "et al" or the language pack specific alternative. Note that this is just for the default, and users will have the option of changing the number displayed when they browse the results. See the following table:


Example Value: = < n >

Informational Note:Where < n > is an integer number of values to be displayed. Use -1 for unlimited (the default value).

Links to Other Browse Contexts

We can define which fields link to other browse listings. This is useful, for example, to link an author's name to a list of just that author's items. The effect this has is to create links to browse views for the item clicked on. If it is a "single" type, it will link to a view of all the items which share that metadata element in common (i.e. all the papers by a single author). If it is a "full" type, it will link to a view of the standard full browse page, starting with the value of the link clicked on.


Example Value: = author:dc.contributor.*

Informational Note:

This is used to configure which fields should link to other browse listings. This should be associated with the name of one of the browse indexes (webui.browse.index.n) with a metadata field listed in webui.itemlist.columns above. If this condition is not fulfilled, cross-linking will not work. Note also that crosslinking only works for metadata fields not tagged as title in webui.itemlist.columns.

The format of the property key is<n> = <index name>:<display column metadata> Please notice the punctuation used between the elements.


Definition and Options (if available) n

{{n is an arbitrary number you choose

<index name>

This need to match your entry for the index name from webui.browse.index property key.

<display column metadata>

Use the DC element (and qualifier)

Examples of some browse links used in a real DSpace installation instance:


This allows us to define which index to base Recent Submission display on, and how many we should show at any one time. This uses the PluginManager to automatically load the relevant plugin for the Community and Collection home pages. Values given in examples are the defaults supplied in dspace.cfg



Example Value:

recent.submission.sort-option = dateaccessioned

Informational Note:

Define the sort name (from webui.browse.sort-options) to use for displaying recent submissions. (Only used by JSPUI)



Example Value:

recent.submissions.count = 5

Informational Note:

Defines how many recent submissions should be displayed at any one time. (Only used by JSPUI)

There will be the need to set up the processors that the PluginManager will load to actually perform the recent submissions query on the relevant pages. This is already configured by default dspace.cfg so there should be no need for the administrator/programmer to worry about this.


Submission License Substitution Variables


Code Block

(property key broken up for display purposes only)

Example Value:

Code Block = \
	org.dspace.content.license.SimpleDSpaceObjectLicenseFormatter = collection, \
	org.dspace.content.license.SimpleDSpaceObjectLicenseFormatter = item, \
	org.dspace.content.license.SimpleDSpaceObjectLicenseFormatter = eperson

Informational Note:

It is possible include contextual information in the submission license using substitution variables. The text substitution is driven by a plugin implementation.

Syndication Feed (RSS) Settings

This will enable syndication feeds‚ links display on community and collection home pages. This setting is not used by the XMLUI, as you enable feeds in your theme.



Example Value:

webui.feed.enable = true

Informational Note:

By default, RSS feeds are set to true (on) . Change key to "false" to disable.



Example Value:

webui.feed.items = 4

Informational Note:

Defines the number of DSpace items per feed (the most recent submissions)



Example Value:

webui.feed.cache.size = 100

Informational Note:

Defines the maximum number of feeds in memory cache. Value of "0" will disable caching.



Example Value:

webui.feed.cache.age = 48

Informational Note:

Defines the number of hours to keep cached feeds before checking currency. The value of "0" will force a check with each request.



Example Value:

webui.feed.formats = rss_1.0,rss_2.0,atom_1.0

Informational Note:

Defines which syndication formats to offer. You can use more than one; use a comma-separated list. The following list are the available values: rss_0.90, rss_0.91, rss_0.92, rss_0.93, rss_0.94, rss_1.0, rss_2.0, atom_1.0.



Example Value:

webui.feed.localresolve = false

Informational Note:

By default, (set to false), URLs returned by the feed will point at the global handle resolver (e.g. If set to true the local server URLs are used (e.g. http://myserver.myorg/handle/123456789/1).



Example Value:

webui.feed.item.title = dc.title

Informational Note:

This property customizes each single-value field displayed in the feed information for each item. Each of the fields takes a single metadata field. The form of the key is <scheme prefix>.<element>.<qualifier> In place of the qualifier, one may leave it blank to exclude any qualifiers or use the wildcard "*" to include all qualifiers for a particular element.


Example Value: =

Informational Note:

This property customizes each single-value field displayed in the feed information for each item. Each of the fields takes a single metadata field. The form of the key is <scheme prefix>.<element>.<qualifier> In place of the qualifier, one may leave it blank to exclude any qualifiers or use the wildcard "*" to include all qualifiers for a particular element.



Example Value:

Code Block
webui.feed.item.description = dc.title,, \
           dc.contributor.editor, dc.description.abstract, \

Informational Note:

One can customize the metadata fields to show in the feed for each item's description. Elements are displayed in the order they are specified in dspace.cfg.Like other property keys, the format of this property key is: webui.feed.item.description = <scheme prefix>.<element>.<qualifier>. In place of the qualifier, one may leave it blank to exclude any qualifiers or use the wildcard "*" to include all qualifiers for a particular element.


Example Value: =

Informational Note:

The name of field to use for authors (Atom only); repeatable.



Example Value:

webui.feed.logo.url = ${dspace.url}/themes/mysite/images/mysite-logo.png

Informational Note:

Customize the image icon included with the site-wide feeds. This must be an absolute URL.



Example Value:

webui.feed.item.dc.creator =

Informational Note:

This optional property adds structured DC elements as XML elements to the feed description. They are not the same thing as, for example, webui.feed.item.description. Useful when a program or stylesheet will be transforming a feed and wants separate author, description, date, etc.


Example Value: =

Informational Note:

This optional property adds structured DC elements as XML elements to the feed description. They are not the same thing as, for example, webui.feed.item.description. Useful when a program or stylesheet will be transforming a feed and wants separate author, description, date, etc.



Example Value:

webui.feed.item.dc.description = dc.description.abstract

Informational Note:

This optional property adds structured DC elements as XML elements to the feed description. They are not the same thing as, for example, webui.feed.item.description. Useful when a program or stylesheet will be transforming a feed and wants separate author, description, date, etc.



Example Value:

webui.feed.podcast.collections = 1811/45183,1811/47223

Informational Note:

This optional property enables Podcast Support on the RSS feed for the specified collection handles. The podcast is iTunes compatible and will expose the bitstreams in the items for viewing and download by the podcast reader. Multiple values are separated by commas. For more on using/enabling Media RSS Feeds to share content via iTunesU, see: Enable Media RSS Feeds



Example Value:

webui.feed.podcast.communities = 1811/47223

Informational Note:

This optional property enables Podcast Support on the RSS feed for the specified community handles. The podcast is iTunes compatible and will expose the bitstreams in the items for viewing and download by the podcast reader. Multiple values are separated by commas. For more on using/enabling Media RSS Feeds to share content via iTunesU, see: Enable Media RSS Feeds



Example Value:

webui.feed.podcast.mimetypes = audio/x-mpeg,application/pdf

Informational Note:

This optional property for Podcast Support, allows you to choose which MIME types of bitstreams are to be enclosed in the podcast feed. Multiple values are separated by commas. For more on using/enabling Media RSS Feeds to share content via iTunesU, see: Enable Media RSS Feeds



Example Value:

webui.feed.podcast.sourceuri = dc.source.uri

Informational Note:

This optional property for the Podcast Support will allow you to use a value for a metadata field as a replacement for actual bitstreams to be enclosed in the RSS feed. A use case for specifying the external sourceuri would be if you have a non-DSpace media streaming server that has a copy of your media file that you would prefer to have the media streamed from. For more on using/enabling Media RSS Feeds to share content via iTunesU, see: Enable Media RSS Feeds

OpenSearch Support

OpenSearch is a small set of conventions and documents for describing and using "search engines", meaning any service that returns a set of results for a query. See extensive description in the Business Layer section of the documentation.

Please note that for result data formatting, OpenSearch uses Syndication Feed Settings (RSS). So, even if Syndication Feeds are not enable, they must be configured to enable OpenSearch. OpenSearch uses all the configuration properties for DSpace RSS to determine the mapping of metadata fields to feed fields. Note that a new field for authors has been added (used in Atom format only).



Example Value:

websvc.opensearch.enable = false

Informational Note:

Whether or not OpenSearch is enabled. By default, the feature is disabled. Change the property key to "true" to enable.



Example Value:

websvc.opensearch.uicontext = simple-search

Informational Note:

Context for HTML request URLs. Change only for non-standard servlet mapping.
IMPORTANT: If you are using XMLUI and have Discovery enabled, this property's value should be changed to discover.



Example Value:

websvc.opensearch.svccontext = open-search/

Informational Note:

Context for RSS/Atom request URLs. Change only for non-standard servlet mapping.
IMPORTANT: If you are using XMLUI and have Discovery enabled, this property's value should be changed to open-search/discover.



Example Value:

websvc.opensearch.autolink = true

Informational Note:

Present autodiscovery link in every page head.



Example Value:

websvc.opensearch.validity = 48

Informational Note:

Number of hours to retain results before recalculating. This applies to the Manakin interface only.



Example Value:

websvc.opensearch.shortname = DSpace

Informational Note:

A short name used in browsers for search service. It should be sixteen (16) or fewer characters.



Example Value:

websvc.opensearch.longname = ${}

Informational Note:

A longer name up to 48 characters.



Example Value:

websvc.opensearch.description = ${} DSpace repository

Informational Note:

Brief service description



Example Value:

_websvc.opensearch.faviconurl =

Informational Note:

Location of favicon for service, if any. They must by 16 x 16 pixels. You can provide your own local favicon instead of the default.



Example Value:

websvc.opensearch.samplequery = photosynthesis

Informational Note:

Sample query. This should return results. You can replace the sample query with search terms that should actually yield results in your repository.



Example Value:

websc.opensearch.tags = IR DSpace

Informational Note:

Tags used to describe search service.



Example Value:

websvc.opensearch.formats = html,atom,rss

Informational Note:

Result formats offered. Use one or more comma-separated from the list: html, atom, rss. Please note that html is required for auto discovery in browsers to function, and must be the first in the list if present.

Content Inline Disposition Threshold

The following configuration is used to change the disposition behavior of the browser. That is, when the browser will attempt to open the file or download it to the user-specified location. For example, the default size is 8MB. When an item being viewed is larger than 8MB, the browser will download the file to the desktop (or wherever you have it set to download) and the user will have to open it manually.



Example value:

webui.content_disposition_threshold = 8388608

Informational Note:

The default value is set to 8MB. This property key applies to the JSPUI interface.



Example Value:

xmlui.content_disposition_threshold = 8388608

Informational Note:

The default value is set to 8MB. This property key applies to the XMLUI (Manakin) interface.

Other values are possible:
4 MB = 41943048 MB = 838860816 MB = 16777216


The setting is used to configure the "depth" of request for html documents bearing the same name.



Example Value:

webui.html.max-depth-guess = 3

Informational Note:

When serving up composite HTML items in the JSP UI, how deep can the request be for us to serve up a file with the same name? For example, if one receives a request for "foo/bar/index.html" and one has a bitstream called just "index.html", DSpace will serve up the former bitstream (foo/bar/index.html) for the request if webui.html.max-depth-guess is 2 or greater. If webui.html.max-depth-guess is 1 or less, then DSpace would not serve that bitstream, as the depth of the file is greater. If webui.html.max-depth-guess is zero, the request filename and path must always exactly match the bitstream name. The default is set to 3.



Example Value:

xmlui.html.max-depth-guess = 3

Informational Note:

When serving up composite HTML items in the XMLUI, how deep can the request be for us to serve up a file with the same name? For example, if one receives a request for "foo/bar/index.html" and one has a bitstream called just "index.html", DSpace will serve up the former bitstream (foo/bar/index.html) for the request if webui.html.max-depth-guess is 2 or greater. If xmlui.html.max-depth-guess is 1 or less, then DSpace would not serve that bitstream, as the depth of the file is greater. If _webui.html.max-depth-guess _is zero, the request filename and path must always exactly match the bitstream name. The default is set to 3.

Sitemap Settings

To aid web crawlers index the content within your repository, you can make use of sitemaps.



Example Value:

sitemap.dir = ${dspace.dir}/sitemaps

Informational Note:

The directory where the generate sitemaps are stored.



Example Value:

sitemap.engineurls =

Informational Note:

Comma-separated list of search engine URLs to "ping" when a new Sitemap has been created. Include everything except the Sitemap UL itself (which will be URL-encoded and appended to form the actual URL "pinged").Add the following to the above parameter if you have an application ID with Yahoo: . (Replace the component _REPLACE_ME with your application ID). There is no known "ping" URL for MSN/Live search.

Authority Control Settings


For an in-depth description of this feature, please consult: Authority Control of Metadata Values


Example Value:

Code Block = \
	org.dspace.content.authority.SampleAuthority = Sample, \
 	org.dspace.content.authority.LCNameAuthority = LCNameAuthority, \
 	org.dspace.content.authority.SHERPARoMEOPublisher = SRPublisher, \
 	org.dspace.content.authority.SHERPARoMEOJournalTitle = SRJournalTitle

Informational Note:



Example Value:

Code Block = \



Example Value:

lcname.url =

The Linked Data Service at the Library of Congress might be a better, and more stable, option:

Informational Note:

Location (URL) of the Library of Congress Name Service


sherpa.romeo.url / sherpa.romeo.apikey

Informational Note:

Please refers to the Sherpa/RoMEO Publishers Policy Database Integration section for details about such properties. See Configuring the Sherpa/RoMEO Publishers Policy

Database Integration

Database Integration



Example Value:orcid.api.url =

Informational Note:

Location (URL) of the ORCID v2 Public API



Example Value:

authority.minconfidence = ambiguous

Informational Note:

This sets the default lowest confidence level at which a metadata value is included in an authority-controlled browse (and search) index. It is a symbolic keyword, one of the following values (listed in descending order): accepted, uncertain, ambiguous, notfound, failed, rejected, novalue, unset. See org.dspace.content.authority.Choices source for descriptions.


Example Value: = 12

Informational Note:

This property sets the number of selectable choices in the Choices lookup popup

Configuring Multilingual Support


Setting the Default Language for the Application



Example Value:

default.locale = en

Informational Note:

The default language for the application is set with this property key. This is a locale according to i18n and might consist of country, country_language or country_language_variant. If no default locale is defined, then the server default locale will be used. The format of a local specifier is described here:

Supporting More Than One Language

Changes in dspace.cfg



Example Value:

webui.supported.locales = en, de

or perhaps

webui.supported.locales = en, en_ca, de

Informational Note:

All the locales that are supported by this instance of DSpace. Comma separated list.

The table above, if needed and is used will result in:


To alter these properties for the XMLUI, please consult the Cocoon specific configuration at /WEB-INF/cocoon/properties/



Example Value:

upload.temp.dir = ${dspace.dir}/upload

Informational Note:

This property sets where DSpace temporarily stores uploaded files.



Example Value:

upload.max = 536870912

Informational Note:

Maximum size of uploaded files in bytes. A negative setting will result in no limit being set. The default is set for 512Mb.

JSP Web Interface (JSPUI) Settings

The following section is limited to JSPUI. If the user wishes to use XMLUI settings, please refer to Chapter 7: XMLUI Configuration and Customization.



Example Value:

Code Block
webui.itemdisplay.default = dc.title, dc.title.alternative, \
           dc.contributor.*, dc.subject,, \
           dc.publisher, dc.identifier.citation, \
           dc.relation.ispartofseries, dc.description.abstract, \
           dc.description, dc.identifier.govdoc, \
           dc.identifier.uri(link), dc.identifier.isbn, \
           dc.identifier.issn, dc.identifier.ismn, dc.identifier

Informational Note:

This is used to customize the DC metadata fields that display in the item display (the brief display) when pulling up a record. The format is: <schema>.<element>.<_optional_qualifier> . In place of the qualifier, one can use the wildcard "*" to include all fields of the same element, or, leave it blank for unqualified elements. Additionally, two additional options are available for behavior/rendering: (date) and (link). See the following examples:

dc.title = Dublin Core element "title" (unqualified)
dc.title.alternative = DC element "title", qualifier "alternative"
dc.title.* = All fields with Dublin Core element 'title' (any or no qualifier)
dc.identifier.uri(link) = DC identifier.uri, rendered as a link = DC date.issued, rendered as a date
The file controls how the fields defined above will display to the user. If the field is missing from the file, it will not be displayed. Look in under the metadata.dc.<field>. Example:
metadata.dc.contributor.other = Authors = Authors
metadata.dc.title.* = Title
Please note: The order in which you place the values to the property key control the order in which they will display to the user on the outside world. (See the Example Value above).


Code Block

Example Value:

Code Block
webui.resolver.1.urn = doi
webui.resolver.1.baseurl =
webui.resolver.2.urn = hdl
webui.resolver.2.baseurl =

Informational Note:

When using "resolver" in webui.itemdisplay to render identifiers as resolvable links, the base URL is taken from <code>webui.resolver.<n>.baseurl<code> where <code>webui.resolver.<n>.baseurl<code> matches the urn specified in the metadata value. The value is appended to the "baseurl" as is, so the baseurl needs to end with the forward slash almost in any case. If no urn is specified in the value it will be displayed as simple text. For the doi and hdl urn defaults values are provided, respectively and are used. If a metadata value with style "doi", "handle" or "resolver" matches a URL already, it is simply rendered as a link with no other manipulation.

Property: webui.preferred.identifier
Example Value: webui.preferred.identifier = handle
Informational Note: At the top of the item view a persistent identifier is shown to be used to refer to this item. If you use Item Level Versioning and DSpace is configured to, it shows a version history. Per default DSpace uses handle as preferred identifier. If you've configured DSpace to register DOIs you can decide to use DOIs instead of handles at the top of the item view and within the version history. Set the property webui.preferred.identifier = doi to do so.
Property: webui.identifier.strip-prefixes
Example Value: webui.identifier.strip-prefixes = true
Informational Note:In the version history Persistent Identifiers can be shown with or without their prefixes, e.g. a handle can be shown as handle:10673/6 or just as 10673/6. A DOI can be  can be shown as 10.5072/example-doi-123 or as doi:105072/example-doi-123. This property controlls whether the handles are stripped (default) or not.


Example Value:

Code Block = \

Informational Note:

Specify which strategy to use for select the style for an item.



Example Value:

webui.itemdisplay.thesis.collections = 123456789/24, 123456789/35

Informational Note:

Specify which collections use which views by Handle.



Example Value:webui.itemdisplay.label.restricted.bitstreams = true
Informational Note:
Image Modified Image ModifiedIf set to all, all users will get a warning if access restrictions are in place for an bitstream. If a resource policy with an unreached start date for anonymous users is in place, the date is shown as well. Any other values than "all" will suppress the warning.
Should access restricted bitstreams be labeled as such? If set true, all bitstreams which cannot currently not be read by an anonymous user are labeled as being access restricted. If a resource policy to allow read access for anonymous users with an unreached start date exists, this date is shown as well.


Code Block

Example Value:

Code Block
webui.itemdisplay.metadata-style = schema.element[.qualifier|.*]
webui.itemdisplay.metadata-style = dc.type

Informational Note:

Specify which metadata to use as name of the style



Example Value:

Code Block
webui.itemlist.columns = thumbnail,, dc.title, \

Informational Note:

Customize the DC fields to use in the item listing page. Elements will be displayed left to right in the order they are specified here. The form is <schema prefix>.<element>[.<qualifier> | .*][(date)], ...
Although not a requirement, it would make sense to include among the listed fields at least the date and title fields as specified by the webui.browse.index configuration options in the next section mentioned. (cf.)
If you have enabled thumbnails (, you must also include a 'thumbnail' entry in your columns‚ this is where the thumbnail will be displayed.



Example Value:

webui.itemlist.width = *, 130, 60%, 40%

Informational Note:

You can customize the width of each column with the following line--you can have numbers (pixels) or percentages. For the 'thumbnail' column, a setting of '*' will use the max width specified for browse thumbnails (cf. webui.browse.thumbnail.maxwidth, thumbnail.maxwidth)


Code Block
webui.itemlist.browse.<index name>.sort.<sort name>.columns
webui.itemlist.sort.<sort name>.columns
webui.itemlist.browse.<browse name>.columns
webui.itemlist.<sort or index name>.columns

Example Value:


Informational Note:

You can override the DC fields used on the listing page for a given browse index and/or sort option. As a sort option or index may be defined on a field that isn't normally included in the list, this allows you to display the fields that have been indexed/sorted on. There are a number of forms the configuration can take, and the order in which they are listed below is the priority in which they will be used (so a combination of an index name and sort name will take precedence over just the browse name).In the last case, a sort option name will always take precedence over a browse index name. Note also, that for any additional columns you list, you will need to ensure there is an itemlist.<field name> entry in the messages file.



Example Value:

webui.itemlist.dateaccessioned.columns = thumbnail,, dc.title, dc.contributor.*

Informational Note:

This would display the date of the accession in place of the issue date whenever the dateaccessioned browsed index or sort option is selected. Just like webui.itemlist.columns, you will need to include a 'thumbnail' entry to display the thumbnails in the item list.



Example Value:

webui.itemlist.dateaccessioned.widths = *, 130, 60%, 40%

Informational Note:

As in the aforementioned property key, you can customize the width of the columns for each configured column list, substituting ".widths" for ".columns" in the property name. See the setting for webui.itemlist.widths for more information.



Example Value:

webui.itemlist.tablewidth = 100%

Informational Note:

You can also set the overall size of the item list table with the following setting. It can lead to faster table rendering when used with the column widths above, but not generally recommended.



Example Value:

webui.session.invalidate = true

Informational Note:

Enable or disable session invalidation upon login or logout. This feature is enabled by default to help prevent session hijacking but may cause problems for shibboleth, etc. If omitted, the default value is "true". [Only used for JSPUI authentication].


Example Value: = UA-XXXXXX-X
Informational Note:

If you would like to use Google Analytics to track general website statistics then use the following parameter to provide your Analytics key.


JSPUI Item Mapper

Because the item mapper requires a primitive implementation of the browse system to be present, we simply need to tell that system which of our indexes defines the author browse (or equivalent) so that the mapper can list authors' items for mapping

Define the index name (from webui.browse.index) to use for displaying items by author.


Example Value: = author

Informational Note:

If you change the name of your author browse field, you will also need to update this property key.

Display of Group Membership



Example Value:

webui.mydspace.showgroupmembership = false

Informational Note:

To display group membership set to "true". If omitted, the default behavior is false.


SFX Server is an OpenURL Resolver.



Example Value:

sfx.server.url =


sfx.server.url =

Informational Note:

SFX query is appended to this URL. If this property is commented out or omitted, SFX support is switched off.

All the parameters mapping are defined in [dspace]/config/sfx.xml file. The program will check the parameters in sfx.xml and retrieve the correct metadata of the item. It will then parse the string to your resolver.


JSPUI Item Recommendation Setting



Example Value:

webui.suggest.enable = true

Informational Note:

Show a link to the item recommendation page from item display page.



Example Value:

webui.suggest.loggedinusers.only = true

Informational Note:

Enable only if the user is logged in. If this key commented out, the default value is false.

Controlled Vocabulary Settings

DSpace now supports controlled vocabularies to confine the set of keywords that users can use while describing items.



Example Value:

webui.controlledvocabulary.enable = true

Informational Note:

Enable or disable the controlled vocabulary add-on. WARNING: This feature is not compatible with WAI (it requires JavaScript to function).

The need for a limited set of keywords is important since it eliminates the ambiguity of a free description system, consequently simplifying the task of finding specific items of information.


3. JSPUI Session Invalidation



Example Value:

webui.session.invalidate = true

Informational Note:

Enable or disable session invalidation upon login or logout. This feature is enabled by default to help prevent session hijacking but may cause problems for shibboleth, etc. If omitted, the default value is 'true'.

XMLUI Specific Configuration

The DSpace digital repository supports two user interfaces: one based upon JSP technologies and the other based upon the Apache Cocoon framework. This section describes those configurations settings which are specific to the XMLUI interface based upon the Cocoon framework. (Prior to DSpace Release 1.5.1 XMLUI was referred to Manakin. You may still see references to "Manakin")



Example Value:

xmlui.force.ssl = true

Informational Note:

Force all authenticated connections to use SSL, only non-authenticated connections are allowed over plain http. If set to true, then you need to ensure that the "dspace.hostname" parameter is set correctly.



Example Value:

xmlui.user.registration = true

Informational Note:

Determine if new users should be allowed to register. This parameter is useful in conjunction with Shibboleth where you want to disallow registration because Shibboleth will automatically register the user. Default value is true.



Example Value:

xmlui.user.editmetadata = true

Informational Note:

Determines if users should be able to edit their own metadata. This parameter is useful in conjunction with Shibboleth where you want to disable the user's ability to edit their metadata because it came from Shibboleth. Default value is true.

Example Value:xmlui.session.ipcheck = true
Informational Note:

Check if the user has a consistent ip address from the start of the login process to the end of the login process. Disabling this check is not recommended unless absolutely necessary as the ip check can be helpful for preventing session hijacking. Possible reasons to set this to false: many-to-many wireless networks that prevent consistent ip addresses or complex proxying of requests.
The default value is true.



Example Value:

xmlui.user.loginredirect = /profile

Informational Note:

After a user has logged into the system, which url should they be directed? Leave this parameter blank or undefined to direct users to the homepage, or /profile for the user's profile, or another reasonable choice is /submissions to see if the user has any tasks awaiting their attention. The default is the repository home page.



Example Value:

xmlui.theme.allowoverrides = false

Informational Note:

Allow the user to override which theme is used to display a particular page. When submitting a request add the HTTP parameter "themepath" which corresponds to a particular theme, that specified theme will be used instead of the any other configured theme. Note that this is a potential security hole allowing execution of unintended code on the server, this option is only for development and debugging it should be turned off for any production repository. The default value unless otherwise specified is "false".

Example Value:xmlui.theme.enableConcatenation = false
Informational Note:

Enabling this property will concatenate CSS, JS and JSON files where possible. CSS files can be concatenated if multiple CSS files with the same media attribute are used in the same page. Links to the CSS files are automatically referring to the concatenated resulting CSS file. The theme sitemap should be updated to use the ConcatenationReader for all js, css and json files before enabling this property.

Example Value:xmlui.theme.enableMinification = false
Informational Note:

Enabling this property will minify CSS, JS and JSON files where possible. The theme sitemap should be updated to use the ConcatenationReader for all js, css and json files before enabling this property.

Example Value:xmlui.theme.mirage.item-list.emphasis = file
Informational Note:

When set to "file" the item listings in your repository will include the generated thumbnails of uploaded files. Alternatively, you can set this parameter to metadata to put more emphasis on the metadata and effectively hide the thumbnails.
The default value is "metadata". 

Example Value:mirage2.item-view.bitstream.href.label.1 = label
mirage2.item-view.bitstream.href.label.2 = title 
Informational Note:Mirage 2 theme ONLY

Determines if the bitstream filename (title) or description (label) is being used as the display label on the hyperlinks to download the actual files. By default, the file description (label) will be shown. If this value is empty, the filename (title) will be used as a fallback. More information and screenshots.



Example Value:


Informational Note:

Determine which bundles administrators and collection administrators may upload into an existing item through the administrative interface. If the user does not have the appropriate privileges (add and write) on the bundle then that bundle will not be shown to the user as an option.


Example Value: = true

Informational Note:

On the community-list page should all the metadata about a community/collection be available to the theme. This parameter defaults to true, but if you are experiencing performance problems on the community-list page you should experiment with turning this option off.


Example Value: = 12 hours

Informational Note:

Normally, the XMLUI will fully verify any cache pages before using a cache copy. This means that when the community-list page is viewed the database is queried for each community/collection to see if their metadata has been modified. This can be expensive for repositories with a large community tree. To help solve this problem you can set the cache to be assumed valued for a specific set of time. The downside of this is that new or editing communities/collections may not show up the website for a period of time.



Example Value:

xmlui.bitstream.mods = true

Informational Note:

Optionally, you may configure XMLUI to take advantage of metadata stored as a bitstream. The MODS metadata file must be inside the "METADATA" bundle and named MODS.xml. If this option is set to 'true' and the bitstream is present then it is made available to the theme for display.



Example Value:

xmlui.bitstream.mets = true

Informational Note:

Optionally, you may configure Manakin to take advantage of metadata stored as a bitstream. The METS metadata file must be inside the "METADATA" bundle and named METS.xml. If this option is set to "true" and the bitstream is present then it is made available to the theme for display.


Example Value: = UA-XXXXXX-X

Informational Note:

If you would like to use Google Analytics to track general website statistics then use the following parameter to provide your analytics key. First sign up for an account at, then create an entry for your repositories website. Google Analytics will give you a snippet of javascript code to place on your site, inside that snip it is your Google Analytics key usually found in the line: _uacct = "UA-XXXXXXX-X" Take this key (just the UA-XXXXXX-X part) and place it here in this parameter.



Example Value:

xmlui.controlpanel.activity.max = 250

Informational Note:

Assign how many page views will be recorded and displayed in the control panel's activity viewer. The activity tab allows an administrator to debug problems in a running DSpace by understanding who and how their dspace is currently being used. The default value is 250.



Example Value:

xmlui.controlpanel.activity.ipheader = X-Forward-For

Informational Note:

Determine where the control panel's activity viewer receives an events IP address from. If your DSpace is in a load balanced environment or otherwise behind a context-switch then you will need to set the parameter to the HTTP parameter that records the original IP address.
Example = admin
Informational Note:

Determine the access rights necessary to export DSpace metadata from search results in a CSV format (compatible with Batch Metadata Editing tool).  By default, only Administrators can export metadata from search results. Other options include:

  • admin = Administrative users only
  • user = Any logged in user
  • anonymous = Anyone in the world

Optional or Advanced Configuration Settings


Code Block
#Allow the reviewers to add/edit/remove files from the submission
#When changing this property you might want to alert submitters in the license that reviewers can alter their files


Both workflow systems send notifications on new Items waiting to be reviewed to all EPersons that may resolve those. Tasks can be taken to avoid that two EPersons work on the same task at the same time without knowing from each other. When a EPerson returns a task to the pool without resolving it (by accepting or rejecting the submission), another E-Mail is sent. In case you only want to be notified of completely new tasks entering a step of the workflow system, you may switch off notifications on tasks returned to the pool by setting workflow.notify.returend.tasks to false in config/modules/workflow.cfg as shown below:


JSPUI: Per item visual indicators for browse and search results


Visual indicators per item allow users to mark items in browse and search results. This could be useful in many scenarios, some of them follow:


  1. Multiple marks can be added per item (i.e. mark the type of the item and the availability of the bitstreams) 
  2. Easy configuration of the strategy of what mark to display in every item 
  3. Marks based on images or a generic class (i.e. a glyphicon icon for bootstrap) 
  4. Display tooltip when hovering the mark + localization of the tooltip 
  5. Easy addtion of new strategies for any type of mark the user desires 
  6. Add css styles for the user to configure the position of the marks in the list row 


Some theory:

A mark is an instance of the class:


Moreover, this strategy add a link in the mark (in case there are bitstreams in the item) to the first bitstream of the item


How to:

In order to enable a mark for the result or browse list you need to change the option:


Code Block
<bean class="" id="type1MarkingInfo">
       <property name="classInfo" value="glyphicon glyphicon-picture"/>
       <property name="tooltip" value="itemlist.mark.type1MarkingInfo"/>
<bean class="" id="type2MarkingInfo">
       <property name="imageName" value="image/type2.png"/>
       <property name="tooltip" value="itemlist.mark.type2MarkingInfo"/>

Tooltip property contains the localized key to display.

Keep in mind that the Strategy that you may write can have its own logic on how to create the ItemMarkingInfo per item. The only requirement of the feature is to add in the Spring configuration file the initial beans one for each mark you have declared in the dspace.cfg file.



The title for the column of each mark is titled based on the localized key “itemlist.mark_[value]”, so you just need to add the specific keys in the messages.propertied files.

Moreover, the following CSS styles are applied to the various aspects of the mark:

  • mark_[value]_th: a style applied to the column header
  • mark_[value]_tr: a style applied to the each row

Add these classes to the css file and apply any style you like (like centering the text or the image)

Recognizing Web Spiders (Bots, Crawlers, etc.)

DSpace can often recognize that a given access request comes from a web spider that is indexing your repository.  These accesses can be flagged for separate treatment (perhaps exclusion) in usage statistics.  This requires patterns to match against incoming requests.  These patterns exist in files that you will find in config/spiders.

In the spiders directory itself, you will find a number of files provided by  These files contain network address patterns which have been discovered to identify a number of known indexing services and other spiders.  You can add your own files here if you wish to exclude more addresses that you know of.  You will need to include your files' names in the list configured in config/modules/solr-statistics.cfg.  The*.txt files can be updated using a tool provided by DSpace.  See SOLR Statistics for details.

In the spiders directory you will also find two subdirectories.  agents contains files filled with regular expressions, one per line.  An incoming request's User-Agent header is tested with each expression found in any of these files until an expression matches.  If there is a match, the request is marked as being from a spider, otherwise not.  domains similarly contains files filled with regular expressions which are used to test the domain name from which the request comes.  You may add your own files of regular expressions to either directory if you wish to test requests with patterns of your own devising.


Many configuration names/keys have changed!


If you are upgrading from an earlier version of DSpace, you will need to be aware that many configuration names/keys have changed. Because Apache Commons Configuration allows for auto-overriding of configurations, all configuration names/keys in different *.cfg files MUST be uniquely named (otherwise accidental, unintended overriding may occur).

In order to compensate for this, all modules/*.cfg files had their configurations renamed to be prepended with the module name.  As a basic example, all the configuration settings within the modules/oai.cfg configuration now start with "oai.".

Additionally, while the local.cfg may look similar to the old, many of its configurations have slightly different names. So, simply copying your into a local.cfg will NOT work.

This means that DSpace 5.x (or below) configurations are NOT compatible with the Enhanced Configuration Scheme.  While you obviously can use your old configurations as a reference, you will need to start with fresh copy of all configuration files, and reapply any necessary configuration changes (this has always been the recommended procedure). However, as you'll see in the next section, you'll likely want to do that anyways in order to take full advantage of the new local.cfg file.


Tooltip property contains the localized key to display.

Keep in mind that the Strategy that you may write can have its own logic on how to create the ItemMarkingInfo per item. The only requirement of the feature is to add in the Spring configuration file the initial beans one for each mark you have declared in the dspace.cfg file.


The title for the column of each mark is titled based on the localized key “itemlist.mark_[value]”, so you just need to add the specific keys in the messages.propertied files.

Moreover, the following CSS styles are applied to the various aspects of the mark:

  • mark_[value]_th: a style applied to the column header
  • mark_[value]_tr: a style applied to the each row

Add these classes to the css file and apply any style you like (like centering the text or the image)

Recognizing Web Spiders (Bots, Crawlers, etc.)

DSpace can often recognize that a given access request comes from a web spider that is indexing your repository.  These accesses can be flagged for separate treatment (perhaps exclusion) in usage statistics.  This requires patterns to match against incoming requests.  These patterns exist in files that you will find in config/spiders.

In the spiders directory itself, you will find a number of files provided by  These files contain network address patterns which have been discovered to identify a number of known indexing services and other spiders.  You can add your own files here if you wish to exclude more addresses that you know of.  You will need to include your files' names in the list configured in config/modules/solr-statistics.cfg.  The*.txt files can be updated using a tool provided by DSpace.  See SOLR Statistics for details.

In the spiders directory you will also find two subdirectories.  agents contains files filled with regular expressions, one per line.  An incoming request's User-Agent header is tested with each expression found in any of these files until an expression matches.  If there is a match, the request is marked as being from a spider, otherwise not.  domains similarly contains files filled with regular expressions which are used to test the domain name from which the request comes.  You may add your own files of regular expressions to either directory if you wish to test requests with patterns of your own devising.

Command-line Access to Configuration Properties


The dsprop command has these options:




namethe name of the desired configuration property.  This
is required.



namethe name of the module in which the property is found.  If omitted, the value of --property is the entire name.  If used, the name will be composed as  For example, "-m dspace -p url" will look up the value of dspace.url.




if used, this prevents the substitution of other property values into the value of the requested property.

It is also useful to see all of the propery values when a specific property has an array of values (i.e. the configuration supports specifying multiple values). Otherwise, by default , dsprop may only return the first value in the array.





Display help similar to this table.