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  1. We have consensus on the test plans
  2. Next step: execute via JMeter (early Fedora example)
  3. ...




Consensus on


Test Plans



Achieved consensus, 5 people have liked the Page)




JMeter Test Implementation

  • Other actions is to put together the quite simplest JMeter tests


  • (Just creating default containers)


  • (More about the mechanics about dealing with JMeter)


Terry Reese not available



  • Some attendees of the calls have expressed some interest in the past
  • Thus far, haven't heard from anyone


  • regarding implementation 


Utility within the Ongoing Development of Fedora

Some changes going on with the underlying Fedora implementation stack


  • Modeshape is undergoing a major release next year


  • Discussion of an alternate implementation




  • Tests would assist in proving out the API



 Baseline of tests now would be beneficial



A service (Blazemeter) can be hired (by DuraSpace) for JMeter test plans (executed in scale using, Amazon


Web Services)


Progressing with JMeter

Question: Given the test plans...what are the appropriate next steps?


Examples from JMeter tests a few years ago


  • Is it a matter of updating these configuration files?


  • XML or GUI for creating the test plans


A. Woods agrees with such an approach for creating...such an API



Experience regarding JMeter

  • A. Wagner: New to Fedora...have used it on numerous occasions



Parties responsible for the JMeter? James proposing attempting to contact them


A. Woods has some pessimism



  • A. Woods also bears experience
  • N. Ruest is quickly working to gain experience
  • J. Griffin is a complete novice
  • Would it be helpful to contact parties responsible for the legacy Fedora 3.x JMeter tests?
  • The outlook is grim (due to the age of the work)
  • Looking through commits...Nigel Banks


  • , Chris Beer


  • and Adam Soroka appear as contributors


  • Also, there is not much a learning curve with JMeter...more a matter of time


  • The limiting factor is time (more than anything else)



Looking to implement test case #4, one should allocate  30 minutes to try to open up the JMeter UI, load JMX file, have enough skill at create the tests


Looking to implement test #4



If it gets too slow to be useful, the test is done


Not much more complexity than this


  • Essentially, create the containers, and gauging by the speed of the response of the server, pass or fail the tests
  • Ultimately, get to having JMeters for all 6 cases within the plan


  • Then, decide what to do with the information


  • Esme Cowles has been undertaking some testing


  • Baseline of information drives the components of Fedora which must be adjusted in order to improve performance



  • Note that the JVM configuration is included within the system profile

First Test Implementation Team 

  •  N. Ruest leads
  •  J. Griffin volunteers
  • A. Wagner is unavailable until 01/04/16
    • Can look to offer hardware for building different boxes 
  • N. Ruest can spend next 1-2 days addressing this test
  •  Various test cases with different clients can be planned
  •  Incremental effort, where the initial creation of containers...building on itself for the container creation, and then look at the other tests
  •  72 hours of N. Ruest's dedicated time will be invested in these efforts
  • Following the updating of this Confluence Page following the call, N. Ruest will comment and update on the status of his labors
    • Indicate any obstacles by Wednesday afternoon
    •  Should avoid forking the existing GitHub repository
      • Include the JMX file alone into a new repository

Long Term Goals 

 Ideally, make substantial progress before February 2016

  •  Get a sense of how much effort it shall consume, produce a better estimate
  •  No strong commitments this far...
  •  Nice on the next call to have a better sense of when this initial set of tests shall be scripted out

Scheduling the Next Meeting

  •  Propose a meeting be scheduled into early 2016
  •  A. Woods shall be unavailable throughout the early year (no access to WWW)
  •  Hopefully have that meeting before A. Woods returns
  •  N. Ruest proposes 01/11/15 11:00AM (EST)
    • A. Wagner authors an agenda Page
    • Agenda will be filled in with updates regarding the progress with the tests


  • Reaching out to other parties which have, in the past, expressed interest in performance should be explored
    • U. Michigan
    • Hydra-in-a-Box at Stanford U.
  •  It would be ideal to bring in other groups (beyond the core Fedora committers)