Versions Compared


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Table of Contents

Table of Contents


Action Items


  • Move FOAF.Person to a separate Gem
    • Remove FOAF.Person from Virtual Collection Gem and Open Annotation Gem
    • Make Virtual Collection Gem and Open Annotation Gem use new FOAF Gem
  • Move ORE code out of Virtual Collection Gem and into an ORE Gem
    • Make Virtual Collection Gem use ORE Gem
  • Move all code in ResourceExtension back to ActiveTriples::Resource class
    • URI generation code is ready to move.  Just need to issue a pull request and move it.
    • ID Prefix requires some work to make it generalizable for ActiveTriples
  • Explore ordered list implementations
    • Why they have not been successful?
    • Why are they inefficient?
    • In what ways are they failing to meet the needs for ordered lists?
    • Do unordered lists suffer similar issues?
  • Documentation
    • Complete ActiveTriples tutorial
    • Continue to improve ActiveTriples user guide
    • Improve documentation of LD4L ActiveTriples models


RDF List Implementations


  • It appears that ActiveFedora v8 (Fedora 4) uses ActiveTriples for handling of RDF.  Need to look at ActiveFedora code to confirm.
  • SOLR integration appears to be done in ActiveFedora, not ActiveTriples.  It will likely take a significant effort to move the SOLR integration out of ActiveFedora and into ActiveTriples.  Need to look at ActiveFedora code to make an estimate.
  • Hydra community is looking at putting RDF Access Control into ActiveFedora and thus Fedora, which complicates (to say the least) the removal of Fedora from the Hydra stack.
  • See also Linked Vocabs - Linked Data Controlled Vocabularies for ActiveFedora::RDF
  • See also DPLA Map - DPLA's Metadata Application Profile modeled in Active Triples which includes property validation similar to that used in ActiveModel.
  • Fetch - ActiveTriples currently has the ability to fetch external data.  Demonstrated fetching geo data.  This could be cool to exploit.
HTML Comment

For a beginning analysis of ActiveFedora SOLR code:   __Documents__/Mann/Projects/LD4L/Travel/2014-09 Hydra Connect/sessions/2014_09_30 RDF - State of RDF


TODO:  Add information about Tom's other projects for property value validation and controlled vocabularies.


Fedora 4




Fedora 4

  • RDF is stored on the object instead of in a datastream
  • Access Rights will be stored in Fedora to control access to RDF stored in the object
  • RELS-EXT is gone
  • Dissemintations are gone




Popular Solutions Extensions to Hydra


See more projects in Hydra-Labs.





Technologies to Explore

Web Access Control ontology W3C standard
Linked Data Platform (LDP) Set of best practices and simple approach for a read-write Linked Data architecture, based on HTTP access to web resources that describe their state using the RDF data model.
LDPath LDPath is a simple path-based query language, similar to XPath or SPARQL Property Paths, that is particularly well-suited for querying and retrieving resources from the Linked Data Cloud by following RDF links between resources and servers.  (Part of Apache Marmotta - don't know if it has a life outside of that project)
Apache Marmotta at DPLA

Open implementation of a Linked Data Platform that can be used, extended and deployed easily by organizations who want to publish Linked Data or build custom applications on Linked Data.


debugging tool for Rails/Ruby

My How to... page.

Testing and Debugging Gems  
  • factory_girl_rails - use to create users for testing
  • engine-cart - test apps that are engines (i.e., code that is not an app that can go inside a rails app) (ex. Sufia) - allows testing of the engine by providing a rails app
  • database_cleaner - used to clean out MySQL type databases
  • equivalent-xml - compare xml files - how similar are they - handy for testing datastreams
  • devise - ??? - uses Warden which is session manager - ex. login_as_user
  • byebug - debugger - pops you into shell at the point where you set a break point
  • pry - replaces rib with pry - good for debugging - cd into a module and look around
  • better_errors with binding_of_caller - pops up shell with all variables
  • continuous integration system - runs tests every time you push to GitHub
  • fails if tests take longer than 50 min
  • can break out into sub-tests that will run concurrently
  • will launch dependencies
Apache Stanbol Apache Stanbol provides a set of reusable components for semantic content management.
Resque Resque is a Redis-backed Ruby library for creating background jobs, placing them on multiple queues, and processing them later. (Used by Sufia)
REDIS Redis is an open source, BSD licensed, advanced key-value cache and store. (Used by Sufia)
HTML Comment

For more information on testing Hydra installations:   __Documents__/Mann/Projects/LD4L/Travel/2014-09 Hydra Connect/sessions/2014_09_30 Test Driven Development


SufiaMike Giarlo, Carolynn ?, Adam WeadSufia development team  
SufiaJim HallidayIndianaAsk questions about how he installed.
ActiveTriplesTom Johnson 
Linked VocabsTom Johnson and Controlled Vocabularies
DPLA MetadataTom JohnsonDPLA Metadata Application Path 
 Tom Johnson, Mark MatienzoDPLAUsing LDP, LDPath, Apache Marmotta.  Developing ActiveTriples.
Fedora 4Chris Beer  
RegflowMichael Klein Simple, self-aware workflows for Ruby and REDIS
 Paul Clough cataloging tools from North Western
Hydra w/o FedoraDeclan FlemingUSCDDid an implementation of Hydra w/o Fedora.
ActiveFedoraJustin CoyneActiveFedora development teamCan also talk about the difference between Worthwhile and Sufia.
 Mahmoud Audu, Patrick FeeleyDigital Case 2.0 at Case WesternSelf deposit IR.
DLSX to HydraJeremy MorseUniversity of MicheganRequested a contact at Cornell to discuss issues related to DLSX to Hydra conversion.  I said I would pass it on.
 Michael BondWest VirginiaNot sure why this was in my notes.


