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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3


  1. Master is Sacred. The master branch is like subversion's trunk. Successful projects tend to keep these in a state where releases can be made with minimal effort. Therefore, only code that has been fully tested is allowed in.
  2. Code in Branches. See #1. Branches are extremely easy to create in git, and they don't go to the origin repository unless you explicitly push them. Use a relevant issue id as the branch name whenever possible. Also, convention in git-land seems to be that tags and branches are named all-lowercase, so if I have an issue named MYPROJ-42, name the branch myproj-42.
  3. No Merge Commits. A merge commit is technically a commit with two "parent" commits in git. The problem is, if you're not careful, you'll create a lot of these unintentionally just because of the nature of distributed version control. Merge commits may reflect "the truth" about what happened in the repository, but they can be extremely difficult for people to understand. Linear commit histories are much less likely to make your fellow committers grumble when trying to understand review your changes. See How to Avoid Merge Commits below.
  4. Squash Commits and Use Good Commit Messages in Master Commit as many times and with whatever level of log message detail you want while your branch is in development. But when merging it to master, keep in mind that the granularity of the commits and the content of the messages need to be useful to people besides you. See How to Squash and Re-word Commits and How to Write a Good Commit Message below.
  5. No Old Branches. When you're done with a branch, whether it's been merged to master or not, delete it. It's just clutter. The history of the master branch is what matters. To remove a local branch, git branch -d branchname. To remove a remote branch, git push origin :branchname.
  6. Consistent Release Tags. In the git world, people tend to name release tags like "v1.0.0". I like this convention (including the trailing zero) because the Major.Feature.Bugfix convention is compatible with semantic versioning and is commonly seen with Maven artifacts.
  7. Never Rebase Public Commits or Force a Push. Git protects you from unintentionally changing the remote repository's history, and will warn you if it a push would do that. This can happen if you've made history changes in your local repository (e.g. with git rebase) that involve commits that already exist on the remote repository. It is possible to force the changes to be pushed, but this has a high likelihood of invalidating someone else's repository that is based on the remote repository you want to push to. In short, dont do Rebase (described in the sections below) is a useful tool for doing surgery on private branches, but it has potential to cause serious problems if you use it with commits that have made it outside your local repository. Therefore:
    • If people pull a branch from you regularly, you should consider all commits on that branch to be immediately public and never rebase on it at all.
    • If you attempt to push history-modifying changes to a remote branch, git will notify you of the conflict and tell you how to force it. Don't force it.


How to Avoid Merge Commits


  • When you do a git pull to get remote changes, if you have any local commits that haven't been pushed yet (wait, you're not working directly on master, are you?), specify --rebase (you can also make this the default option as explained in this article). This will modify the sequence of commits to your local repository so that your locally-committed changes appear after those you just pulled. Now when you push your changes, your fellow committers will just see an incremental set of changes with yours at the end, and it will make sense to them.
  • Always fast-forward your branch commits to master. Fast-forward just means putting your commits at the end of the latest existing commits on a branch. When you run git merge yourbranch, by default, git will attempt to do a fast-forward commit if possible. It's not possible if there are any changes in master that aren't already in your branch. In this case, before attempting to merge your changes into master, switch to your branch and type git rebase master. This will put all the new commits from master in your branch, behind your changes. Now it should be possible to fast-forward merge your branch into master by switching to master and typing git merge yourbranch
  • Note: It's possible, though not common, that a git pull --rebase or a git rebase master will fail due to a conflict. In that case, see this excellent article, which covers resolving rebase conflicts.
