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  • for issues etc. 
  • Draft of a discovery plan:
  • Research: how to go from knowledge graph to an index
  • DASH! (Displaying Authorities Seamlessly Here)
    • Dashboard design meeting kickoff notes
    • User reps D&A meeting: Expect next follow-up in August (Slides: from user reps meeting 2021-04-09 and result was "not no")
    • Usability testing and followup for DASH: Usability results
      • Usability results, a few little things to finish up
      • GitHub issues
      • 2021-09-17: No update
        • User reps meeting went well and they planned to set up doc for others to provide feedback. Huda has questions to add to that doc but have not heard back; Huda Khan  will reach out to Lenora to ask about status. Question: are people more comfortable sending email responses versus a wiki page, etc.? Huda will offer this option.
      • 2021-09-24: Huda emailed Lenora again and mentioned option for folks to email her feedback directly.  Have not heard back yet (sent email yesterday)
      • 2021-10-01: Last email discussion: Lenora said she would try to get feedback from user reps.  We have requested feedback by 10/11 since the next D&A spring starts 11/1. 
    • 2020-10-1: Separately, need to finish documentation of work done so far and set up demo video.
  • BANG! (Bibliographic Aspects Newly GUI'd)
    • Jamboard link
    • Expect to include Works. Need to do something beyond what we already have live from the OCLC concordance data.
    • 2021-09-24: On LD4P3 web server where ShareVDE PCC data was unpacked,  ran a query listing all opus - work - instance relationships where instance has some identifier.  Results came back pretty fast but server seemed to run out of space for results (partial output file at > 1 GB).  Plan: See if CSV may make a smaller file.  Concatenate results so one row per opus, list all instances per opus, and can do further queries to build out info needed separately from original query.  Steven has provided simpler versions of Wikidata queries. Goal: A demo incorporating data from Wikidata, LOC, and PCC (whichever examples we can make work) hopefully by next week. Huda and Tim will discuss best area for Tim to focus on after D&A sprint.2021-10-01: Experimented with various queries.  For retrieving sets of related ISBNS, queried for following relationship: An opus that has two separate works, where each work has an instance with an ISBN.  Parsed the results to create a CSV where each line starts with an ISBN and is followed by all the others related ISBNS (based on the query above).  Set up front-end code that takes ISBN from catalog, looks for any line with that ISBN and returns the entire set, then does an ISBN field "OR" query to the Solr index to return any matches with their titles. 
      • Questions to explore:
        • What is the goal of an Opus? And is this conceptually useful for users?
        • What is the data quality (both of the Opus data and connection via ISBN)?
        • What is the gap in data for CUL?
        • What is a good UI for display of this data? And should there be different UI for translations vs. based on, etc.?
      • Next steps: Huda will look for more specific relationships in the data (e.g. LCCN matching). Huda/Tim to explore UI options. Also look for definitions of opuses and hubs
  • DAG CallsDAG Calls2021-09-17: scheduled presenter who was going to talk about IIIF rescheduled so had open office hours. People talked about LD discovery systems list. Sources: OCLC survey from 2018 about LD systems - reviewed to find examples of systems, which was difficult. Planning to put out call to communities to ask them to help fill out list of systems that use LD in some fashion
    • 2021-10-1: Next two meetings will be usability/user research focused: 10/12 with LINCS, 10/26 with Harvard image research/IIIF D4H user research.


  • Qa Sinopia Collaboration – Support and evolve QA+cache instance for use with Sinopia
    • 2021-0910-24 - Didn't meet this week. Met instead with Dave to discuss queue of issues. Will likely table most geonames issues because not well suited to finding place of publication – these requests should instead use a different authority sources. 01 - Met with Stanford with topics...
      • some weirdness in results (e.g. '\\' for label, bad response total leading to no pagination)
      • language in literals (e.g. "milk@en" instead of "milk"@en) - Dave updated this on his end.  Requires an update in QA.
      • review status of authorities (e.g. script, cultural heritage)
      • new authority request for publisher cities - Jim Hahn will provide a QA compatible file of cities to include (historically this is just a literal so there hasn't been a good lockup/authority)
      2021-10-01 - Met with Stanford to review status of authorities, some weirdness in results
  • Best Practices for Authoritative Data working group (focus on Change Management)
    • 2021-0910-17 - The working group making recommendations for how to express and consume change management documents continues to work on document: Activity Streams - Extensions for Authoritative Data Change Management Changes since last time:01 - Need to update Appendices based on last week's discussion.  Need to review object type proposals from Steven and Vitus.
      • We'll need to decide how much the RWO/Authority/RDF document distinction made in the ActivityStreams spec we want to adhere to.
      • Steven will look at how the Getty and LOC implementations of AS are dealing with this
      • add new Object Types (still under discussion) - These will identify what time of object (e.g. Person, Place, Subject, etc.) are being added/updated. Need to get some examples together – at this point, creating things that will be different for different ontologies and different authorities. Concern around representing diff. between authority object & RWO
      • add appendices for the 3 major use cases - I am working on getting collaborators for this. I wrote up the use case for a full cache as that is the LD4P use case. The other use cases would be able to work if authorities support the full cache, but not vice versa. The other two use cases are partial cache and notification system. It takes more effort for the providers to support the full cache use case, but I am hoping if the use case is clear and the benefits are clear, more of them will make this a priority.
  • Cache Containerization Plan - Develop a sustainable solution that others can deploy
    • 2021-09-24 Greg set up for load testing of the containerized QA server and will start that today.
    • 2021-10-01 Greg continuing with load testing. Finding it stable but not as responsive as elastic beanstalk version (avg from 0.5s to 1–1.5s) – need to understand why. Also still some work needed to implement CI/CD

Other Topics

  • Sinolio - Sinopia-FOLIO
    • 2021-09-17: Spring Retro and Stand-up happening this afternoon; more updates next week2021-09-24 There is Sinopia user group, should we involve catalogers in the discussion of Sinolio? Jason notes concern about cataloger capacity but we should be involved in this space.10-01 Sprint review this afternoon. Recent meeting to try to better describe Sinopia-FOLIO connection in a diagram
  • OCLC Linked Data / Entities Advisory Group
    • 2021-09-24 Steven will follow-up on testing for this round
  • PCC 
    • 2021-0610-25 01: Task Group on Non-RDA Entities headed by standing committee on standards will formally propose a list of non-RDA entity types. Steven will join and work picking up again
    • 2021-06-25 Planning group for data exchange met with meeting planned for 9/10 September: day 1 - foundational agreements including vendors (actors/profiles); day 2 - identify partnerships and tests (extending what is already happening as part of grant); also profiles group will pick up in July
    • 2021-09-03 Working on non-RDA types- we have tentative definitions for person, corporate body, family, conference, spirit, figure from folklore/legend/mythology, named animal or plant, fictitious entity, and event. We have maybe one or two more entity types to work out, then share for vetting before approaching LC for hosting.
    • 2021-09-03 BIBFRAME Data Exchange meeting - firming up schedule, including a set of lightning talks on Friday from vendors to share where they see themselves in the dataflow ecosystem... publisher, consumer, aggregator/lookup service, conversion, etc. plans for caching/linking to from.
      • 2021-09-17: BF Exchange meeting happened last week. Everyone who will be exchanging data in near future was at meeting. Slowly gaining clarity around challenges. Jeremy gave good talk about how we just need to be able to accept a diversity of data. PCC is trying to have application profiles that can be shared broadly.
    • 2021-09-17: Completed definitions for all entity types, writing examples by Monday, Steven'll start filling out K Ford's spreadsheet for generating RDF for the vocabulary so they can see it as something more than a Google Doc with lists- definitions firmed up, agreed on non-URI codes, reflecting those in the spreadsheet over the next week, and working with Kevin on specific issues converting to RDF
  • Authorities in FOLIO
    • Hope to include URIs as part of Cornell FOLIO migration, possible LD4P work
    • 2021-09-03 - folks are on vacation, but work will pick up soon to work on
      • Processing and caching Authority files
        • Determine where it will be located so that it can be modified
      • Getting ID’s in BIBs 
      • Generating Reports (spreadsheets) on changes to authorities 
      • [Possibly?] Processes for batch updating headings (table this until we meet in September)
    • 2021-09-17: Met last week. Frances has database she is using for discovery. She is going to start looking at strategy for parsing weekly Peter Ward files and updating her database. will then test whether that database can serve as source. Meeting every-other-week.


Next Meeting(s), anyone out?:

  • 2021-10-08 Greg will be out