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  1. Laurie Arp 
  2. Chris Awre 
  3. Thomas Bernhart
  4. Danny Bernstein 
  5. Robert Cartolano 
  6. Dan Coughlin
  7. Jon Dunn 
  8. Dan Field
  9. Raman Ganguly
  10. Jennifer Gilbert
  11. Emily Gore
  12. Arran Griffith
  13. Mark Jordan
  14. Rosalyn Metz 
  15. Robert Miller
  16. Este Pope 
  17. Scott Prater
  18. Robin Ruggaber 
  19. Oliver Schöner
  20. Tim Shearer
  21. Dustin Slater 
  22. Jennifer Vinopal 
  23. Ben Wallberg
  24. David Wilcox
  25. Maurice York


Advanced Tables - Table Plus




5 minsArran

Future Planning for  Fedora

Discussion about the future needs of the Fedora program following the transition of David Wilcox out of his role as Program Leader. This discussion will focus on the following:

  • Staffing needs, organizational home definitions, technology roadmap planning, and budget implications of all of these.

Goal: Identify a direction for the future of Fedora as a means of determining the staffing needs to support the goal.

60 mins




Break (10 mins)10 mins

Information Gathering Session Take-Aways

Team will discuss and present the information gathered at 1st of 3 Info Gathering sessions with community volunteer participants.

Goal: Provide feedback on the execution of the first sessions and present findings to determine if there is a need to modify anything before the next round.

15 mins



General Housekeeping & Announcements

  • Elections
  • Membership Status Update
    • Brief update on the status of membership renewals.
    • Details are linked in the Quarterly Leadership Report
10 mins



Fedora 6.0 Update

Danny will provide an update on the current state of the Fedora 6.0 release and related tools.

Goal: Answer any questions and ensure everyone is up-to-date on the state of the software.

10 minsDanny

IMLS Grant Update

David will share a brief update on the status of the IMLS Grant, what is left to complete and a timeline for estimated completion.

Goal: Provide status report on Grant deliverables.

5 minsDavid
Wrap-up, Action Items5 minsDavid

Previous Action Items


Future Planning for Fedora

  • Staffing:
    • David leaving for another Lyrasis opportunity
    • PM needs to be paid, FT, not just volunteer. What do we want to change about this position as we prepare to fill it?
  • Budget questions/issues: do we have the funds to pay for a FT PM? We’ve been propping up the budget with the IMLS grant.
  • See Quarterly Fedora Leaders Meeting Report, Future Planning timeline, page 4
  • Laurie presented budget scenarios.
    •  Framing:
      • 2 years ago budget was impacted by Covid
      • IMLS grant papered over some financial issues which helped last year and this year’s budget
      • there are lots of variables to consider in thinking about hiring replacement for David
    • Scenarios here:
      • Row 8 = current + forthcoming that we’re sure about
      • All current Fedora expenses and revenues are included here (e.g., no other paid staffing outside of this spreadsheet)
      • Note possible numbers for both a program manager (PM) and a technical resource (TR)
      • we don’t have enough revenue currently to pay for two FT positions based on numbers Laurie used.
      • for this fiscal year (through 6/30/22) IMLS will pay for Danny, Mike, Arran
    • Discussion:
      • Robert: “Wants tend to be aimed toward the institutions…needs tend to be aimed at the community…this is where the leadership team can help weigh in…we found this with ASpace as we grew their community from 150 to 500 in the past 4 years” I.e., need to determine how program is focused, which drives development (individual institutions vs. community)
      • On competition:
        • we need to take into consideration the competition within the repository space. ASpace doesn’t have competitors like Fedora does.
        • What does growth look like given this competition?
        • how do we get vendors to move onto Fedora 6. Unless vendors move to 6 some of us using those services can’t get to 6.
        • note that the org home overhead is equivalent to the two positions.
      • Outreach: Analogy of DSpace situation: Robert called all member institutions, key stakeholders to explain the product, the path forward. Telling them that we were “all in” and inspired confidence. Fedora Leaders need to clarify the product, the landscape, etc. for Lyrasis leadership.
      • On progress: How will we make progress if we can’t even fund two FTE? There’s lots of new activity on Slack. Is this a new opportunity for Fedora? How to leverage?
      • Discussion about hiring a PM, which we need more than a tech lead right now
  • Propsal:
    • continue with info gathering interviews in next few months
    • do fedora planning/roadmap early next year
    • but commit now to hiring a PM to help with roadmap, maintain community confidence < general agreement among Leaders to hire a PM
  • Instilling confidence in the community:
    • let community know that we’re committed, prepared to invest in it, partnering with Lyrasis, not let us flounder, and that it’s a good product - their data will be protected.
    • Finances: can use financial milestones to tell the story when we speak to members/potential members who may want to know what reserves look like before investing. No reserves will also make it hard to hire someone.
    • eventually we should try to bank 2 years of salary, but that’s not the right place to put the money now because we need to shore up membership and finances.
  • Next steps:
    • review position description for PM
    • exit interview with David
    • Fedora roadmap in early 2022

Information Gathering Session Take-Aways

  • Pros
    • it just works, we don't generally complain about it, its the best part of our stack.
    • "fedora 6 looks good"
    • they would like a black box that doesn't require staffing or expertise
    • cloud isn't on the horizon, its now. we've been seeing this and we're addressing
  • Cons
    • collective organizational issues around digital preservation
    • workflows; they are all different.  how does fedora fit into it
    • they now realize that some systems don't do digital preservation
    • backlog
    • av streaming – campuses don't provide it so the library starts doing it
    • research lifecycle and the way library systems can fit in to them
    • migrations, migrations, migrations
  • Discussion
    • has there been a competitive analysis of the repository space.  no there hasn't we don't know where to go about getting one.
    • migration services might be a thing to look into. LYRASIS is doing a project with OSU to explore migration services.
    • this is related to something rosalyn and este did last year, we think its generally a good idea to keep moving these sessions forward.
  • Upcoming sessions
    • A bunch of north american institutions and looking to schedule one for european institutions

General Housekeeping & Announcements

  • Elections
    • 1 Gold Level Seat
    • 2 Community-at-large Seats
    • Friday is the current deadline for submission; prefer to have one seat per institution
    • Note that the three individuals are outside of North America
  • Membership Status Update
  • Discussion
    • Fedora 6 inside.  How can we promote that Fedora is the base layer that is making it all work.  Something for the communications team to think about at their next sub-group meeting.

Fedora 6.0 Update

  • Hyrax
    • Does not use Valkyrie yet
    • Vakyrie is compatible with Fedora 6 but the adaptor will need to be written
    • This work hasn't been resourced yet
  • Avalon
    • Intention to move to Hyrax
    • Waiting on a number of non-AV related features to being that work

IMLS Grant Update

Action Items