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The following DSpace community members were nominated for the 2019 2020 DSpace Leadership Group election. There are three (3) available seats for Bronze members and three (3) available seats for Silver MembersAll nominees will be joining the DSpace Leadership Group.

Bronze Members

NameOrganizationTitle/RolePersonal Statement (can include an indication of the nominee's involvement/experience with DSpace at their institution and with the broader DSpace community and/or some detail about what the nominee believes should be the current priorities and/or long term strategies for the project).
Kimberly ChapmanUniversity of Arizona LibrariesDirector, Campus Repository Services
Sarah SwanzVanderbilt University

Librarian for Digital Media and Publishing, Digital Scholarship and Communications

I am less than one year into overseeing our institutional repository and still learning the nuances of DSpace, but have experience with other open access library publishing platforms. I am interested in how DSpace integrates with other platforms and keeping DSpace documentation up to date.
Paul ThirionUniversity of LiegeHead LibrarianWei XuanUniversity of ManitobaHead, Library SystemsI am the Head of Libraries Systems at University of Manitoba in Winnipeg, Canada. In my role, I work with several support staff to take care of all systems used at the Libraries, which include Fedora, Islandora, DSpace, Dataverse, Alma, Primo, etc. The University of Manitoba Libraries has been a supporter of Fedora for many years. I would like to take this opportunity to get more engaged with the community. I have been deeply involved in numerous projects focused on systems interoperability, data protection and accessibility. I served in the Fedora Leadership Group 2019-2020. I consistently obtain knowledge from the DSpace community and joining the leadership group will be a great way to give back.

Silver Members

NameOrganizationTitle/RolePersonal Statement (can include an indication of the nominee's involvement/experience with DSpace at their institution and with the broader DSpace community and/or some detail about what the nominee believes should be the current priorities and/or long term strategies for the project).
Tal AyalonWorld Bank GroupProject Manager, Open Knowledge Repository

The World Bank is one of the first and largest inter-governmental organizations to implement an open information policy regarding its documents, reports, publications and research outputs. The World Bank Open Knowledge Repository has been launched in 2012 to facilitate that policy.

If elected, I would see myself as a representative of DSpace community members that are not traditional academic institutions, and specifically IGOs. I believe that presenting innovation ideas based on the needs of these types of members would be beneficial to the whole community, as cross-pollination between the needs and ideas of all types of repositories built on DSpace is what assures the universality of DSpace across the institutional repository landscape and preserves its position as a leading platform for open access knowledge.

Holding an LL.B. from Tel Aviv University and an M.LIS. cum laude from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, I have been an information specialist working in the private sector as well as IGOs and government agencies for the past 18 years.

Joining the World Bank Group in 2017, I have been project manager of the Open Knowledge Repository after spending a portion of my career previous to that working on different institutional repositories and platforms.

As a member of the leadership group, I would first of all look forward to learning a lot from my counterparts and their DSpace experience, and also provide a less common perspective of a large world-wide organization, sure to enrich DSpace and continue its progress. The World Bank has contributed several new DSpace developments to the community and my candidacy is a continuation of this institutional goal of being a significant member of the DSpace community.

Scott HanrathUniversity of KansasAssociate Dean, Research Engagement

I've worked with the University of Kansas' DSpace repository KU ScholarWorks in various roles since 2007. KU ScholarWorks supports our faculty Open Access policy -- the first such policy adopted by faculty at a public university in the US -- and our theses and dissertations, as well as journal publishing efforts and other publication types, including research data. DSpace is one of several open source products we use and support, along with ArchivesSpace, Islandora, and Open Journals Systems. In my current role as Associate Dean I work with teams who support publishing and repository initiatives, scholarly communications outreach, library systems and discovery, and IT, among other groups.

DSpace is a key part piece of scholarly communications infrastructure at my institution. I'm interested in continuing on the DSpace Leadership Group to support the community's recent strides toward a more sustainable development model and increased community engagement and participation.

Barbara HirschmannETH ZurichHead, E-Publishing

At ETH Zurich, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, we run a DSpace repository (Research Collection) which hosts open access publications and research data from ETH Zurich and additionally it serves as an institutional bibliography feeding publication data to institutional websites as well as the academic reporting system.

In my role as project manager when implementing the Research Collection, I have acquired extensive knowledge of DSpace’s functionalities and underlying system concept. I since transitioned into a new role as Head of E-Publishing at ETH Library where I oversee both business processes as well ongoing product development related to our DSpace repository.

At ETH Library we are committed to contributing to a sustainable future development of DSpace. I am looking forward to a next term in the DSpace Leadership Group in order to bring the perspective of one of the Europe’s leading universities in science and technology into this group.

Andrew McLeanImperial College London
