Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


In `Parser/EPUB/EPUBParser.swift` return Adobe DRM (added code is bold):

Code Block
 private static func scanForDRM(in container: Container) -> DRM? {  
  /// LCP.
  // Check if a LCP license file is present in the container.
  if ((try? EPUBConstant.lcplFilePath)) != nil) {
     return DRM(brand: .lcp)
   return DRM(brand: .adobe)
   // return nil

    private static func scanForDRM(in container: Container) -> DRM? {

        /// LCP.

        // Check if a LCP license file is present in the container.

         if ((try? EPUBConstant.lcplFilePath)) != nil) {

             return DRM(brand: .lcp)


         return DRM(brand: .adobe)

         // return nil



In `Parser/EPUB/EPUBEncryptionParser.swift` added Adobe encryption scheme (added code in bold):

    func parseEncryptions() -> [String: Encryption] {

        guard let document = document else {

            return [:]


        var encryptions: [String: Encryption] = [:]


        // Loop through <EncryptedData> elements..



In `Parser/EPUB/EPUBEncryptionParser.swift` added Adobe encryption scheme (added code in bold):

Code Block
 func parseEncryptions() -> [String: Encryption] {
        guard let document = document else {
            return [:]
        var encryptions: [String: Encryption] = [:]
        // Loop through <EncryptedData> elements..

        for encryptedDataElement in document.xpath("./enc:EncryptedData")


            guard let algorithm = encryptedDataElement.firstChild(xpath: "enc:EncryptionMethod")?.attr(


                var resourceURI = encryptedDataElement.firstChild(xpath:"enc:CipherData/enc:CipherReference")?.attr("URI")






?.removingPercentEncoding else
            resourceURI = normalize(base: "/"


, href: resourceURI)
            var encryption = Encryption(algorithm: algorithm)


            // LCP. Tag LCP protected resources.


            let keyInfoURI = encryptedDataElement.firstChild(xpath: "ds:KeyInfo/ds:RetrievalMethod")?.attr("URI")


            if keyInfoURI == "license.lcpl#/encryption/content_key",


                drm?.brand == DRM.Brand.lcp




                 encryption.scheme = drm?.scheme.rawValue



             // LCP END.



             // LCP END.
             if drm?.brand


 == .adobe {
                 encryption.scheme = drm?.scheme.rawValue






In `Parser/EPUB/EPUBEncryptionParser.swift` changed how Adobe encryption scheme is assigned: 

Code Block
scheme = drm?.scheme.rawValue

In `Parser/EPUB/EPUBParser.swift` added `links` to the initialized publication

Code Block
publication.links = links



In `Simplified/Reader2/Internal/LibrayService.swift` init adds AdobeDRMLibraryService to drmLibraryServices array (added code in bold):  init

Code Block
  init(publicationServer: PublicationServer)


    self.publicationServer =


    #if LCP


    #if LCP








Decrypting Table of Contents

The current version of Readium 2 parses navigation document without decrypting it. As a result, the table of contents appears blank in the app. To show table of contents in the app, additional decryption was required, and LibraryService.swift parsePublication(at url: URL) function was modified (added code is bold):  private func

Code Block
private func parsePublication(at url: URL) -> PubBox?


    do {


    do {
      guard let (pubBox, parsingCallback) = try Publication.parse(at:


        return nil


      let (publication, container) = pubBox

      // TODO: SIMPLY-2840

      // Parse .ncx document to update TOC and page list if publication doesn't contain TOC

      // -- the code below should be removed as described in SIMPLY-2840 --

      if publication.tableOfContents.isEmpty {


 url) else {
        return nil
      let (publication, container) = pubBox
      // TODO: SIMPLY-2840
      // Parse .ncx document to update TOC and page list if publication doesn't contain TOC
      // -- the code below should be removed as described in SIMPLY-2840 --

      if publication.tableOfContents.isEmpty {
        publication.otherCollections.append(contentsOf: parseNCXDocument(in: container, links: publication.links))



      // -- end of cleanup --


      // -- end of cleanup --

      items[url.lastPathComponent] = (container, parsingCallback)


      return (publication,


    } catch {


    } catch {
      log(.error, "Error parsing publication at '\(url.absoluteString)': \(error.localizedDescription)")


      return nil



      return nil

And parseNCXDocument(from container: Container, to publication: inout Publication) function was added in an extension to LibraryService. 

The way Readium 2 creates Publication and Container objects may change in the future, the idea is to decrypt ncxDocumentData as shown below:

Original code:  private func

Code Block
private func parseNCXDocument(in container: Container, links: [Link]) -> [PublicationCollection]


      // Get the link in the readingOrder pointing to the NCX document.


      guard let ncxLink = links.first(withType:


          let ncxDocumentData = try? ncxLink.href)



          return []



          return []
      let ncx = NCXParser(data: ncxDocumentData, at: ncxLink.href)


      func makeCollection(_ type: NCXParser.NavType, role: String) -> PublicationCollection?


          let links = ncx.links(for: type)


          let links = ncx.links(for: type)
          guard !links.isEmpty else


              return nil



              return nil
          return PublicationCollection(role: role, links: links)



      return [


      return [
          makeCollection(.tableOfContents, role: "toc"),


          makeCollection(.pageList, role: "pageList")


      ].compactMap { $0 }

  }Modified code decrypts ncx data (in bold):  private func

Code Block
private func parseNCXDocument(in container: Container, links: [Link]) -> [PublicationCollection]



      // Get the link in the readingOrder pointing to the NCX document.


      guard let ncxLink = links.first(withType: .ncx),


          let ncxDocumentData = try? ncxLink.href)



          return []


      // this part is added to decrypt ncx data

      var data = ncxDocumentData

      let license = AdobeDRMLicense(for: container)


          return []
      // this part is added to decrypt ncx data
      var data = ncxDocumentData
      let license = AdobeDRMLicense(for: container)
      if let optionalDecipheredData = try? license.decipher(ncxDocumentData),


          let decipheredData = optionalDecipheredData {

          data = decipheredData


      // NCXParser here parses data instead of ncxDocumentData

      let ncx = NCXParser(data: data, at: ncxLink.href)

      func makeCollection(_ type: NCXParser.NavType, role: String) -> PublicationCollection? {


          let decipheredData = optionalDecipheredData {
          data = decipheredData
      // NCXParser here parses data instead of ncxDocumentData
      let ncx = NCXParser(data: data, at: ncxLink.href)
      func makeCollection(_ type: NCXParser.NavType, role: String) -> PublicationCollection? {
          let links = ncx.links(for: type)


          guard !links.isEmpty else {

              return nil



          guard !links.isEmpty else {
              return nil
          return PublicationCollection(role: role, links: links)



      return [


      return [
          makeCollection(.tableOfContents, role: "toc"),


          makeCollection(.pageList, role: "pageList")


      ].compactMap { $0 }





This workaround is temporary, the version of Readium 2 that supports multiple DRM services won’t need additional parsing of the navigation document, and this workaround should be removed.
